Tinyboard is an imageboard software package written in PHP. It aims to maintain a stable, fast, clean and user-friendly engine for imageboards. Development for Tinyboard started in October 2010 and the project is being lead by [OmegaSDG][o] ("Omega Software Develop Group"). You can contact the development team over IRC at irc.n0v4.com #tinyboard.
Tinyboard is not currently at a stable state.
[o]: http://omegadev.org/
## Installation
1. Tinyboard requires a MySQL database and a user to work. Create one.
2. Import 'install.sql' into the database. There are several ways to do this.
3. Edit 'instance-config.php' to suit your installation. You should copy some values from '[inc/config.php][c]' to redefine them in the instance-config.