2019-11-19 20:43:01 -05:00

118 lines
2.7 KiB

; *** Consts ***
; maximum number of lines (line number maximum, however, is always 0xffff)
.equ BUF_MAXLINES 0x100
; Size of the string pool
.equ BUF_POOLSIZE 0x1000
; *** Variables ***
; A pointer to the first free line
; A pointer to the first free byte in the pool
.equ BUF_PFREE @+2
; The line index. Each record consists of 4 bytes: 2 for line number,
; 2 for pointer to string in pool. Kept in order of line numbers.
.equ BUF_LINES @+2
; The line pool. A list of null terminated strings. BUF_LINES records point
; to those strings.
ld hl, BUF_LINES
ld (BUF_LFREE), hl
ld hl, BUF_POOL
ld (BUF_PFREE), hl
; Add line at (HL) with line number DE to the buffer. The string at (HL) should
; not contain the line number prefix or the whitespace between the line number
; and the comment.
; Note that an empty string is *not* an error. It will be saved as a line.
; Z for success.
; Error conditions are:
; * not enough space in the pool
; * not enough space in the line index
exx ; preserve HL and DE
; First step: do we have index space?
ld hl, (BUF_LFREE)
ld de, BUF_POOL
or a ; reset carry
sbc hl, de
exx ; restore
; no carry? HL >= BUF_POOL, error. Z already unset
ret nc
; Second step: see if we're within the pool's bounds
call strlen
inc a ; strlen doesn't include line termination
exx ; preserve HL and DE
ld hl, (BUF_PFREE)
call addHL
sbc hl, de
exx ; restore
; no carry? HL >= BUF_RAMEND, error. Z already unset
ret nc
; We have enough space.
; Third step: set line index data
push de ; --> lvl 1
push hl ; --> lvl 2
ld hl, (BUF_LFREE)
ld (hl), e
inc hl
ld (hl), d
inc hl
ld de, (BUF_PFREE)
ld (hl), e
inc hl
ld (hl), d
inc hl
ld (BUF_LFREE), hl
pop hl \ push hl ; <-- lvl 2, restore and preserve
; Fourth step: copy string to pool
ld de, (BUF_PFREE)
call strcpyM
ld (BUF_PFREE), de
pop hl ; <-- lvl 2
pop de ; <-- lvl 1
; Set IX to point to the beginning of the pool.
; Z set if (IX) is a valid line, unset if the pool is empty.
ld ix, BUF_LINES
jp bufEOF
; Given a valid line record in IX, move IX to the next line.
; This routine doesn't check that IX is valid. Ensure IX validity before
; calling.
inc ix \ inc ix \ inc ix \ inc ix
jp bufEOF
; Returns whether line index at IX is past the end of file, that is,
; whether IX == (BUF_LFREE)
; Z is set when not EOF, unset when EOF.
push hl
push de
push ix \ pop hl
ld de, (BUF_LFREE)
sbc hl, de
jr z, .empty
cp a ; ensure Z
pop de
pop hl
call unsetZ
jr .end
; Given a line index in (IX), set HL to its associated string pointer.
ld l, (ix+2)
ld h, (ix+3)