Mirror of CollapseOS
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17 lines

  1. JRNZ, L2 FWR ( loopend )
  2. ( match, let's compare the string then )
  3. DE DECss, ( Skip prev field. One less because we )
  4. DE DECss, ( pre-decrement )
  5. B C LDrr, ( loop C times )
  6. BEGIN, ( loop )
  7. ( pre-decrement for easier Z matching )
  8. DE DECss,
  9. HL DECss,
  10. LDA(DE),
  11. (HL) CPr,
  12. JRNZ, L3 FWR ( loopend )
  13. DJNZ, AGAIN, ( loop )
  14. L2 FSET L3 FSET ( loopend )
  15. ( cont. )