Mirror of CollapseOS
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14 lines

  1. ( also works for cc )
  2. 0xc0 OP1r RETcc,
  3. ( r -- )
  4. : OP1r0
  5. CREATE C,
  6. DOES>
  7. C@ ( r op )
  8. OR A,
  9. ;
  10. 0x80 OP1r0 ADDr, 0x88 OP1r0 ADCr,
  11. 0xa0 OP1r0 ANDr, 0xb8 OP1r0 CPr,
  12. 0xb0 OP1r0 ORr, 0x90 OP1r0 SUBr,
  13. 0x98 OP1r0 SBCr, 0xa8 OP1r0 XORr,