To straighten out includes and to pave the way into zasm being part of the same "include CFS" as parts, we make zasm includes namespaced.
43 lines
1.2 KiB
43 lines
1.2 KiB
TARGETS = shell/shell zasm/zasm runbin/runbin
KERNEL_HEADERS = shell/kernel.h zasm/kernel.h
USER_HEADERS = zasm/user.h
CFSPACK = ../cfspack/cfspack
.PHONY: all
all: $(TARGETS)
shell/kernel.h: shell/shell_.asm
zasm/kernel.h: zasm/glue.asm
scas -o - -I ../../parts/z80 $< | ./bin2c.sh KERNEL | tee $@ > /dev/null
zasm/user.h: zasm/user.asm
scas -o - -I ../../apps $< | ./bin2c.sh USERSPACE | tee $@ > /dev/null
zasm/includes.cfs: ../../parts/z80 $(CFSPACK)
cp -rf $< zasm/includes
find zasm/includes -name *.md -delete
find zasm/includes -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/;.*//g' {} \;
$(CFSPACK) zasm/includes > $@
rm -rf zasm/includes
zasm/includes.h: zasm/includes.cfs
./bin2c.sh FSDEV < $< | tee $@ > /dev/null
shell/shell: shell/shell.c libz80/libz80.o shell/kernel.h $(CFSPACK)
zasm/zasm: zasm/zasm.c libz80/libz80.o zasm/kernel.h zasm/user.h zasm/includes.h
runbin/runbin: runbin/runbin.c libz80/libz80.o
cc $< libz80/libz80.o -o $@
libz80/libz80.o: libz80/z80.c
make -C libz80/codegen opcodes
gcc -Wall -ansi -g -c -o libz80/libz80.o libz80/z80.c
make -C ../cfspack
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(TARGETS) $(KERNEL_HEADERS) $(USER_HEADERS) zasm/includes.*