ABORT" x" --           *I* Compiles a ." followed by a ABORT.
AGAIN     I:a --       *I* Jump backwards to preceeding BEGIN.
BEGIN     -- I:a       *I* Marker for backward branching with
ELSE      I:a --       *I* Compiles a (fbr) and set branching
                       cell at a.
EXECUTE   a --         Execute wordref at addr a
IF        -- I:a       *I* Compiles a (fbr?) and pushes its
                       cell's addr
INTERPRET --           Get a line from stdin, compile it in tmp
                       memory, then execute the compiled
QUIT      R:drop --    Return to interpreter prompt immediately
RECURSE   R:I -- R:I-2 Run the current word again.
THEN      I:a --       *I* Set branching cell at a.     (cont.)