# Using Zilog's SIO as a console The RC2014 has an optional module called the Dual Serial Module SIO/2 which is built around Zilog's SIO chip. This module is nice because when paired with the Dual Clock Module and when using port B, it's possible to run a UART with a baud rate lower than 115200. Collapse OS has a driver for it (although for now, only port A is supported by it). Let's use it. ## Gathering parts * A "classic" RC2014 * A Dual Serial Module SIO/2 ## Build the binary You'll have to edit the base recipe's xcomp unit like we do in the sdcard recipe. * Locate RC2014 recipe in blkfs * Locate SIO driver * The driver main page gives you references for declarations and for code. * In the base xcomp unit, replace ACIA declataions with SIO's * Replace ACIA code with SIO's * At the bottom, replace "ACIA$" with "SIO$". You can build with `make`. ## Setup After you've placed the binary on your RC2014's EEPROM, simply replace your regular Serial Module with the Dual Serial Module and plug yourself into port A. You should have a functional console.