A unf. social network done poorly.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines

  1. <?php
  2. // Sites email address...
  3. $noReplyEmail = 'no-reply@blabla.com';
  4. $siteEmail = 'admin@blabla.com';
  5. $siteEmailLink = "<a href=\"mailto://$siteEmail\">Contact Us</a>";
  6. $siteName = 'www.blabla.com';
  7. // Salts for password security...
  8. $salt = "53f67fe15511417eab07f21dac3e859774711e9d7f9de204d44890bd917510a6"; // 64
  9. $aSalt = "0bb643f05e663b44a7faee0e1492e309183103c88f5e688955214b8d2d292ede"; // 64.
  10. // Salts for public token security..
  11. // DB name and user details. -- rename the variables.
  12. $dbHost = 'localhost';
  13. $dbUser = 'root';
  14. $dbPass = 'password';
  15. $dbName = 'socialtune';
  16. ?>