Mirror of CollapseOS
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26 lines

  1. ; *** Errors ***
  2. ; We start error at 0x10 to avoid overlapping with shell errors
  3. ; Unknown instruction or directive
  4. .equ ERR_UNKNOWN 0x11
  5. ; Bad argument: Doesn't match any constant argspec or, if an expression,
  6. ; contains references to undefined symbols.
  7. .equ ERR_BAD_ARG 0x12
  8. ; Code is badly formatted (comma without a following arg, unclosed quote, etc.)
  9. .equ ERR_BAD_FMT 0x13
  10. ; Value specified doesn't fit in its destination byte or word
  11. .equ ERR_OVFL 0x14
  12. .equ ERR_FILENOTFOUND 0x15
  13. ; Duplicate symbol
  14. .equ ERR_DUPSYM 0x16
  15. ; Out of memory
  16. .equ ERR_OOM 0x17
  17. ; *** Other ***
  18. .equ ZASM_DEBUG_PORT 42