Mirror of CollapseOS
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20 lines

  1. # See /doc/hw/z80/trs80.txt
  2. TARGET = os.bin
  3. BASE = ../../..
  4. BLKPACK = $(BASE)/tools/blkpack
  5. STAGE = $(BASE)/cvm/stage
  6. .PHONY: all
  7. all: $(TARGET)
  8. $(TARGET): xcomp.fs $(STAGE) blkfs
  9. cat xcomp.fs | $(STAGE) blkfs > $@
  10. $(BLKPACK):
  11. $(MAKE) -C ../tools
  12. blkfs: $(BLKPACK)
  13. cat $(BASE)/blk.fs blk.fs | $(BLKPACK) > $@
  14. $(STAGE):
  15. $(MAKE) -C $(BASE)/cvm stage