Mirror of CollapseOS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines

  1. .org 0x6100
  2. .equ strncmp 0x3003
  3. .equ upcase @+3
  4. .equ findchar @+3
  5. .equ printstr @+3
  6. .equ printcrlf @+3
  7. .equ blkSet @+3
  8. .equ blkSel @+3
  9. .equ _blkGetB @+3
  10. .equ _blkPutB @+3
  11. .equ _blkSeek @+3
  12. .equ _blkTell @+3
  13. .equ fsFindFN @+3
  14. .equ fsOpen @+3
  15. .equ fsGetB @+3
  16. .equ fsPutB @+3
  17. .equ fsSetSize @+3
  18. .equ stdioPutC @+3
  19. .equ stdioReadLine @+3