Mirror of CollapseOS
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16 line

  1. : _blen ( buf -- length of str in buf )
  2. DUP BEGIN C@+ EOL? UNTIL -^ 1- ;
  3. : _rbufsz ( size of linebuf to the right of curpos )
  4. EDPOS @ 64 MOD 63 -^ ;
  5. : _I
  6. IBUF _type _rbufsz IBUF _blen 2DUP > IF
  7. SWAP OVER - ( ilen chars-to-move )
  8. SWAP EDPOS @ _cpos 2DUP + ( ctm ilen a a+ilen )
  9. 3 PICK MOVE- ( ctm ilen )
  10. SWAP DROP ( ilen )
  11. ELSE DROP ( ilen becomes rbuffsize )
  12. THEN
  13. DUP IBUF EDPOS @ _cpos ROT MOVE ( ilen )
  14. EDPOS +! EDPOS @ 64 / _pln
  15. ;