Mirror of CollapseOS
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17 lines

  1. ( DE contains prev offset )
  2. HL POPqq, ( <-- lvl 2 )
  3. ( HL is prev field's addr. Is offset zero? )
  4. A D LDrr,
  5. E ORr,
  6. IFNZ,
  7. ( get absolute addr from offset )
  8. ( carry cleared from "or e" )
  9. DE SBCHLss,
  10. EXDEHL, ( result in DE )
  11. THEN,
  12. HL POPqq, ( <-- lvl 1 )
  13. JRNZ, AGAIN, ( inner-B292, try to match again )
  14. ( Z set? end of dict, unset Z )
  15. ( cont. )