; A dictionary entry has this structure: ; - 8b name (zero-padded) ; - 2b prev pointer ; - 2b code pointer ; - Parameter field area (PFA) ; ; The code pointer point to "word routines". These routines expect to be called ; with IY pointing to the PFA. They themselves are expected to end by jumping ; to the address at the top of the Return Stack. They will usually do so with ; "jp exit". ; Execute a word containing native code at its PFA nativeWord: jp (iy) ; Execute a compiled word containing a list of references to other words, ; usually ended by a reference to EXIT. ; A reference to a word in a compiledWord section is *not* a direct reference, ; but a word+CODELINK_OFFSET reference. Therefore, for a code link "link", ; (link) is the routine to call. compiledWord: push iy \ pop hl inc hl inc hl ; HL points to next Interpreter pointer. call pushRS ld l, (iy) ld h, (iy+1) push hl \ pop iy ; IY points to code link jp executeCodeLink ; ( R:I -- ) EXIT: .db "EXIT", 0, 0, 0, 0 .dw 0 .dw nativeWord ; When we call the EXIT word, we have to do a "double exit" because our current ; Interpreter pointer is pointing to the word *next* to our EXIT reference when, ; in fact, we want to continue processing the one above it. call popRS exit: call popRS ; We have a pointer to a word push hl \ pop iy jp compiledWord BYE: .db "BYE" .fill 5 .dw EXIT .dw nativeWord ld hl, FLAGS set FLAG_ENDPGM, (hl) jp exit ; ( c -- ) EMIT: .db "EMIT", 0, 0, 0, 0 .dw BYE .dw nativeWord pop hl ld a, l call stdioPutC jp exit ; ( addr -- ) EXECUTE: .db "EXECUTE", 0 .dw EMIT .dw nativeWord pop iy ; Points to word_offset ld de, CODELINK_OFFSET add iy, de executeCodeLink: ld l, (iy) ld h, (iy+1) ; HL points to code pointer inc iy inc iy ; IY points to PFA jp (hl) ; go! ; ( -- c ) KEY: .db "KEY", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 .dw EXECUTE .dw nativeWord call stdioGetC ld h, 0 ld l, a push hl jp exit INTERPRET: .db "INTERPRE" .dw KEY .dw nativeWord interpret: call pad push hl \ pop iy call stdioReadLine ld (INPUTPOS), hl .loop: call readword jp nz, .loopend call compile jr nz, .notfound jr .loop .loopend: call compileExit call pad push hl \ pop iy jp compiledWord .notfound: ld hl, .msg call printstr jp exit .msg: .db "not found", 0 ; ( n -- ) DOT: .db "." .fill 7 .dw INTERPRET .dw nativeWord pop de call pad call fmtDecimalS call printstr jp exit