Virgil Dupras 0e8af3cea4 forth: clarify the meaning of "wordref"
Also, make entry labels in dict.asm be wordref instead of entry ref.
2020-03-09 15:12:44 -04:00

269 lines
5.6 KiB

; Return address of scratchpad in HL
ld hl, (HERE)
jp addHL
; Read word from (INPUTPOS) and return, in HL, a null-terminated word.
; Advance (INPUTPOS) to the character following the whitespace ending the
; word.
; Z set of word was read, unset if end of line.
ld hl, (INPUTPOS)
; skip leading whitespace
dec hl ; offset leading "inc hl"
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
or a
jr z, .empty
cp ' '+1
jr c, .loop1
push hl ; --> lvl 1. that's our result
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
; special case: is A null? If yes, we will *not* inc A so that we don't
; go over the bounds of our input string.
or a
jr z, .noinc
cp ' '+1
jr nc, .loop2
; we've just read a whitespace, HL is pointing to it. Let's transform
; it into a null-termination, inc HL, then set (INPUTPOS).
xor a
ld (hl), a
inc hl
ld (INPUTPOS), hl
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1. our result
ret ; Z set from XOR A
ld (hl), a
inc a ; unset Z
push hl
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
ld a, (hl)
cp e
jr nz, .end ; no
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
cp d ; Z has our answer
pop hl
; Is RS' TOS pointing to a NUMBER word?
; Z if yes, NZ if no.
push de
ld de, NUMBER
call RSIsDE
pop de
; Is RS' TOS pointing to a LIT word?
; Z if yes, NZ if no.
push de
ld de, LIT
call RSIsDE
pop de
; Is RS' TOS pointing to EXIT?
; Z if yes, NZ if no.
push de
ld de, EXIT
call RSIsDE
pop de
; Skip the compword where RS' TOS is currently pointing. If it's a regular word,
; it's easy: we inc by 2. If it's a NUMBER, we inc by 4. If it's a LIT, we skip
; to after null-termination.
push hl
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
; At the minimum, we skip by 2
inc hl \ inc hl
jr z, .isNum
call RSIsLIT
jr nz, .end ; A word
; We have a literal
call strskip
inc hl ; byte after word termination
jr .end
; skip by 4
inc hl \ inc hl
; HL is good, write it to RS
ld (ix), l
ld (ix+1), h
pop hl
; Checks RS' TOS and, if it points to a string literal (LIT), makes HL point
; to it and advance IP to byte following null-termination.
; If it doesn't, things get interesting: If it's a word reference, then it's
; not an invalid literal. For example, one could want to redefine an existing
; word. So in that case, we'll copy the word's name on the pad (it might not be
; null-terminated) and set HL to point to it.
; How do we know that our reference is a word reference (it could be, for
; example, a NUMBER reference)? We check that its address is more than QUIT, the
; second word in our dict. We don't accept EXIT because it's the termination
; word. Yeah, it means that ";" can't be overridden...
; If name can't be read, we abort
; In all cases, we want RS' TOS in HL. Let's get it now.
ld l, (ix)
ld h, (ix+1)
call RSIsLIT
jr nz, .notLIT
; RS TOS is a LIT, make HL point to string, then skip this RS compword.
inc hl \ inc hl ; HL now points to string itself
jr compSkip
; Alright, not a literal, but is it a word? If it's not a number, then
; it's a word.
jr z, .notWord
; Not a number, then it's a word. Copy word to pad and point to it.
call intoHL
or a ; clear carry
sbc hl, de
; That's our return value
push hl ; --> lvl 1
; HL now points to word offset, let'd copy it to pad
ex de, hl
call pad
ex de, hl
ld bc, NAMELEN
; null-terminate
xor a
ld (de), a
call compSkip
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
ld hl, .msg
call printstr
jp abort
.db "word expected", 0
; For DE being a wordref, move DE to the previous wordref.
; Z is set if DE point to 0 (no entry). NZ if not.
dec de \ dec de ; prev field
call intoDE
; DE points to prev. Is it zero?
xor a
or d
or e
; Z will be set if DE is zero
; Find the entry corresponding to word where (HL) points to and sets DE to
; point to that entry.
; Z if found, NZ if not.
push hl
push bc
ld de, (CURRENT)
; DE is a wordref, let's go to beginning of struct
push de ; --> lvl 1
or a ; clear carry
ex de, hl
sbc hl, bc
ex de, hl ; We're good, DE points to word name
call strncmp
pop de ; <-- lvl 1, return to wordref
jr z, .end ; found
call prev
jr nz, .inner
; Z set? end of dict unset Z
inc a
pop bc
pop hl
; Write compiled data from HL into IY, advancing IY at the same time.
ld (iy), l
inc iy
ld (iy), h
inc iy
; Compile word string at (HL) and write down its compiled version in IY,
; advancing IY to the byte next to the last written byte.
call find
jr nz, .maybeNum
ex de, hl
jr wrCompHL
push hl ; --> lvl 1. save string addr
call parseLiteral
jr nz, .undef
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1
; a valid number!
ld hl, NUMBER
call wrCompHL
ex de, hl ; number in HL
jr wrCompHL
; When encountering an undefined word during compilation, we spit a
; reference to litWord, followed by the null-terminated word.
; This way, if a preceding word expect a string literal, it will read it
; by calling readCompWord, and if it doesn't, the routine will be
; called, triggering an abort.
ld hl, LIT
call wrCompHL
pop hl ; <-- lvl 1. recall string addr
ld a, (hl)
ld (iy), a
inc hl
inc iy
or a
jr nz, .writeLit
; Spit name + prev in (HERE) and adjust (HERE) and (CURRENT)
; HL points to new (HERE)
call readCompWord
call printstr
ld de, (HERE)
call strcpy
ex de, hl ; (HERE) now in HL
ld de, (CURRENT)
call addHL
ld (hl), e
inc hl
ld (hl), d
inc hl
ld (CURRENT), hl
ld (HERE), hl
xor a ; set Z