( BOOT DICT: There are only 3 words in the boot dict, but
  these words' offset need to be stable, so they're part of
  the "stable ABI" )
'E' A, 'X' A, 'I' A, 'T' A,
0 A,, ( prev )
4 A,
H@ XCURRENT !        ( set current tip of dict, 0x42 )
    0x17 A,          ( nativeWord )
    0x14 BCALL,      ( popRS )
    HL PUSHqq, IY POPqq, ( --> IP )
CODE (br)            ( 0x53 )
L2 BSET ( used in CBR )
    E 0 IY+ LDrIXY, D 1 IY+ LDrIXY,
    DE ADDIYss,