: _err (spid) ABORT" SDerr" ;

( Tight definition ahead, pre-comment.

  Initialize a SD card. This should be called at least 1ms
  after the powering up of the card. We begin by waking up the
  SD card. After power up, a SD card has to receive at least
  74 dummy clocks with CS and DI high. We send 80.
  Then send cmd0 for a maximum of 10 times, success is when
  we get 0x01. Then comes the CMD8. We send it with a 0x01aa
  argument and expect a 0x01aa argument back, along with a
  0x01 R1 response. After that, we need to repeatedly run
  CMD55+CMD41 (0x40000000) until the card goes out of idle
  mode, that is, when it stops sending us 0x01 response and
  send us 0x00 instead. Any other response means that
  initialization failed. )