Virgil Dupras 36cb1389e6 Add a C implementation of native words
This will soon replace the libz80 based "forth" and
"stage" executables. This is much, much faster.
2020-06-26 15:50:13 -04:00

393 lines
11 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vm.h"
// Port for block reads. Each read or write has to be done in 5 IO writes:
// 1 - r/w. 1 for read, 2 for write.
// 2 - blkid MSB
// 3 - blkid LSB
// 4 - dest addr MSB
// 5 - dest addr LSB
#define BLK_PORT 0x03
#ifndef BLKFS_PATH
#error BLKFS_PATH needed
#ifndef FBIN_PATH
#error FBIN_PATH needed
static VM vm;
static uint64_t blkop = 0; // 5 bytes
static FILE *blkfp;
static byte io_read(word addr)
addr &= 0xff;
IORD fn = vm.iord[addr];
if (fn != NULL) {
return fn();
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of bounds I/O read: %d\n", addr);
return 0;
static void io_write(word addr, byte val)
addr &= 0xff;
IOWR fn = vm.iowr[addr];
if (fn != NULL) {
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of bounds I/O write: %d / %d (0x%x)\n", addr, val, val);
static void iowr_blk(byte val)
blkop <<= 8;
blkop |= val;
byte rw = blkop >> 32;
if (rw) {
word blkid = (blkop >> 16);
word dest = blkop & 0xffff;
blkop = 0;
fseek(blkfp, blkid*1024, SEEK_SET);
if (rw==2) { // write
fwrite(&vm.mem[dest], 1024, 1, blkfp);
} else { // read
fread(&vm.mem[dest], 1024, 1, blkfp);
static word gw(word addr) { return vm.mem[addr+1] << 8 | vm.mem[addr]; }
static void sw(word addr, word val) {
vm.mem[addr] = val;
vm.mem[addr+1] = val >> 8;
static word pop() { return vm.mem[vm.SP++] | vm.mem[vm.SP++] << 8; }
static void push(word x) {
vm.SP -= 2; sw(vm.SP, x);
if (vm.SP < vm.minSP) { vm.minSP = vm.SP; }
static word popRS() { word x = gw(vm.RS); vm.RS -= 2; return x; }
static void pushRS(word val) {
vm.RS += 2; sw(vm.RS, val);
if (vm.RS > vm.maxRS) { vm.maxRS = vm.RS; }
static void execute(word wordref) {
byte wtype = vm.mem[wordref];
if (wtype == 0) { // native
} else if (wtype == 1) { // compiled
vm.IP = wordref+1;
} else { // cell or does
if (wtype == 4) {
vm.IP = gw(wordref+3);
static word find(word daddr, word waddr) {
byte len = vm.mem[waddr];
while (1) {
if ((vm.mem[daddr-1] & 0x7f) == len) {
if (strncmp(&vm.mem[waddr+1], &vm.mem[daddr-3-len], len) == 0) {
return daddr;
daddr -= 3;
word offset = gw(daddr);
if (offset) {
daddr -= offset;
} else {
return 0;
static void EXIT() { vm.IP = popRS(); }
static void _br_() { vm.IP += gw(vm.IP); };
static void _cbr_() { if (!pop()) { _br_(); } else { vm.IP += 2; } };
static void _loop_() {
word I = gw(vm.RS); I++; sw(vm.RS, I);
if (I == gw(vm.RS-2)) { // don't branch
popRS(); popRS();
vm.IP += 2;
} else { // branch
static void SP_to_R_2() { word x = pop(); pushRS(pop()); pushRS(x); }
static void nlit() { push(gw(vm.IP)); vm.IP += 2; }
static void slit() { push(vm.IP); vm.IP += vm.mem[vm.IP] + 1; }
static void SP_to_R() { pushRS(pop()); }
static void R_to_SP() { push(popRS()); }
static void R_to_SP_2() { word x = popRS(); push(popRS()); push(x); }
static void EXECUTE() { execute(pop()); }
static void ROT() { // a b c -- b c a
word c = pop(); word b = pop(); word a = pop();
push(b); push(c); push(a);
static void DUP() { // a -- a a
word a = pop(); push(a); push(a);
static void CDUP() {
word a = pop(); push(a); if (a) { push(a); }
static void DROP() { pop(); }
static void SWAP() { // a b -- b a
word b = pop(); word a = pop();
push(b); push(a);
static void OVER() { // a b -- a b a
word b = pop(); word a = pop();
push(a); push(b); push(a);
static void PICK() {
word x = pop();
static void _roll_() { // "1 2 3 4 4 (roll)" --> "1 3 4 4"
word x = pop();
while (x) { vm.mem[vm.SP+x+2] = vm.mem[vm.SP+x]; x--; }
static void DROP2() { pop(); pop(); }
static void DUP2() { // a b -- a b a b
word b = pop(); word a = pop();
push(a); push(b); push(a); push(b);
static void S0() { push(SP_ADDR); }
static void Saddr() { push(vm.SP); }
static void AND() { push(pop() & pop()); }
static void OR() { push(pop() | pop()); }
static void XOR() { push(pop() ^ pop()); }
static void NOT() { push(!pop()); }
static void PLUS() { push(pop() + pop()); }
static void MINUS() {
word b = pop(); word a = pop();
push(a - b);
static void MULT() { push(pop() * pop()); }
static void DIVMOD() {
word b = pop(); word a = pop();
push(a % b); push(a / b);
static void STORE() {
word a = pop(); word val = pop();
sw(a, val);
static void FETCH() { push(gw(pop())); }
static void CSTORE() {
word a = pop(); word val = pop();
vm.mem[a] = val;
static void CFETCH() { push(vm.mem[pop()]); }
static void IO_OUT() {
word a = pop(); word val = pop();
io_write(a, val);
static void IO_IN() { push(io_read(pop())); }
static void RI() { push(gw(vm.RS)); }
static void RI_() { push(gw(vm.RS-2)); }
static void RJ() { push(gw(vm.RS-4)); }
static void BYE() { vm.running = false; }
static void _resSP_() { vm.SP = SP_ADDR; }
static void _resRS_() { vm.RS = RS_ADDR; }
static void Seq() {
word s1 = pop(); word s2 = pop();
byte len = vm.mem[s1];
if (len == vm.mem[s2]) {
s1++; s2++;
push(strncmp(&vm.mem[s1], &vm.mem[s2], len) == 0);
} else {
static void CMP() {
word b = pop(); word a = pop();
if (a == b) { push(0); } else if (a > b) { push(1); } else { push(-1); }
static void _find() {
word waddr = pop(); word daddr = pop();
daddr = find(daddr, waddr);
if (daddr) {
push(daddr); push(1);
} else {
push(waddr); push(0);
static void ZERO() { push(0); }
static void ONE() { push(1); }
static void MONE() { push(-1); }
static void PLUS1() { push(pop()+1); }
static void MINUS1() { push(pop()-1); }
static void MINUS2() { push(pop()-2); }
static void PLUS2() { push(pop()+2); }
static void RSHIFT() { word u = pop(); push(pop()>>u); }
static void LSHIFT() { word u = pop(); push(pop()<<u); }
// create a native word with a specific target offset. target is addr of
// wordref.
static void create_native_t(word target, char *name, NativeWord func) {
int len = strlen(name);
strcpy(&vm.mem[target-len-3], name);
word prev_off = target - 3 - vm.xcurrent;
sw(target-3, prev_off);
vm.mem[target-1] = len;
vm.mem[target] = 0; // native word type
vm.mem[target+1] = vm.nativew_count;
vm.nativew[vm.nativew_count++] = func;
vm.xcurrent = target;
For the initial bootstrap of the C VM, we treat every native word as a stable
word, giving it exactly the same memory offset as we have in the z80 forth.bin.
This will greatly simplify the initial bootstrap because we'll be able to
directly plug the "core words" part of forth.bin into our C VM and run it.
Once we have that, we can de-stabilize the native words that aren't part of the
stable ABI and bootstrap ourselves from ourselves. Good plan, right?
VM* VM_init() {
fprintf(stderr, "Using blkfs %s\n", BLKFS_PATH);
blkfp = fopen(BLKFS_PATH, "r+");
if (!blkfp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open\n");
return NULL;
fseek(blkfp, 0, SEEK_END);
if (ftell(blkfp) < 100 * 1024) {
fprintf(stderr, "emul/blkfs too small, something's wrong, aborting.\n");
return NULL;
fseek(blkfp, 0, SEEK_SET);
// initialize memory
memset(vm.mem, 0, 0x10000);
FILE *bfp = fopen(FBIN_PATH, "r");
if (!bfp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open forth.bin\n");
return NULL;
int i = 0;
int c = getc(bfp);
while (c != EOF) {
vm.mem[i++] = c;
c = getc(bfp);
vm.SP = SP_ADDR;
vm.RS = RS_ADDR;
vm.minSP = SP_ADDR;
vm.maxRS = RS_ADDR;
vm.nativew_count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<0x100; i++) {
vm.iord[i] = NULL;
vm.iowr[i] = NULL;
vm.iowr[BLK_PORT] = iowr_blk;
vm.xcurrent = 0x3f; // make EXIT's prev field 0
create_native_t(0x42, "EXIT", EXIT);
create_native_t(0x53, "(br)", _br_);
create_native_t(0x67, "(?br)", _cbr_);
create_native_t(0x80, "(loop)", _loop_);
create_native_t(0xa9, "2>R", SP_to_R_2);
create_native_t(0xbf, "(n)", nlit);
create_native_t(0xd4, "(s)", slit);
// End of stable ABI
create_native_t(0xe7, ">R", SP_to_R);
create_native_t(0xf4, "R>", R_to_SP);
create_native_t(0x102, "2R>", R_to_SP_2);
create_native_t(0x1d4, "EXECUTE", EXECUTE);
create_native_t(0x1e1, "ROT", ROT);
create_native_t(0x1f4, "DUP", DUP);
create_native_t(0x205, "?DUP", CDUP);
create_native_t(0x21a, "DROP", DROP);
create_native_t(0x226, "SWAP", SWAP);
create_native_t(0x238, "OVER", OVER);
create_native_t(0x24b, "PICK", PICK);
create_native_t(0x26c, "(roll)", _roll_);
create_native_t(0x283, "2DROP", DROP2);
create_native_t(0x290, "2DUP", DUP2);
create_native_t(0x2a2, "S0", S0);
create_native_t(0x2af, "'S", Saddr);
create_native_t(0x2be, "AND", AND);
create_native_t(0x2d3, "OR", OR);
create_native_t(0x2e9, "XOR", XOR);
create_native_t(0x2ff, "NOT", NOT);
create_native_t(0x314, "+", PLUS);
create_native_t(0x323, "-", MINUS);
create_native_t(0x334, "*", MULT);
create_native_t(0x358, "/MOD", DIVMOD);
create_native_t(0x37c, "!", STORE);
create_native_t(0x389, "@", FETCH);
create_native_t(0x39a, "C!", CSTORE);
create_native_t(0x3a6, "C@", CFETCH);
create_native_t(0x3b8, "PC!", IO_OUT);
create_native_t(0x3c6, "PC@", IO_IN);
create_native_t(0x3d7, "I", RI);
create_native_t(0x3e7, "I'", RI_);
create_native_t(0x3f6, "J", RJ);
create_native_t(0x407, "BYE", BYE);
create_native_t(0x416, "(resSP)", _resSP_);
create_native_t(0x427, "(resRS)", _resRS_);
create_native_t(0x434, "S=", Seq);
create_native_t(0x457, "CMP", CMP);
create_native_t(0x476, "_find", _find);
create_native_t(0x4a4, "0", ZERO);
create_native_t(0x4b0, "1", ONE);
create_native_t(0x4bd, "-1", MONE);
create_native_t(0x4ca, "1+", PLUS1);
create_native_t(0x4d9, "1-", MINUS1);
create_native_t(0x4e8, "2+", PLUS2);
create_native_t(0x4f8, "2-", MINUS2);
create_native_t(0x50c, "RSHIFT", RSHIFT);
create_native_t(0x52a, "LSHIFT", LSHIFT);
vm.IP = gw(0x04) + 1; // BOOT
sw(SYSVARS+0x02, gw(0x08)); // CURRENT
sw(SYSVARS+0x04, gw(0x08)); // HERE
vm.running = true;
return &vm;
void VM_deinit()
bool VM_steps(int n) {
if (!vm.running) {
fprintf(stderr, "machine halted!\n");
return false;
while (n && vm.running) {
word wordref = gw(vm.IP);
vm.IP += 2;
return vm.running;
void VM_memdump() {
fprintf(stderr, "Dumping memory to memdump. IP %04x\n", vm.IP);
FILE *fp = fopen("memdump", "w");
fwrite(vm.mem, 0x10000, 1, fp);
void VM_debugstr(char *s) {
sprintf(s, "SP %04x (%04x) RS %04x (%04x)",
vm.SP, vm.minSP, vm.RS, vm.maxRS);
void VM_printdbg() {
char buf[0x100];
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);