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pages.php 115KB

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  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Tinyboard Development Group
  4. */
  5. defined('TINYBOARD') or exit;
  6. function mod_page($title, $template, $args, $subtitle = false) {
  7. global $config, $mod;
  8. echo Element('page.html', array(
  9. 'config' => $config,
  10. 'mod' => $mod,
  11. 'hide_dashboard_link' => $template == 'mod/dashboard.html',
  12. 'title' => $title,
  13. 'subtitle' => $subtitle,
  14. 'boardlist' => createBoardlist($mod),
  15. 'body' => Element($template,
  16. array_merge(
  17. array('config' => $config, 'mod' => $mod),
  18. $args
  19. )
  20. )
  21. )
  22. );
  23. }
  24. function mod_login($redirect = false) {
  25. global $config;
  26. $args = array();
  27. if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
  28. // Check if inputs are set and not empty
  29. if (!isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']) || $_POST['username'] == '' || $_POST['password'] == '') {
  30. $args['error'] = $config['error']['invalid'];
  31. } elseif (!login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
  32. if ($config['syslog'])
  33. _syslog(LOG_WARNING, 'Unauthorized login attempt!');
  34. $args['error'] = $config['error']['invalid'];
  35. } else {
  36. modLog('Logged in');
  37. // Login successful
  38. // Set cookies
  39. setCookies();
  40. if ($redirect)
  41. header('Location: ?' . $redirect, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  42. else
  43. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  44. }
  45. }
  46. if (isset($_POST['username']))
  47. $args['username'] = $_POST['username'];
  48. mod_page(_('Login'), 'mod/login.html', $args);
  49. }
  50. function mod_confirm($request) {
  51. $args = array('request' => $request, 'token' => make_secure_link_token($request));
  52. if(isset($_GET['thread'])) {
  53. $args['rest'] = 'thread=' . $_GET['thread'];
  54. }
  55. mod_page(_('Confirm action'), 'mod/confirm.html', $args);
  56. }
  57. function mod_logout() {
  58. global $config;
  59. destroyCookies();
  60. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  61. }
  62. function mod_dashboard() {
  63. global $config, $mod;
  64. $args = array();
  65. $args['boards'] = listBoards();
  66. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['noticeboard'])) {
  67. if (!$config['cache']['enabled'] || !$args['noticeboard'] = cache::get('noticeboard_preview')) {
  68. $query = prepare("SELECT ``noticeboard``.*, `username` FROM ``noticeboard`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `mod` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :limit");
  69. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['noticeboard_dashboard'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  70. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  71. $args['noticeboard'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  72. if ($config['cache']['enabled'])
  73. cache::set('noticeboard_preview', $args['noticeboard']);
  74. }
  75. }
  76. if (!$config['cache']['enabled'] || ($args['unread_pms'] = cache::get('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id'])) === false) {
  77. $query = prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``pms`` WHERE `to` = :id AND `unread` = 1');
  78. $query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id']);
  79. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  80. $args['unread_pms'] = $query->fetchColumn();
  81. if ($config['cache']['enabled'])
  82. cache::set('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id'], $args['unread_pms']);
  83. }
  84. $query = query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``reports``') or error(db_error($query));
  85. $args['reports'] = $query->fetchColumn();
  86. if ($mod['type'] >= ADMIN && $config['check_updates']) {
  87. if (!$config['version'])
  88. error(_('Could not find current version! (Check .installed)'));
  89. if (isset($_COOKIE['update'])) {
  90. $latest = unserialize($_COOKIE['update']);
  91. } else {
  92. $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 5)));
  93. if ($code = @file_get_contents('', 0, $ctx)) {
  94. $ver = strtok($code, "\n");
  95. if (preg_match('@^// v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*?$@', $ver, $matches)) {
  96. $latest = array(
  97. 'massive' => $matches[1],
  98. 'major' => $matches[2],
  99. 'minor' => $matches[3]
  100. );
  101. if (preg_match('/(\d+)\.(\d)\.(\d+)(-dev.+)?$/', $config['version'], $matches)) {
  102. $current = array(
  103. 'massive' => (int) $matches[1],
  104. 'major' => (int) $matches[2],
  105. 'minor' => (int) $matches[3]
  106. );
  107. if (isset($m[4])) {
  108. // Development versions are always ahead in the versioning numbers
  109. $current['minor'] --;
  110. }
  111. // Check if it's newer
  112. if (!( $latest['massive'] > $current['massive'] ||
  113. $latest['major'] > $current['major'] ||
  114. ($latest['massive'] == $current['massive'] &&
  115. $latest['major'] == $current['major'] &&
  116. $latest['minor'] > $current['minor']
  117. )))
  118. $latest = false;
  119. } else {
  120. $latest = false;
  121. }
  122. } else {
  123. // Couldn't get latest version
  124. $latest = false;
  125. }
  126. } else {
  127. // Couldn't get latest version
  128. $latest = false;
  129. }
  130. setcookie('update', serialize($latest), time() + $config['check_updates_time'], $config['cookies']['jail'] ? $config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off', true);
  131. }
  132. if ($latest)
  133. $args['newer_release'] = $latest;
  134. }
  135. $args['logout_token'] = make_secure_link_token('logout');
  136. mod_page(_('Dashboard'), 'mod/dashboard.html', $args);
  137. }
  138. function mod_search_redirect() {
  139. global $config;
  140. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['search']))
  141. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  142. if (isset($_POST['query'], $_POST['type']) && in_array($_POST['type'], array('posts', 'IP_notes', 'bans', 'log'))) {
  143. $query = $_POST['query'];
  144. $query = urlencode($query);
  145. $query = str_replace('_', '%5F', $query);
  146. $query = str_replace('+', '_', $query);
  147. if ($query === '') {
  148. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  149. return;
  150. }
  151. header('Location: ?/search/' . $_POST['type'] . '/' . $query, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  152. } else {
  153. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  154. }
  155. }
  156. function mod_search($type, $search_query_escaped, $page_no = 1) {
  157. global $pdo, $config;
  158. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['search']))
  159. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  160. // Unescape query
  161. $query = str_replace('_', ' ', $search_query_escaped);
  162. $query = urldecode($query);
  163. $search_query = $query;
  164. // Form a series of LIKE clauses for the query.
  165. // This gets a little complicated.
  166. // Escape "escape" character
  167. $query = str_replace('!', '!!', $query);
  168. // Escape SQL wildcard
  169. $query = str_replace('%', '!%', $query);
  170. // Use asterisk as wildcard instead
  171. $query = str_replace('*', '%', $query);
  172. $query = str_replace('`', '!`', $query);
  173. // Array of phrases to match
  174. $match = array();
  175. // Exact phrases ("like this")
  176. if (preg_match_all('/"(.+?)"/', $query, $exact_phrases)) {
  177. $exact_phrases = $exact_phrases[1];
  178. foreach ($exact_phrases as $phrase) {
  179. $query = str_replace("\"{$phrase}\"", '', $query);
  180. $match[] = $pdo->quote($phrase);
  181. }
  182. }
  183. // Non-exact phrases (ie. plain keywords)
  184. $keywords = explode(' ', $query);
  185. foreach ($keywords as $word) {
  186. if (empty($word))
  187. continue;
  188. $match[] = $pdo->quote($word);
  189. }
  190. // Which `field` to search?
  191. if ($type == 'posts')
  192. $sql_field = array('body_nomarkup', 'files', 'subject', 'filehash', 'ip', 'name', 'trip');
  193. if ($type == 'IP_notes')
  194. $sql_field = 'body';
  195. if ($type == 'bans')
  196. $sql_field = 'reason';
  197. if ($type == 'log')
  198. $sql_field = 'text';
  199. // Build the "LIKE 'this' AND LIKE 'that'" etc. part of the SQL query
  200. $sql_like = '';
  201. foreach ($match as $phrase) {
  202. if (!empty($sql_like))
  203. $sql_like .= ' AND ';
  204. $phrase = preg_replace('/^\'(.+)\'$/', '\'%$1%\'', $phrase);
  205. if (is_array($sql_field)) {
  206. foreach ($sql_field as $field) {
  207. $sql_like .= '`' . $field . '` LIKE ' . $phrase . ' ESCAPE \'!\' OR';
  208. }
  209. $sql_like = preg_replace('/ OR$/', '', $sql_like);
  210. } else {
  211. $sql_like .= '`' . $sql_field . '` LIKE ' . $phrase . ' ESCAPE \'!\'';
  212. }
  213. }
  214. // Compile SQL query
  215. if ($type == 'posts') {
  216. $query = '';
  217. $boards = listBoards();
  218. if (empty($boards))
  219. error(_('There are no boards to search!'));
  220. foreach ($boards as $board) {
  221. openBoard($board['uri']);
  222. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['search_posts'], $board['uri']))
  223. continue;
  224. if (!empty($query))
  225. $query .= ' UNION ALL ';
  226. $query .= sprintf("SELECT *, '%s' AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE %s", $board['uri'], $board['uri'], $sql_like);
  227. }
  228. // You weren't allowed to search any boards
  229. if (empty($query))
  230. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  231. $query .= ' ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `id` DESC';
  232. }
  233. if ($type == 'IP_notes') {
  234. $query = 'SELECT * FROM ``ip_notes`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE ' . $sql_like . ' ORDER BY `time` DESC';
  235. $sql_table = 'ip_notes';
  236. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['view_notes']) || !hasPermission($config['mod']['show_ip']))
  237. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  238. }
  239. if ($type == 'bans') {
  240. $query = 'SELECT ``bans``.*, `username` FROM ``bans`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `creator` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE ' . $sql_like . ' ORDER BY (`expires` IS NOT NULL AND `expires` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()), `created` DESC';
  241. $sql_table = 'bans';
  242. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['view_banlist']))
  243. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  244. }
  245. if ($type == 'log') {
  246. $query = 'SELECT `username`, `mod`, `ip`, `board`, `time`, `text` FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE ' . $sql_like . ' ORDER BY `time` DESC';
  247. $sql_table = 'modlogs';
  248. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['modlog']))
  249. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  250. }
  251. // Execute SQL query (with pages)
  252. $q = query($query . ' LIMIT ' . (($page_no - 1) * $config['mod']['search_page']) . ', ' . $config['mod']['search_page']) or error(db_error());
  253. $results = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  254. // Get total result count
  255. if ($type == 'posts') {
  256. $q = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ($query) AS `tmp_table`") or error(db_error());
  257. $result_count = $q->fetchColumn();
  258. } else {
  259. $q = query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . $sql_table . '` WHERE ' . $sql_like) or error(db_error());
  260. $result_count = $q->fetchColumn();
  261. }
  262. if ($type == 'bans') {
  263. foreach ($results as &$ban) {
  264. $ban['mask'] = Bans::range_to_string(array($ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']));
  265. if (filter_var($ban['mask'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false)
  266. $ban['single_addr'] = true;
  267. }
  268. }
  269. if ($type == 'posts') {
  270. foreach ($results as &$post) {
  271. $post['snippet'] = pm_snippet($post['body']);
  272. }
  273. }
  274. // $results now contains the search results
  275. mod_page(_('Search results'), 'mod/search_results.html', array(
  276. 'search_type' => $type,
  277. 'search_query' => $search_query,
  278. 'search_query_escaped' => $search_query_escaped,
  279. 'result_count' => $result_count,
  280. 'results' => $results
  281. ));
  282. }
  283. function mod_edit_board($boardName) {
  284. global $board, $config;
  285. if (!openBoard($boardName))
  286. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  287. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['manageboards'], $board['uri']))
  288. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  289. if (isset($_POST['title'], $_POST['subtitle'])) {
  290. if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
  291. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['manageboards'], $board['uri']))
  292. error($config['error']['deleteboard']);
  293. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``boards`` WHERE `uri` = :uri');
  294. $query->bindValue(':uri', $board['uri']);
  295. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  296. if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
  297. cache::delete('board_' . $board['uri']);
  298. cache::delete('all_boards');
  299. }
  300. modLog('Deleted board: ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']), false);
  301. // Delete posting table
  302. $query = query(sprintf('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ``posts_%s``', $board['uri'])) or error(db_error());
  303. // Clear reports
  304. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `board` = :id');
  305. $query->bindValue(':id', $board['uri'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  306. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  307. // Delete from table
  308. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``boards`` WHERE `uri` = :uri');
  309. $query->bindValue(':uri', $board['uri'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  310. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  311. $query = prepare("SELECT `board`, `post` FROM ``cites`` WHERE `target_board` = :board ORDER BY `board`");
  312. $query->bindValue(':board', $board['uri']);
  313. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  314. while ($cite = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  315. if ($board['uri'] != $cite['board']) {
  316. if (!isset($tmp_board))
  317. $tmp_board = $board;
  318. openBoard($cite['board']);
  319. rebuildPost($cite['post']);
  320. }
  321. }
  322. if (isset($tmp_board))
  323. $board = $tmp_board;
  324. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``cites`` WHERE `board` = :board OR `target_board` = :board');
  325. $query->bindValue(':board', $board['uri']);
  326. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  327. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``antispam`` WHERE `board` = :board');
  328. $query->bindValue(':board', $board['uri']);
  329. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  330. // Remove board from users/permissions table
  331. $query = query('SELECT `id`,`boards` FROM ``mods``') or error(db_error());
  332. while ($user = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  333. $user_boards = explode(',', $user['boards']);
  334. if (in_array($board['uri'], $user_boards)) {
  335. unset($user_boards[array_search($board['uri'], $user_boards)]);
  336. $_query = prepare('UPDATE ``mods`` SET `boards` = :boards WHERE `id` = :id');
  337. $_query->bindValue(':boards', implode(',', $user_boards));
  338. $_query->bindValue(':id', $user['id']);
  339. $_query->execute() or error(db_error($_query));
  340. }
  341. }
  342. // Delete entire board directory
  343. rrmdir($board['uri'] . '/');
  344. } else {
  345. $query = prepare('UPDATE ``boards`` SET `title` = :title, `subtitle` = :subtitle WHERE `uri` = :uri');
  346. $query->bindValue(':uri', $board['uri']);
  347. $query->bindValue(':title', $_POST['title']);
  348. $query->bindValue(':subtitle', $_POST['subtitle']);
  349. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  350. modLog('Edited board information for ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']), false);
  351. }
  352. if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
  353. cache::delete('board_' . $board['uri']);
  354. cache::delete('all_boards');
  355. }
  356. rebuildThemes('boards');
  357. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  358. } else {
  359. mod_page(sprintf('%s: ' . $config['board_abbreviation'], _('Edit board'), $board['uri']), 'mod/board.html', array(
  360. 'board' => $board,
  361. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('edit/' . $board['uri'])
  362. ));
  363. }
  364. }
  365. function mod_new_board() {
  366. global $config, $board;
  367. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['newboard']))
  368. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  369. if (isset($_POST['uri'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['subtitle'])) {
  370. if ($_POST['uri'] == '')
  371. error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'URI'));
  372. if ($_POST['title'] == '')
  373. error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'title'));
  374. if (!preg_match('/^' . $config['board_regex'] . '$/u', $_POST['uri']))
  375. error(sprintf($config['error']['invalidfield'], 'URI'));
  376. $bytes = 0;
  377. $chars = preg_split('//u', $_POST['uri'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
  378. foreach ($chars as $char) {
  379. $o = 0;
  380. $ord = ordutf8($char, $o);
  381. if ($ord > 0x0080)
  382. $bytes += 5; // @01ff
  383. else
  384. $bytes ++;
  385. }
  386. $bytes + strlen('posts_.frm');
  387. if ($bytes > 255) {
  388. error('Your filesystem cannot handle a board URI of that length (' . $bytes . '/255 bytes)');
  389. exit;
  390. }
  391. if (openBoard($_POST['uri'])) {
  392. error(sprintf($config['error']['boardexists'], $board['url']));
  393. }
  394. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``boards`` VALUES (:uri, :title, :subtitle)');
  395. $query->bindValue(':uri', $_POST['uri']);
  396. $query->bindValue(':title', $_POST['title']);
  397. $query->bindValue(':subtitle', $_POST['subtitle']);
  398. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  399. modLog('Created a new board: ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $_POST['uri']));
  400. if (!openBoard($_POST['uri']))
  401. error(_("Couldn't open board after creation."));
  402. $query = Element('posts.sql', array('board' => $board['uri']));
  403. if (mysql_version() < 50503)
  404. $query = preg_replace('/(CHARSET=|CHARACTER SET )utf8mb4/', '$1utf8', $query);
  405. query($query) or error(db_error());
  406. if ($config['cache']['enabled'])
  407. cache::delete('all_boards');
  408. // Build the board
  409. buildIndex();
  410. rebuildThemes('boards');
  411. header('Location: ?/' . $board['uri'] . '/' . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  412. }
  413. mod_page(_('New board'), 'mod/board.html', array('new' => true, 'token' => make_secure_link_token('new-board')));
  414. }
  415. function mod_noticeboard($page_no = 1) {
  416. global $config, $pdo, $mod;
  417. if ($page_no < 1)
  418. error($config['error']['404']);
  419. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['noticeboard']))
  420. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  421. if (isset($_POST['subject'], $_POST['body'])) {
  422. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['noticeboard_post']))
  423. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  424. $_POST['body'] = escape_markup_modifiers($_POST['body']);
  425. markup($_POST['body']);
  426. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``noticeboard`` VALUES (NULL, :mod, :time, :subject, :body)');
  427. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  428. $query->bindvalue(':time', time());
  429. $query->bindValue(':subject', $_POST['subject']);
  430. $query->bindValue(':body', $_POST['body']);
  431. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  432. if ($config['cache']['enabled'])
  433. cache::delete('noticeboard_preview');
  434. modLog('Posted a noticeboard entry');
  435. header('Location: ?/noticeboard#' . $pdo->lastInsertId(), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  436. }
  437. $query = prepare("SELECT ``noticeboard``.*, `username` FROM ``noticeboard`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `mod` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :limit");
  438. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['noticeboard_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  439. $query->bindValue(':offset', ($page_no - 1) * $config['mod']['noticeboard_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  440. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  441. $noticeboard = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  442. if (empty($noticeboard) && $page_no > 1)
  443. error($config['error']['404']);
  444. foreach ($noticeboard as &$entry) {
  445. $entry['delete_token'] = make_secure_link_token('noticeboard/delete/' . $entry['id']);
  446. }
  447. $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``noticeboard``");
  448. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  449. $count = $query->fetchColumn();
  450. mod_page(_('Noticeboard'), 'mod/noticeboard.html', array(
  451. 'noticeboard' => $noticeboard,
  452. 'count' => $count,
  453. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('noticeboard')
  454. ));
  455. }
  456. function mod_noticeboard_delete($id) {
  457. global $config;
  458. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['noticeboard_delete']))
  459. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  460. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``noticeboard`` WHERE `id` = :id');
  461. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  462. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  463. modLog('Deleted a noticeboard entry');
  464. if ($config['cache']['enabled'])
  465. cache::delete('noticeboard_preview');
  466. header('Location: ?/noticeboard', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  467. }
  468. function mod_news($page_no = 1) {
  469. global $config, $pdo, $mod;
  470. if ($page_no < 1)
  471. error($config['error']['404']);
  472. if (isset($_POST['subject'], $_POST['body'])) {
  473. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['news']))
  474. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  475. $_POST['body'] = escape_markup_modifiers($_POST['body']);
  476. markup($_POST['body']);
  477. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``news`` VALUES (NULL, :name, :time, :subject, :body)');
  478. $query->bindValue(':name', isset($_POST['name']) && hasPermission($config['mod']['news_custom']) ? $_POST['name'] : $mod['username']);
  479. $query->bindvalue(':time', time());
  480. $query->bindValue(':subject', $_POST['subject']);
  481. $query->bindValue(':body', $_POST['body']);
  482. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  483. modLog('Posted a news entry');
  484. rebuildThemes('news');
  485. header('Location: ?/edit_news#' . $pdo->lastInsertId(), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  486. }
  487. $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM ``news`` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :limit");
  488. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['news_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  489. $query->bindValue(':offset', ($page_no - 1) * $config['mod']['news_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  490. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  491. $news = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  492. if (empty($news) && $page_no > 1)
  493. error($config['error']['404']);
  494. foreach ($news as &$entry) {
  495. $entry['delete_token'] = make_secure_link_token('edit_news/delete/' . $entry['id']);
  496. }
  497. $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``news``");
  498. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  499. $count = $query->fetchColumn();
  500. mod_page(_('News'), 'mod/news.html', array('news' => $news, 'count' => $count, 'token' => make_secure_link_token('edit_news')));
  501. }
  502. function mod_news_delete($id) {
  503. global $config;
  504. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['news_delete']))
  505. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  506. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``news`` WHERE `id` = :id');
  507. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  508. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  509. modLog('Deleted a news entry');
  510. header('Location: ?/edit_news', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  511. }
  512. function mod_log($page_no = 1) {
  513. global $config;
  514. if ($page_no < 1)
  515. error($config['error']['404']);
  516. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['modlog']))
  517. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  518. $query = prepare("SELECT `username`, `mod`, `ip`, `board`, `time`, `text` FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT :offset, :limit");
  519. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['modlog_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  520. $query->bindValue(':offset', ($page_no - 1) * $config['mod']['modlog_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  521. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  522. $logs = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  523. if (empty($logs) && $page_no > 1)
  524. error($config['error']['404']);
  525. $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``modlogs``");
  526. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  527. $count = $query->fetchColumn();
  528. mod_page(_('Moderation log'), 'mod/log.html', array('logs' => $logs, 'count' => $count));
  529. }
  530. function mod_user_log($username, $page_no = 1) {
  531. global $config;
  532. if ($page_no < 1)
  533. error($config['error']['404']);
  534. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['modlog']))
  535. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  536. $query = prepare("SELECT `username`, `mod`, `ip`, `board`, `time`, `text` FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE `username` = :username ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT :offset, :limit");
  537. $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
  538. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['modlog_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  539. $query->bindValue(':offset', ($page_no - 1) * $config['mod']['modlog_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  540. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  541. $logs = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  542. if (empty($logs) && $page_no > 1)
  543. error($config['error']['404']);
  544. $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE `username` = :username");
  545. $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
  546. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  547. $count = $query->fetchColumn();
  548. mod_page(_('Moderation log'), 'mod/log.html', array('logs' => $logs, 'count' => $count, 'username' => $username));
  549. }
  550. function mod_board_log($board, $page_no = 1, $hide_names = false, $public = false) {
  551. global $config;
  552. if ($page_no < 1)
  553. error($config['error']['404']);
  554. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['mod_board_log'], $board) && !$public)
  555. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  556. $query = prepare("SELECT `username`, `mod`, `ip`, `board`, `time`, `text` FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE `board` = :board ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT :offset, :limit");
  557. $query->bindValue(':board', $board);
  558. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['modlog_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  559. $query->bindValue(':offset', ($page_no - 1) * $config['mod']['modlog_page'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  560. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  561. $logs = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  562. if (empty($logs) && $page_no > 1)
  563. error($config['error']['404']);
  564. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['show_ip'])) {
  565. // Supports ipv4 only!
  566. foreach ($logs as $i => &$log) {
  567. $log['text'] = preg_replace_callback('/(?:<a href="\?\/IP\/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}">)?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(?:<\/a>)?/', function($matches) {
  568. return "xxxx";//less_ip($matches[1]);
  569. }, $log['text']);
  570. }
  571. }
  572. $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE `board` = :board");
  573. $query->bindValue(':board', $board);
  574. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  575. $count = $query->fetchColumn();
  576. mod_page(_('Board log'), 'mod/log.html', array('logs' => $logs, 'count' => $count, 'board' => $board, 'hide_names' => $hide_names, 'public' => $public));
  577. }
  578. function mod_view_board($boardName, $page_no = 1) {
  579. global $config, $mod;
  580. if (!openBoard($boardName)){
  581. if (in_array($boardName,array_keys($config['overboards']))){
  582. $type = $config['overboards'][$boardName]['type'];
  583. require_once("templates/themes/$type/theme.php");
  584. global $mod;
  585. $overboard = new $type();
  586. $overboard->settings = array();
  587. $overboard->settings['uri'] = $boardName;
  588. $overboard->settings['title'] = $config['overboards'][$boardName]['title'];
  589. $overboard->settings['subtitle'] = $config['overboards'][$boardName]['subtitle'];
  590. $overboard->settings['thread_limit'] = $config['overboards'][$boardName]['thread_limit'];
  591. if (array_key_exists('exclude',$config['overboards'][$boardName])) {
  592. $overboard->settings['exclude'] = $config['overboards'][$boardName]['exclude'];
  593. }
  594. if (array_key_exists('include',$config['overboards'][$boardName])) {
  595. $overboard->settings['include'] = $config['overboards'][$boardName]['include'];
  596. }
  597. $overboard->settings['boards'] = listBoards();
  598. echo $overboard->build($mod);
  599. return;
  600. }
  601. elseif (in_array($boardName,array_keys($config['boards_alias']))){
  602. $boardName = $config['boards_alias'][$boardName];
  603. openBoard($boardName);
  604. }
  605. else {
  606. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  607. }
  608. }
  609. if (!$page = index($page_no, $mod)) {
  610. error($config['error']['404']);
  611. }
  612. $page['pages'] = getPages(true);
  613. $page['pages'][$page_no-1]['selected'] = true;
  614. $page['btn'] = getPageButtons($page['pages'], true);
  615. $page['mod'] = true;
  616. $page['config'] = $config;
  617. echo Element('index.html', $page);
  618. }
  619. function mod_view_thread($boardName, $thread) {
  620. global $config, $mod;
  621. if (!openBoard($boardName))
  622. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  623. $page = buildThread($thread, true, $mod);
  624. echo $page;
  625. }
  626. function mod_view_thread50($boardName, $thread) {
  627. global $config, $mod;
  628. if (!openBoard($boardName))
  629. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  630. $page = buildThread50($thread, true, $mod);
  631. echo $page;
  632. }
  633. function mod_ip_remove_note($ip, $id) {
  634. global $config, $mod;
  635. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['remove_notes']))
  636. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  637. if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false)
  638. error("Invalid IP address.");
  639. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``ip_notes`` WHERE `ip` = :ip AND `id` = :id');
  640. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  641. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  642. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  643. modLog("Removed a note for <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>");
  644. header('Location: ?/IP/' . $ip . '#notes', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  645. }
  646. function mod_page_ip($ip) {
  647. global $config, $mod;
  648. if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false)
  649. error("Invalid IP address.");
  650. if (isset($_POST['ban_id'], $_POST['unban'])) {
  651. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['unban']))
  652. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  653. Bans::delete($_POST['ban_id'], true, $mod['boards']);
  654. header('Location: ?/IP/' . $ip . '#bans', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  655. return;
  656. }
  657. if (isset($_POST['note'])) {
  658. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['create_notes']))
  659. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  660. $_POST['note'] = escape_markup_modifiers($_POST['note']);
  661. markup($_POST['note']);
  662. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``ip_notes`` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :mod, :time, :body)');
  663. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  664. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  665. $query->bindValue(':time', time());
  666. $query->bindValue(':body', $_POST['note']);
  667. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  668. modLog("Added a note for <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>");
  669. header('Location: ?/IP/' . $ip . '#notes', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  670. return;
  671. }
  672. $args = array();
  673. $args['ip'] = $ip;
  674. $args['posts'] = array();
  675. if ($config['mod']['dns_lookup'])
  676. $args['hostname'] = rDNS($ip);
  677. $boards = listBoards();
  678. foreach ($boards as $board) {
  679. openBoard($board['uri']);
  680. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['show_ip'], $board['uri']))
  681. continue;
  682. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `ip` = :ip ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT :limit', $board['uri']));
  683. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  684. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['ip_recentposts'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  685. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  686. while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  687. if (!$post['thread']) {
  688. $po = new Thread($post, '?/', $mod, false);
  689. } else {
  690. $po = new Post($post, '?/', $mod);
  691. }
  692. if (!isset($args['posts'][$board['uri']]))
  693. $args['posts'][$board['uri']] = array('board' => $board, 'posts' => array());
  694. $args['posts'][$board['uri']]['posts'][] = $po->build(true);
  695. }
  696. }
  697. $args['boards'] = $boards;
  698. $args['token'] = make_secure_link_token('ban');
  699. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['view_ban'])) {
  700. $args['bans'] = Bans::find($ip, false, true);
  701. }
  702. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['view_notes'])) {
  703. $query = prepare("SELECT ``ip_notes``.*, `username` FROM ``ip_notes`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE `ip` = :ip ORDER BY `time` DESC");
  704. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  705. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  706. $args['notes'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  707. }
  708. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['modlog_ip'])) {
  709. $query = prepare("SELECT `username`, `mod`, `ip`, `board`, `time`, `text` FROM ``modlogs`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON `mod` = ``mods``.`id` WHERE `text` LIKE :search ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 50");
  710. $query->bindValue(':search', '%' . $ip . '%');
  711. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  712. $args['logs'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  713. } else {
  714. $args['logs'] = array();
  715. }
  716. $args['security_token'] = make_secure_link_token('IP/' . $ip);
  717. mod_page(sprintf('%s: %s', _('IP'), htmlspecialchars($ip)), 'mod/view_ip.html', $args, $args['hostname']);
  718. }
  719. function mod_ban() {
  720. global $config;
  721. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['ban']))
  722. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  723. if (!isset($_POST['ip'], $_POST['reason'], $_POST['length'], $_POST['board'])) {
  724. mod_page(_('New ban'), 'mod/ban_form.html', array('token' => make_secure_link_token('ban')));
  725. return;
  726. }
  727. require_once 'inc/mod/ban.php';
  728. Bans::new_ban($_POST['ip'], $_POST['reason'], $_POST['length'], $_POST['board'] == '*' ? false : $_POST['board']);
  729. if (isset($_POST['redirect']))
  730. header('Location: ' . $_POST['redirect'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  731. else
  732. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  733. }
  734. function mod_warning() {
  735. global $config;
  736. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['warning']))
  737. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  738. if (!isset( $_POST['board'])) {
  739. mod_page(_('New warning'), 'mod/warning_form.html', array('token' => make_secure_link_token('ban')));
  740. return;
  741. }
  742. if (isset($_POST['redirect']))
  743. header('Location: ' . $_POST['redirect'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  744. else
  745. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  746. }
  747. function mod_bans() {
  748. global $config;
  749. global $mod;
  750. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['view_banlist']))
  751. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  752. if (isset($_POST['unban'])) {
  753. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['unban']))
  754. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  755. $unban = array();
  756. foreach ($_POST as $name => $unused) {
  757. if (preg_match('/^ban_(\d+)$/', $name, $match))
  758. $unban[] = $match[1];
  759. }
  760. if (isset($config['mod']['unban_limit']) && $config['mod']['unban_limit'] && count($unban) > $config['mod']['unban_limit'])
  761. error(sprintf($config['error']['toomanyunban'], $config['mod']['unban_limit'], count($unban)));
  762. foreach ($unban as $id) {
  763. Bans::delete($id, true, $mod['boards'], true);
  764. }
  765. rebuildThemes('bans');
  766. header('Location: ?/bans', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  767. return;
  768. }
  769. mod_page(_('Ban list'), 'mod/ban_list.html', array(
  770. 'mod' => $mod,
  771. 'boards' => json_encode($mod['boards']),
  772. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('bans'),
  773. 'token_json' => make_secure_link_token('bans.json')
  774. ));
  775. }
  776. function mod_bans_json() {
  777. global $config, $mod;
  778. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['ban']))
  779. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  780. // Compress the json for faster loads
  781. if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')) ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
  782. Bans::stream_json(false, false, !hasPermission($config['mod']['view_banstaff']), $mod['boards']);
  783. }
  784. function mod_ban_appeals() {
  785. global $config, $board;
  786. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['view_ban_appeals']))
  787. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  788. // Remove stale ban appeals
  789. query("DELETE FROM ``ban_appeals`` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ``bans`` WHERE `ban_id` = ``bans``.`id`)")
  790. or error(db_error());
  791. if (isset($_POST['appeal_id']) && (isset($_POST['unban']) || isset($_POST['deny']))) {
  792. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['ban_appeals']))
  793. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  794. $query = query("SELECT *, ``ban_appeals``.`id` AS `id` FROM ``ban_appeals``
  795. LEFT JOIN ``bans`` ON `ban_id` = ``bans``.`id`
  796. WHERE ``ban_appeals``.`id` = " . (int)$_POST['appeal_id']) or error(db_error());
  797. if (!$ban = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  798. error(_('Ban appeal not found!'));
  799. }
  800. $ban['mask'] = Bans::range_to_string(array($ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']));
  801. if (isset($_POST['unban'])) {
  802. modLog('Accepted ban appeal #' . $ban['id'] . ' for ' . $ban['mask']);
  803. Bans::delete($ban['ban_id'], true);
  804. query("DELETE FROM ``ban_appeals`` WHERE `id` = " . $ban['id']) or error(db_error());
  805. } else {
  806. modLog('Denied ban appeal #' . $ban['id'] . ' for ' . $ban['mask']);
  807. query("UPDATE ``ban_appeals`` SET `denied` = 1 WHERE `id` = " . $ban['id']) or error(db_error());
  808. }
  809. header('Location: ?/ban-appeals', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  810. return;
  811. }
  812. $query = query("SELECT *, ``ban_appeals``.`id` AS `id` FROM ``ban_appeals``
  813. LEFT JOIN ``bans`` ON `ban_id` = ``bans``.`id`
  814. LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``bans``.`creator` = ``mods``.`id`
  815. WHERE `denied` != 1 ORDER BY `time`") or error(db_error());
  816. $ban_appeals = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  817. foreach ($ban_appeals as &$ban) {
  818. if ($ban['post'])
  819. $ban['post'] = json_decode($ban['post'], true);
  820. $ban['mask'] = Bans::range_to_string(array($ban['ipstart'], $ban['ipend']));
  821. if ($ban['post'] && isset($ban['post']['board'], $ban['post']['id'])) {
  822. if (openBoard($ban['post']['board'])) {
  823. $query = query(sprintf("SELECT `num_files`, `files` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = " .
  824. (int)$ban['post']['id'], $board['uri']));
  825. if ($_post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  826. $_post['files'] = $_post['files'] ? json_decode($_post['files']) : array();
  827. $ban['post'] = array_merge($ban['post'], $_post);
  828. } else {
  829. $ban['post']['files'] = array(array());
  830. $ban['post']['files'][0]['file'] = 'deleted';
  831. $ban['post']['files'][0]['thumb'] = false;
  832. $ban['post']['num_files'] = 1;
  833. }
  834. } else {
  835. $ban['post']['files'] = array(array());
  836. $ban['post']['files'][0]['file'] = 'deleted';
  837. $ban['post']['files'][0]['thumb'] = false;
  838. $ban['post']['num_files'] = 1;
  839. }
  840. if ($ban['post']['thread']) {
  841. $ban['post'] = new Post($ban['post']);
  842. } else {
  843. $ban['post'] = new Thread($ban['post'], null, false, false);
  844. }
  845. }
  846. }
  847. mod_page(_('Ban appeals'), 'mod/ban_appeals.html', array(
  848. 'ban_appeals' => $ban_appeals,
  849. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('ban-appeals')
  850. ));
  851. }
  852. function mod_lock($board, $unlock, $post) {
  853. global $config;
  854. if (!openBoard($board))
  855. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  856. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['lock'], $board))
  857. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  858. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `locked` = :locked WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL', $board));
  859. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  860. $query->bindValue(':locked', $unlock ? 0 : 1);
  861. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  862. if ($query->rowCount()) {
  863. modLog(($unlock ? 'Unlocked' : 'Locked') . " thread #{$post}");
  864. buildThread($post);
  865. buildIndex();
  866. }
  867. if ($config['mod']['dismiss_reports_on_lock']) {
  868. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `board` = :board AND `post` = :id');
  869. $query->bindValue(':board', $board);
  870. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  871. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  872. }
  873. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  874. if ($unlock)
  875. event('unlock', $post);
  876. else
  877. event('lock', $post);
  878. }
  879. function mod_sticky($board, $unsticky, $post) {
  880. global $config;
  881. if (!openBoard($board))
  882. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  883. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['sticky'], $board))
  884. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  885. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `sticky` = :sticky WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL', $board));
  886. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  887. $query->bindValue(':sticky', $unsticky ? 0 : 1);
  888. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  889. if ($query->rowCount()) {
  890. modLog(($unsticky ? 'Unstickied' : 'Stickied') . " thread #{$post}");
  891. buildThread($post);
  892. buildIndex();
  893. }
  894. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  895. }
  896. function mod_cycle($board, $uncycle, $post) {
  897. global $config;
  898. if (!openBoard($board))
  899. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  900. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['cycle'], $board))
  901. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  902. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `cycle` = :cycle WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL', $board));
  903. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  904. $query->bindValue(':cycle', $uncycle ? 0 : 1);
  905. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  906. if ($query->rowCount()) {
  907. modLog(($uncycle ? 'Made not cyclical' : 'Made cyclical') . " thread #{$post}");
  908. buildThread($post);
  909. buildIndex();
  910. }
  911. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  912. }
  913. function mod_bumplock($board, $unbumplock, $post) {
  914. global $config;
  915. if (!openBoard($board))
  916. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  917. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['bumplock'], $board))
  918. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  919. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `sage` = :bumplock WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL', $board));
  920. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  921. $query->bindValue(':bumplock', $unbumplock ? 0 : 1);
  922. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  923. if ($query->rowCount()) {
  924. modLog(($unbumplock ? 'Unbumplocked' : 'Bumplocked') . " thread #{$post}");
  925. buildThread($post);
  926. buildIndex();
  927. }
  928. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  929. }
  930. function mod_move_reply($originBoard, $postID) {
  931. global $board, $config, $mod;
  932. if (!openBoard($originBoard))
  933. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  934. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['move'], $originBoard))
  935. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  936. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $originBoard));
  937. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID);
  938. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  939. if (!$post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  940. error($config['error']['404']);
  941. if (isset($_POST['board'])) {
  942. $targetBoard = $_POST['board'];
  943. if ($_POST['target_thread']) {
  944. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $targetBoard));
  945. $query->bindValue(':id', $_POST['target_thread']);
  946. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); // If it fails, thread probably does not exist
  947. $post['op'] = false;
  948. $post['thread'] = $_POST['target_thread'];
  949. }
  950. else {
  951. $post['op'] = true;
  952. }
  953. if ($post['files']) {
  954. $post['files'] = json_decode($post['files'], TRUE);
  955. $post['has_file'] = true;
  956. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  957. $file['file_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file'];
  958. $file['thumb_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb'];
  959. }
  960. } else {
  961. $post['has_file'] = false;
  962. }
  963. // allow thread to keep its same traits (stickied, locked, etc.)
  964. $post['mod'] = true;
  965. if (!openBoard($targetBoard))
  966. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  967. // create the new post
  968. $newID = post($post);
  969. if ($post['has_file']) {
  970. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  971. // move the image
  972. rename($file['file_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file']);
  973. if ($file['thumb'] != 'spoiler') { //trying to move/copy the spoiler thumb raises an error
  974. rename($file['thumb_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb']);
  975. }
  976. }
  977. }
  978. // build index
  979. buildIndex();
  980. // build new thread
  981. buildThread($post['op'] ? $newID : $post['thread']);
  982. // trigger themes
  983. rebuildThemes('post', $targetBoard);
  984. // mod log
  985. modLog("Moved post #${postID} to " . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $targetBoard) . " (#${newID})", $originBoard);
  986. // return to original board
  987. openBoard($originBoard);
  988. // delete original post
  989. deletePost($postID);
  990. buildIndex();
  991. // open target board for redirect
  992. openBoard($targetBoard);
  993. // Find new thread on our target board
  994. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT thread, id FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $targetBoard));
  995. $query->bindValue(':id', $newID);
  996. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  997. $post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  998. // redirect
  999. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($post) . '#' . $newID, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1000. }
  1001. else {
  1002. $boards = listBoards();
  1003. $security_token = make_secure_link_token($originBoard . '/move_reply/' . $postID);
  1004. mod_page(_('Move reply'), 'mod/move_reply.html', array('post' => $postID, 'board' => $originBoard, 'boards' => $boards, 'token' => $security_token));
  1005. }
  1006. }
  1007. function mod_move($originBoard, $postID) {
  1008. global $board, $config, $mod, $pdo;
  1009. if (!openBoard($originBoard))
  1010. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1011. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['move'], $originBoard))
  1012. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1013. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL', $originBoard));
  1014. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID);
  1015. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1016. if (!$post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1017. error($config['error']['404']);
  1018. if (isset($_POST['board'])) {
  1019. $targetBoard = $_POST['board'];
  1020. $shadow = isset($_POST['shadow']);
  1021. if ($targetBoard === $originBoard)
  1022. error(_('Target and source board are the same.'));
  1023. // copy() if leaving a shadow thread behind; else, rename().
  1024. $clone = $shadow ? 'copy' : 'rename';
  1025. // indicate that the post is a thread
  1026. $post['op'] = true;
  1027. if ($post['files']) {
  1028. $post['files'] = json_decode($post['files'], TRUE);
  1029. $post['has_file'] = true;
  1030. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1031. if ($file['file'] === 'deleted')
  1032. continue;
  1033. $file['file_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file'];
  1034. $file['thumb_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb'];
  1035. }
  1036. } else {
  1037. $post['has_file'] = false;
  1038. }
  1039. // allow thread to keep its same traits (stickied, locked, etc.)
  1040. $post['mod'] = true;
  1041. if (!openBoard($targetBoard))
  1042. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1043. // create the new thread
  1044. $newID = post($post);
  1045. $op = $post;
  1046. $op['id'] = $newID;
  1047. if ($post['has_file']) {
  1048. // copy image
  1049. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1050. if ($file['file'] !== 'deleted')
  1051. $clone($file['file_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file']);
  1052. if (isset($file['thumb']) && !in_array($file['thumb'], array('spoiler', 'deleted', 'file')))
  1053. $clone($file['thumb_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb']);
  1054. }
  1055. }
  1056. // go back to the original board to fetch replies
  1057. openBoard($originBoard);
  1058. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = :id ORDER BY `id`', $originBoard));
  1059. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1060. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1061. $replies = array();
  1062. while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1063. $post['mod'] = true;
  1064. $post['thread'] = $newID;
  1065. if ($post['files']) {
  1066. $post['files'] = json_decode($post['files'], TRUE);
  1067. $post['has_file'] = true;
  1068. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1069. $file['file_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file'];
  1070. $file['thumb_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb'];
  1071. }
  1072. } else {
  1073. $post['has_file'] = false;
  1074. }
  1075. $replies[] = $post;
  1076. }
  1077. $newIDs = array($postID => $newID);
  1078. openBoard($targetBoard);
  1079. foreach ($replies as &$post) {
  1080. $query = prepare('SELECT `target` FROM ``cites`` WHERE `target_board` = :board AND `board` = :board AND `post` = :post');
  1081. $query->bindValue(':board', $originBoard);
  1082. $query->bindValue(':post', $post['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1083. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1084. // correct >>X links
  1085. while ($cite = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1086. if (isset($newIDs[$cite['target']])) {
  1087. $post['body_nomarkup'] = preg_replace(
  1088. '/(>>(>\/' . preg_quote($originBoard, '/') . '\/)?)' . preg_quote($cite['target'], '/') . '/',
  1089. '>>' . $newIDs[$cite['target']],
  1090. $post['body_nomarkup']);
  1091. $post['body'] = $post['body_nomarkup'];
  1092. }
  1093. }
  1094. $post['body'] = $post['body_nomarkup'];
  1095. $post['op'] = false;
  1096. $post['tracked_cites'] = markup($post['body'], true);
  1097. if ($post['has_file']) {
  1098. // copy image
  1099. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1100. $clone($file['file_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file']);
  1101. $clone($file['thumb_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb']);
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. // insert reply
  1105. $newIDs[$post['id']] = $newPostID = post($post);
  1106. if (!empty($post['tracked_cites'])) {
  1107. $insert_rows = array();
  1108. foreach ($post['tracked_cites'] as $cite) {
  1109. $insert_rows[] = '(' .
  1110. $pdo->quote($board['uri']) . ', ' . $newPostID . ', ' .
  1111. $pdo->quote($cite[0]) . ', ' . (int)$cite[1] . ')';
  1112. }
  1113. query('INSERT INTO ``cites`` VALUES ' . implode(', ', $insert_rows)) or error(db_error());
  1114. }
  1115. }
  1116. modLog("Moved thread #${postID} to " . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $targetBoard) . " (#${newID})", $originBoard);
  1117. // build new thread
  1118. buildThread($newID);
  1119. clean();
  1120. buildIndex();
  1121. // trigger themes
  1122. rebuildThemes('post', $targetBoard);
  1123. $newboard = $board;
  1124. // return to original board
  1125. openBoard($originBoard);
  1126. if ($shadow) {
  1127. // lock old thread
  1128. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `locked` = 1 WHERE `id` = :id', $originBoard));
  1129. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1130. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1131. // leave a reply, linking to the new thread
  1132. $spost = array(
  1133. 'mod' => true,
  1134. 'subject' => '',
  1135. 'email' => '',
  1136. 'name' => (!$config['mod']['shadow_name'] ? $config['anonymous'] : $config['mod']['shadow_name']),
  1137. 'capcode' => $config['mod']['shadow_capcode'],
  1138. 'trip' => '',
  1139. 'password' => '',
  1140. 'has_file' => false,
  1141. // attach to original thread
  1142. 'thread' => $postID,
  1143. 'op' => false
  1144. );
  1145. $spost['body'] = $spost['body_nomarkup'] = sprintf($config['mod']['shadow_mesage'], '>>>/' . $targetBoard . '/' . $newID);
  1146. markup($spost['body']);
  1147. $botID = post($spost);
  1148. buildThread($postID);
  1149. buildIndex();
  1150. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $newboard['uri']) . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($op, false, $newboard) .
  1151. '#' . $botID, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1152. } else {
  1153. deletePost($postID);
  1154. buildIndex();
  1155. openBoard($targetBoard);
  1156. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $newboard['uri']) . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($op, false, $newboard), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1157. }
  1158. }
  1159. $boards = listBoards();
  1160. if (count($boards) <= 1)
  1161. error(_('Impossible to move thread; there is only one board.'));
  1162. $security_token = make_secure_link_token($originBoard . '/move/' . $postID);
  1163. mod_page(_('Move thread'), 'mod/move.html', array('post' => $postID, 'board' => $originBoard, 'boards' => $boards, 'token' => $security_token));
  1164. }
  1165. function mod_merge($originBoard, $postID) {
  1166. global $board, $config, $mod, $pdo;
  1167. if (!openBoard($originBoard))
  1168. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1169. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['merge'], $originBoard))
  1170. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1171. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL', $originBoard));
  1172. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID);
  1173. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1174. if (!$post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1175. error($config['error']['404']);
  1176. $sourceOp = "";
  1177. if ($post['thread']){
  1178. $sourceOp = $post['thread'];
  1179. }
  1180. else{
  1181. $sourceOp = $post['id'];
  1182. }
  1183. $newpost = "";
  1184. $boards = listBoards();
  1185. if (isset($_POST['board'])) {
  1186. $targetBoard = $_POST['board'];
  1187. $shadow = isset($_POST['shadow']);
  1188. $targetOp = "";
  1189. if ($_POST['target_thread']) {
  1190. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $targetBoard));
  1191. $query->bindValue(':id', $_POST['target_thread']);
  1192. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); // If it fails, thread probably does not exist
  1193. if (!$newpost = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
  1194. error($config['error']['404']);
  1195. }
  1196. else
  1197. {
  1198. if ($newpost['thread']){
  1199. $targetOp = $newpost['thread'];
  1200. }
  1201. else{
  1202. $targetOp = $newpost['id'];
  1203. }
  1204. }
  1205. }
  1206. if ($targetBoard === $originBoard){
  1207. // Just update the thread id for all posts in the original thread to new op
  1208. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `thread` = :newthread WHERE `id` = :oldthread OR `thread` = :oldthread', $originBoard));
  1209. $query->bindValue(':newthread', $targetOp, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1210. $query->bindValue(':oldthread', $sourceOp, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1211. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1212. // build index
  1213. // Delete thread HTML page
  1214. file_unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($post) );
  1215. file_unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($post, true) ); // noko50
  1216. file_unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf('%d.json', $post['id']));
  1217. //deletePost($postID);
  1218. //modLog("Deleted post #{$postID}");
  1219. buildIndex();
  1220. // build new thread
  1221. buildThread($targetOp);
  1222. // trigger themes
  1223. rebuildThemes('post', $targetBoard);
  1224. modLog("Merged thread with #${sourceOp} to " . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $targetBoard) . " (#${targetOp})", $originBoard);
  1225. // redirect
  1226. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($newpost) . '#' . $targetOp, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1227. }
  1228. else {
  1229. // Move thread to new board without shadow thread and then update the thread id for all posts in that thread to new op
  1230. // indicate that the post is a thread
  1231. if (count($boards) <= 1)
  1232. error(_('Impossible to merge thread to different board; there is only one board.'));
  1233. $post['op'] = true;
  1234. if ($post['files']) {
  1235. $post['files'] = json_decode($post['files'], TRUE);
  1236. $post['has_file'] = true;
  1237. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1238. if ($file['file'] === 'deleted')
  1239. continue;
  1240. $file['file_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file'];
  1241. $file['thumb_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb'];
  1242. }
  1243. } else {
  1244. $post['has_file'] = false;
  1245. }
  1246. // allow thread to keep its same traits (stickied, locked, etc.)
  1247. $post['mod'] = true;
  1248. if (!openBoard($targetBoard))
  1249. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1250. // create the new thread
  1251. $newID = post($post);
  1252. $op = $post;
  1253. $op['id'] = $newID;
  1254. $clone = $shadow ? 'copy' : 'rename';
  1255. if ($post['has_file']) {
  1256. // copy image
  1257. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1258. if ($file['file'] !== 'deleted')
  1259. $clone($file['file_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file']);
  1260. if (isset($file['thumb']) && !in_array($file['thumb'], array('spoiler', 'deleted', 'file')))
  1261. $clone($file['thumb_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb']);
  1262. }
  1263. }
  1264. // go back to the original board to fetch replies
  1265. openBoard($originBoard);
  1266. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = :id ORDER BY `id`', $originBoard));
  1267. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1268. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1269. $replies = array();
  1270. while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1271. $post['mod'] = true;
  1272. $post['thread'] = $newID;
  1273. if ($post['files']) {
  1274. $post['files'] = json_decode($post['files'], TRUE);
  1275. $post['has_file'] = true;
  1276. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1277. $file['file_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file'];
  1278. $file['thumb_path'] = sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb'];
  1279. }
  1280. } else {
  1281. $post['has_file'] = false;
  1282. }
  1283. $replies[] = $post;
  1284. }
  1285. $newIDs = array($postID => $newID);
  1286. openBoard($targetBoard);
  1287. foreach ($replies as &$post) {
  1288. $query = prepare('SELECT `target` FROM ``cites`` WHERE `target_board` = :board AND `board` = :board AND `post` = :post');
  1289. $query->bindValue(':board', $originBoard);
  1290. $query->bindValue(':post', $post['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1291. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1292. // correct >>X links
  1293. while ($cite = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1294. if (isset($newIDs[$cite['target']])) {
  1295. $post['body_nomarkup'] = preg_replace(
  1296. '/(>>(>\/' . preg_quote($originBoard, '/') . '\/)?)' . preg_quote($cite['target'], '/') . '/',
  1297. '>>' . $newIDs[$cite['target']],
  1298. $post['body_nomarkup']);
  1299. $post['body'] = $post['body_nomarkup'];
  1300. }
  1301. }
  1302. $post['body'] = $post['body_nomarkup'];
  1303. $post['op'] = false;
  1304. $post['tracked_cites'] = markup($post['body'], true);
  1305. if ($post['has_file']) {
  1306. // copy image
  1307. foreach ($post['files'] as $i => &$file) {
  1308. $clone($file['file_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['img'] . $file['file']);
  1309. $clone($file['thumb_path'], sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $file['thumb']);
  1310. }
  1311. }
  1312. // insert reply
  1313. $newIDs[$post['id']] = $newPostID = post($post);
  1314. if (!empty($post['tracked_cites'])) {
  1315. $insert_rows = array();
  1316. foreach ($post['tracked_cites'] as $cite) {
  1317. $insert_rows[] = '(' .
  1318. $pdo->quote($board['uri']) . ', ' . $newPostID . ', ' .
  1319. $pdo->quote($cite[0]) . ', ' . (int)$cite[1] . ')';
  1320. }
  1321. query('INSERT INTO ``cites`` VALUES ' . implode(', ', $insert_rows)) or error(db_error());
  1322. }
  1323. }
  1324. modLog("Moved thread #${postID} to " . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $targetBoard) . " (#${newID})", $originBoard);
  1325. // build new thread
  1326. buildThread($newID);
  1327. clean();
  1328. buildIndex();
  1329. // trigger themes
  1330. rebuildThemes('post', $targetBoard);
  1331. $newboard = $board;
  1332. // return to original board
  1333. openBoard($originBoard);
  1334. deletePost($postID);
  1335. modLog("Deleted post #{$postID}");
  1336. buildIndex();
  1337. openBoard($targetBoard);
  1338. // Just update the thread id for all posts in the original thread to new op
  1339. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `thread` = :newthread WHERE `id` = :oldthread OR `thread` = :oldthread', $targetBoard));
  1340. $query->bindValue(':newthread', $targetOp, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1341. $query->bindValue(':oldthread', $newID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1342. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1343. // build index
  1344. buildIndex();
  1345. // build new thread
  1346. buildThread($targetOp);
  1347. // trigger themes
  1348. rebuildThemes('post', $targetBoard);
  1349. modLog("Merged thread with #${newID} to " . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $targetBoard) . " (#${targetOp})", $targetBoard);
  1350. // redirect
  1351. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($newpost) . '#' . $targetOp, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1352. }
  1353. }
  1354. $security_token = make_secure_link_token($originBoard . '/merge/' . $postID);
  1355. mod_page(_('Merge thread'), 'mod/merge.html', array('post' => $postID, 'board' => $originBoard, 'boards' => $boards, 'token' => $security_token));
  1356. }
  1357. function mod_ban_post($board, $delete, $post, $token = false) {
  1358. global $config, $mod;
  1359. if (!openBoard($board))
  1360. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1361. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board))
  1362. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1363. $security_token = make_secure_link_token($board . '/ban/' . $post);
  1364. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT ' . ($config['ban_show_post'] ? '*' : '`ip`, `thread`') .
  1365. ' FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1366. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  1367. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1368. if (!$_post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1369. error($config['error']['404']);
  1370. $thread = $_post['thread'];
  1371. $ip = $_post['ip'];
  1372. if (isset($_POST['new_ban'], $_POST['reason'], $_POST['length'], $_POST['board'])) {
  1373. require_once 'inc/mod/ban.php';
  1374. if (isset($_POST['ip']))
  1375. $ip = $_POST['ip'];
  1376. Bans::new_ban($_POST['ip'], $_POST['reason'], $_POST['length'], $_POST['board'] == '*' ? false : $_POST['board'],
  1377. false, $config['ban_show_post'] ? $_post : false);
  1378. if (isset($_POST['public_message'], $_POST['message'])) {
  1379. // public ban message
  1380. $length_english = Bans::parse_time($_POST['length']) ? 'for ' . until(Bans::parse_time($_POST['length'])) : 'permanently';
  1381. $_POST['message'] = preg_replace('/[\r\n]/', '', $_POST['message']);
  1382. $_POST['message'] = str_replace('%length%', $length_english, $_POST['message']);
  1383. $_POST['message'] = str_replace('%LENGTH%', strtoupper($length_english), $_POST['message']);
  1384. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `body_nomarkup` = CONCAT(`body_nomarkup`, :body_nomarkup) WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1385. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  1386. $query->bindValue(':body_nomarkup', sprintf("\n<tinyboard ban message>%s</tinyboard>", utf8tohtml($_POST['message'])));
  1387. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1388. rebuildPost($post);
  1389. modLog("Attached a public ban message to post #{$post}: " . utf8tohtml($_POST['message']));
  1390. buildThread($thread ? $thread : $post);
  1391. buildIndex();
  1392. } elseif (isset($_POST['delete']) && (int) $_POST['delete']) {
  1393. // Delete post
  1394. if ($config['autotagging']){
  1395. $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE id = :id", $board));
  1396. $query->bindValue(':id', $post );
  1397. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1398. $ip = "";
  1399. $time = "";
  1400. $filename = "";
  1401. $filehash = "";
  1402. $subject = "";
  1403. $name = "";
  1404. $body = "";
  1405. while ($mypost = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1406. $time = $mypost["time"];
  1407. $ip = $mypost["ip"];
  1408. $body = $mypost["body_nomarkup"];
  1409. $name = $mypost["name"];
  1410. $subject = $mypost["subject"];
  1411. $filehash = $mypost["filehash"];
  1412. $mypost['files'] = $mypost['files'] ? json_decode($mypost['files']) : array();
  1413. // For each file append file name
  1414. for ($file_count = 0; $file_count < $mypost["num_files"];$file_count++){
  1415. $filename .= $mypost['files'][$file_count]->name . "\r\n";
  1416. }
  1417. }
  1418. if ($time !== ''){
  1419. $dt = new DateTime("@$time");
  1420. $autotag = "";
  1421. $autotag .= $name . " " . $subject . " " . $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " No.". $post . "\r\n";
  1422. $autotag .= "/${board}/" . " " . $filehash . " " . $filename ."\r\n";
  1423. $autotag .= $body . "\r\n";
  1424. $autotag = escape_markup_modifiers($autotag);
  1425. markup($autotag);
  1426. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``ip_notes`` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :mod, :time, :body)');
  1427. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  1428. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  1429. $query->bindValue(':time', time());
  1430. $query->bindValue(':body', $autotag);
  1431. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1432. modLog("Added a note for <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>");
  1433. }
  1434. }
  1435. deletePost($post);
  1436. modLog("Deleted post #{$post}");
  1437. // Rebuild board
  1438. buildIndex();
  1439. // Rebuild themes
  1440. rebuildThemes('post-delete', $board);
  1441. }
  1442. if(isset($_POST['thread'])) {
  1443. // Redirect to thread
  1444. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['dir']['res'] . str_replace('%d', $_POST['thread'], $config['file_page']), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1445. } else {
  1446. // Redirect to board index.
  1447. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1448. }
  1449. }
  1450. $args = array(
  1451. 'ip' => $ip,
  1452. 'hide_ip' => !hasPermission($config['mod']['show_ip'], $board),
  1453. 'post' => $post,
  1454. 'board' => $board,
  1455. 'delete' => (bool)$delete,
  1456. 'boards' => listBoards(),
  1457. 'token' => $security_token
  1458. );
  1459. if($_GET['thread']) {
  1460. $args['thread'] = $_GET['thread'];
  1461. }
  1462. mod_page(_('New ban'), 'mod/ban_form.html', $args);
  1463. }
  1464. function mod_warning_post($board,$post, $token = false) {
  1465. global $config, $mod;
  1466. if (!openBoard($board))
  1467. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1468. $security_token = make_secure_link_token($board . '/warning/' . $post);
  1469. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT ' . ('`ip`, `thread`') .
  1470. ' FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1471. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  1472. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1473. if (!$_post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1474. error($config['error']['404']);
  1475. $thread = $_post['thread'];
  1476. $ip = $_post['ip'];
  1477. if (isset($_POST['new_warning'])) {
  1478. if (isset($_POST['ip']))
  1479. $ip = $_POST['ip'];
  1480. if (isset($_POST['public_message'], $_POST['message'])) {
  1481. // public warning message
  1482. $_POST['message'] = preg_replace('/[\r\n]/', '', $_POST['message']);
  1483. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `body_nomarkup` = CONCAT(`body_nomarkup`, :body_nomarkup) WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1484. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  1485. $query->bindValue(':body_nomarkup', sprintf("\n<tinyboard warning message>%s</tinyboard>", utf8tohtml($_POST['message'])));
  1486. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1487. rebuildPost($post);
  1488. modLog("Attached a public warning message to post #{$post}: " . utf8tohtml($_POST['message']));
  1489. buildThread($thread ? $thread : $post);
  1490. buildIndex();
  1491. if ($config['autotagging']){
  1492. $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE id = :id", $board));
  1493. $query->bindValue(':id', $post );
  1494. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1495. $ip = "";
  1496. $time = "";
  1497. $filename = "";
  1498. $filehash = "";
  1499. $subject = "";
  1500. $name = "";
  1501. $body = "";
  1502. while ($mypost = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1503. $time = $mypost["time"];
  1504. $ip = $mypost["ip"];
  1505. $body = $mypost["body_nomarkup"];
  1506. $name = $mypost["name"];
  1507. $subject = $mypost["subject"];
  1508. $filehash = $mypost["filehash"];
  1509. $mypost['files'] = $mypost['files'] ? json_decode($mypost['files']) : array();
  1510. // For each file append file name
  1511. for ($file_count = 0; $file_count < $mypost["num_files"];$file_count++){
  1512. $filename .= $mypost['files'][$file_count]->name . "\r\n";
  1513. }
  1514. }
  1515. if ($time !== ''){
  1516. $dt = new DateTime("@$time");
  1517. $autotag = "Post warned\r\n";
  1518. $autotag .= $name . " " . $subject . " " . $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " No.". $post . "\r\n";
  1519. $autotag .= "/${board}/" . " " . $filehash . " " . $filename ."\r\n";
  1520. $autotag .= $body . "\r\n";
  1521. $autotag = escape_markup_modifiers($autotag);
  1522. markup($autotag);
  1523. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``ip_notes`` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :mod, :time, :body)');
  1524. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  1525. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  1526. $query->bindValue(':time', time());
  1527. $query->bindValue(':body', $autotag);
  1528. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1529. modLog("Added a note for <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>");
  1530. }
  1531. }
  1532. }
  1533. if(isset($_POST['thread'])) {
  1534. // Redirect to thread
  1535. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['dir']['res'] . str_replace('%d', $_POST['thread'], $config['file_page']), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1536. } else {
  1537. // Redirect to board index.
  1538. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1539. }
  1540. }
  1541. $args = array(
  1542. 'ip' => $ip,
  1543. 'hide_ip' => !hasPermission($config['mod']['show_ip'], $board),
  1544. 'post' => $post,
  1545. 'board' => $board,
  1546. 'token' => $security_token
  1547. );
  1548. if($_GET['thread']) {
  1549. $args['thread'] = $_GET['thread'];
  1550. }
  1551. mod_page(_('New warning'), 'mod/warning_form.html', $args);
  1552. }
  1553. function mod_edit_post($board, $edit_raw_html, $postID) {
  1554. global $config, $mod;
  1555. if (!openBoard($board))
  1556. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1557. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board))
  1558. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1559. if ($edit_raw_html && !hasPermission($config['mod']['rawhtml'], $board))
  1560. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1561. $security_token = make_secure_link_token($board . '/edit' . ($edit_raw_html ? '_raw' : '') . '/' . $postID);
  1562. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1563. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID);
  1564. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1565. if (!$post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1566. error($config['error']['404']);
  1567. if (isset($_POST['name'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['body'])) {
  1568. // Remove any modifiers they may have put in
  1569. $_POST['body'] = remove_modifiers($_POST['body']);
  1570. // Add back modifiers in the original post
  1571. $modifiers = extract_modifiers($post['body_nomarkup']);
  1572. foreach ($modifiers as $key => $value) {
  1573. $_POST['body'] .= "<tinyboard $key>$value</tinyboard>";
  1574. }
  1575. if ($edit_raw_html)
  1576. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `name` = :name, `email` = :email, `subject` = :subject, `body` = :body, `body_nomarkup` = :body_nomarkup WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1577. else
  1578. $query = prepare(sprintf('UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `name` = :name, `email` = :email, `subject` = :subject, `body_nomarkup` = :body WHERE `id` = :id', $board));
  1579. $query->bindValue(':id', $postID);
  1580. $query->bindValue('name', $_POST['name']);
  1581. $query->bindValue(':email', $_POST['email']);
  1582. $query->bindValue(':subject', $_POST['subject']);
  1583. $query->bindValue(':body', $_POST['body']);
  1584. if ($edit_raw_html) {
  1585. $body_nomarkup = $_POST['body'] . "\n<tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>";
  1586. $query->bindValue(':body_nomarkup', $body_nomarkup);
  1587. }
  1588. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1589. if ($edit_raw_html) {
  1590. modLog("Edited raw HTML of post #{$postID}");
  1591. } else {
  1592. modLog("Edited post #{$postID}");
  1593. rebuildPost($postID);
  1594. }
  1595. buildIndex();
  1596. rebuildThemes('post', $board);
  1597. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['dir']['res'] . link_for($post) . '#' . $postID, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1598. } else {
  1599. // Remove modifiers
  1600. $post['body_nomarkup'] = remove_modifiers($post['body_nomarkup']);
  1601. $post['body_nomarkup'] = utf8tohtml($post['body_nomarkup']);
  1602. $post['body'] = utf8tohtml($post['body']);
  1603. if ($config['minify_html']) {
  1604. $post['body_nomarkup'] = str_replace("\n", '&#010;', $post['body_nomarkup']);
  1605. $post['body'] = str_replace("\n", '&#010;', $post['body']);
  1606. $post['body_nomarkup'] = str_replace("\r", '', $post['body_nomarkup']);
  1607. $post['body'] = str_replace("\r", '', $post['body']);
  1608. $post['body_nomarkup'] = str_replace("\t", '&#09;', $post['body_nomarkup']);
  1609. $post['body'] = str_replace("\t", '&#09;', $post['body']);
  1610. }
  1611. mod_page(_('Edit post'), 'mod/edit_post_form.html', array('token' => $security_token, 'board' => $board, 'raw' => $edit_raw_html, 'post' => $post));
  1612. }
  1613. }
  1614. function mod_delete($board, $post) {
  1615. global $config, $mod;
  1616. if (!openBoard($board))
  1617. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1618. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board))
  1619. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1620. // Delete post
  1621. if ($config['autotagging']){
  1622. $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE id = :id", $board));
  1623. $query->bindValue(':id', $post );
  1624. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1625. $ip = "";
  1626. $time = "";
  1627. $filename = "";
  1628. $filehash = "";
  1629. $subject = "";
  1630. $name = "";
  1631. $body = "";
  1632. while ($mypost = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1633. $time = $mypost["time"];
  1634. $ip = $mypost["ip"];
  1635. $body = $mypost["body_nomarkup"];
  1636. $name = $mypost["name"];
  1637. $subject = $mypost["subject"];
  1638. $filehash = $mypost["filehash"];
  1639. $mypost['files'] = $mypost['files'] ? json_decode($mypost['files']) : array();
  1640. // For each file append file name
  1641. for ($file_count = 0; $file_count < $mypost["num_files"];$file_count++){
  1642. $filename .= $mypost['files'][$file_count]->name . "\r\n";
  1643. }
  1644. }
  1645. if ($time !== ''){
  1646. $dt = new DateTime("@$time");
  1647. $autotag = "";
  1648. $autotag .= $name . " " . $subject . " " . $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " No.". $post . "\r\n";
  1649. $autotag .= "/${board}/" . " " . $filehash . " " . $filename ."\r\n";
  1650. $autotag .= $body . "\r\n";
  1651. $autotag = escape_markup_modifiers($autotag);
  1652. markup($autotag);
  1653. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``ip_notes`` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :mod, :time, :body)');
  1654. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  1655. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  1656. $query->bindValue(':time', time());
  1657. $query->bindValue(':body', $autotag);
  1658. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1659. modLog("Added a note for <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>");
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. deletePost($post);
  1663. // Record the action
  1664. modLog("Deleted post #{$post}");
  1665. // Rebuild board
  1666. buildIndex();
  1667. // Rebuild themes
  1668. rebuildThemes('post-delete', $board);
  1669. // Redirect
  1670. if(isset($_GET['thread'])) {
  1671. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['dir']['res'] . str_replace('%d', $_GET['thread'], $config['file_page']), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1672. } else {
  1673. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1674. }
  1675. }
  1676. function mod_deletefile($board, $post, $file) {
  1677. global $config, $mod;
  1678. if (!openBoard($board))
  1679. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1680. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board))
  1681. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1682. // Delete file
  1683. deleteFile($post, TRUE, $file);
  1684. // Record the action
  1685. modLog("Deleted file from post #{$post}");
  1686. // Rebuild board
  1687. buildIndex();
  1688. // Rebuild themes
  1689. rebuildThemes('post-delete', $board);
  1690. // Redirect
  1691. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1692. }
  1693. function mod_spoiler_image($board, $post, $file) {
  1694. global $config, $mod;
  1695. if (!openBoard($board))
  1696. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1697. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['spoilerimage'], $board))
  1698. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1699. // Delete file thumbnail
  1700. $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `files`, `thread` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE id = :id", $board));
  1701. $query->bindValue(':id', $post, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1702. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1703. $result = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  1704. $files = json_decode($result['files']);
  1705. $size_spoiler_image = @getimagesize($config['spoiler_image']);
  1706. file_unlink($board . '/' . $config['dir']['thumb'] . $files[$file]->thumb);
  1707. $files[$file]->thumb = 'spoiler';
  1708. $files[$file]->thumbwidth = $size_spoiler_image[0];
  1709. $files[$file]->thumbheight = $size_spoiler_image[1];
  1710. // Make thumbnail spoiler
  1711. $query = prepare(sprintf("UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `files` = :files WHERE `id` = :id", $board));
  1712. $query->bindValue(':files', json_encode($files));
  1713. $query->bindValue(':id', $post, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  1714. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1715. // Record the action
  1716. modLog("Spoilered file from post #{$post}");
  1717. // Rebuild thread
  1718. buildThread($result['thread'] ? $result['thread'] : $post);
  1719. // Rebuild board
  1720. buildIndex();
  1721. // Rebuild themes
  1722. rebuildThemes('post-delete', $board);
  1723. // Redirect
  1724. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1725. }
  1726. function mod_deletebyip($boardName, $post, $global = false) {
  1727. global $config, $mod, $board;
  1728. $global = (bool)$global;
  1729. if (!openBoard($boardName))
  1730. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  1731. if (!$global && !hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $boardName))
  1732. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1733. if ($global && !hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $boardName))
  1734. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1735. // Find IP address
  1736. $query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT `ip` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id', $boardName));
  1737. $query->bindValue(':id', $post);
  1738. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1739. if (!$ip = $query->fetchColumn())
  1740. error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
  1741. $boards = $global ? listBoards() : array(array('uri' => $boardName));
  1742. $query = '';
  1743. foreach ($boards as $_board) {
  1744. $query .= sprintf("SELECT `thread`, `id`, '%s' AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `ip` = :ip UNION ALL ", $_board['uri'], $_board['uri']);
  1745. }
  1746. $query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', '', $query);
  1747. $query = prepare($query);
  1748. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  1749. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1750. if ($query->rowCount() < 1)
  1751. error($config['error']['invalidpost']);
  1752. @set_time_limit($config['mod']['rebuild_timelimit']);
  1753. $threads_to_rebuild = array();
  1754. $threads_deleted = array();
  1755. while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1756. openBoard($post['board']);
  1757. if ($config['autotagging']){
  1758. $query2 = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE id = :id", $post['board']));
  1759. $query2->bindValue(':id', $post['id'] );
  1760. $query2->execute() or error(db_error($query2));
  1761. $ip = "";
  1762. $time = "";
  1763. $filename = "";
  1764. $filehash = "";
  1765. $subject = "";
  1766. $name = "";
  1767. $body = "";
  1768. while ($mypost = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  1769. $time = $mypost["time"];
  1770. $ip = $mypost["ip"];
  1771. $body = $mypost["body_nomarkup"];
  1772. $name = $mypost["name"];
  1773. $subject = $mypost["subject"];
  1774. $filehash = $mypost["filehash"];
  1775. $mypost['files'] = $mypost['files'] ? json_decode($mypost['files']) : array();
  1776. // For each file append file name
  1777. for ($file_count = 0; $file_count < $mypost["num_files"];$file_count++){
  1778. $filename .= $mypost['files'][$file_count]->name . "\r\n";
  1779. }
  1780. }
  1781. if ($time !== ''){
  1782. $dt = new DateTime("@$time");
  1783. $autotag = "";
  1784. $autotag .= $name . " " . $subject . " " . $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " No.". $post['id'] . "\r\n";
  1785. $autotag .= "/${post['board']}/" . " " . $filehash . " " . $filename ."\r\n";
  1786. $autotag .= $body . "\r\n";
  1787. $autotag = escape_markup_modifiers($autotag);
  1788. markup($autotag);
  1789. $query2 = prepare('INSERT INTO ``ip_notes`` VALUES (NULL, :ip, :mod, :time, :body)');
  1790. $query2->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  1791. $query2->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  1792. $query2->bindValue(':time', time());
  1793. $query2->bindValue(':body', $autotag);
  1794. $query2->execute() or error(db_error($query2));
  1795. modLog("Added a note for <a href=\"?/IP/{$ip}\">{$ip}</a>");
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. deletePost($post['id'], false, false);
  1799. rebuildThemes('post-delete', $board['uri']);
  1800. buildIndex();
  1801. if ($post['thread'])
  1802. $threads_to_rebuild[$post['board']][$post['thread']] = true;
  1803. else
  1804. $threads_deleted[$post['board']][$post['id']] = true;
  1805. }
  1806. foreach ($threads_to_rebuild as $_board => $_threads) {
  1807. openBoard($_board);
  1808. foreach ($_threads as $_thread => $_dummy) {
  1809. if ($_dummy && !isset($threads_deleted[$_board][$_thread]))
  1810. buildThread($_thread);
  1811. }
  1812. buildIndex();
  1813. }
  1814. if ($global) {
  1815. $board = false;
  1816. }
  1817. // Record the action
  1818. modLog("Deleted all posts by IP address: <a href=\"?/IP/$ip\">$ip</a>");
  1819. // Redirect
  1820. header('Location: ?/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $boardName) . $config['file_index'], true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1821. }
  1822. function mod_user($uid) {
  1823. global $config, $mod;
  1824. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['editusers']) && !(hasPermission($config['mod']['change_password']) && $uid == $mod['id']))
  1825. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1826. $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM ``mods`` WHERE `id` = :id');
  1827. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1828. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1829. if (!$user = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1830. error($config['error']['404']);
  1831. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['editusers']) && isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
  1832. if (isset($_POST['allboards'])) {
  1833. $boards = array('*');
  1834. } else {
  1835. $_boards = listBoards();
  1836. foreach ($_boards as &$board) {
  1837. $board = $board['uri'];
  1838. }
  1839. $boards = array();
  1840. foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
  1841. if (preg_match('/^board_(' . $config['board_regex'] . ')$/u', $name, $matches) && in_array($matches[1], $_boards))
  1842. $boards[] = $matches[1];
  1843. }
  1844. }
  1845. if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
  1846. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['deleteusers']))
  1847. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1848. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``mods`` WHERE `id` = :id');
  1849. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1850. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1851. modLog('Deleted user ' . utf8tohtml($user['username']) . ' <small>(#' . $user['id'] . ')</small>');
  1852. header('Location: ?/users', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1853. return;
  1854. }
  1855. if ($_POST['username'] == '')
  1856. error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'username'));
  1857. $query = prepare('UPDATE ``mods`` SET `username` = :username, `boards` = :boards WHERE `id` = :id');
  1858. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1859. $query->bindValue(':username', $_POST['username']);
  1860. $query->bindValue(':boards', implode(',', $boards));
  1861. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1862. if ($user['username'] !== $_POST['username']) {
  1863. // account was renamed
  1864. modLog('Renamed user "' . utf8tohtml($user['username']) . '" <small>(#' . $user['id'] . ')</small> to "' . utf8tohtml($_POST['username']) . '"');
  1865. }
  1866. if ($_POST['password'] != '') {
  1867. list($version, $password) = crypt_password($_POST['password']);
  1868. $query = prepare('UPDATE ``mods`` SET `password` = :password, `version` = :version WHERE `id` = :id');
  1869. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1870. $query->bindValue(':password', $password);
  1871. $query->bindValue(':version', $version);
  1872. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1873. modLog('Changed password for ' . utf8tohtml($_POST['username']) . ' <small>(#' . $user['id'] . ')</small>');
  1874. if ($uid == $mod['id']) {
  1875. login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
  1876. setCookies();
  1877. }
  1878. }
  1879. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['manageusers']))
  1880. header('Location: ?/users', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1881. else
  1882. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1883. return;
  1884. }
  1885. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['change_password']) && $uid == $mod['id'] && isset($_POST['password'])) {
  1886. if ($_POST['password'] != '') {
  1887. list($version, $password) = crypt_password($_POST['password']);
  1888. $query = prepare('UPDATE ``mods`` SET `password` = :password, `version` = :version WHERE `id` = :id');
  1889. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1890. $query->bindValue(':password', $password);
  1891. $query->bindValue(':version', $version);
  1892. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1893. modLog('Changed own password');
  1894. login($user['username'], $_POST['password']);
  1895. setCookies();
  1896. }
  1897. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['manageusers']))
  1898. header('Location: ?/users', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1899. else
  1900. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1901. return;
  1902. }
  1903. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['modlog'])) {
  1904. $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM ``modlogs`` WHERE `mod` = :id ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 5');
  1905. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1906. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1907. $log = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  1908. } else {
  1909. $log = array();
  1910. }
  1911. $user['boards'] = explode(',', $user['boards']);
  1912. mod_page(_('Edit user'), 'mod/user.html', array(
  1913. 'user' => $user,
  1914. 'logs' => $log,
  1915. 'boards' => listBoards(),
  1916. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('users/' . $user['id'])
  1917. ));
  1918. }
  1919. function mod_user_new() {
  1920. global $pdo, $config;
  1921. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['createusers']))
  1922. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1923. if (isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['type'])) {
  1924. if ($_POST['username'] == '')
  1925. error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'username'));
  1926. if ($_POST['password'] == '')
  1927. error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], 'password'));
  1928. if (isset($_POST['allboards'])) {
  1929. $boards = array('*');
  1930. } else {
  1931. $_boards = listBoards();
  1932. foreach ($_boards as &$board) {
  1933. $board = $board['uri'];
  1934. }
  1935. $boards = array();
  1936. foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
  1937. if (preg_match('/^board_(' . $config['board_regex'] . ')$/u', $name, $matches) && in_array($matches[1], $_boards))
  1938. $boards[] = $matches[1];
  1939. }
  1940. }
  1941. $type = (int)$_POST['type'];
  1942. if (!isset($config['mod']['groups'][$type]) || $type == DISABLED)
  1943. error(sprintf($config['error']['invalidfield'], 'type'));
  1944. list($version, $password) = crypt_password($_POST['password']);
  1945. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``mods`` VALUES (NULL, :username, :password, :version, :type, :boards)');
  1946. $query->bindValue(':username', $_POST['username']);
  1947. $query->bindValue(':password', $password);
  1948. $query->bindValue(':version', $version);
  1949. $query->bindValue(':type', $type);
  1950. $query->bindValue(':boards', implode(',', $boards));
  1951. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1952. $userID = $pdo->lastInsertId();
  1953. modLog('Created a new user: ' . utf8tohtml($_POST['username']) . ' <small>(#' . $userID . ')</small>');
  1954. header('Location: ?/users', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  1955. return;
  1956. }
  1957. mod_page(_('New user'), 'mod/user.html', array('new' => true, 'boards' => listBoards(), 'token' => make_secure_link_token('users/new')));
  1958. }
  1959. function mod_users() {
  1960. global $config;
  1961. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['manageusers']))
  1962. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1963. $query = query("SELECT
  1964. *,
  1965. (SELECT `time` FROM ``modlogs`` WHERE `mod` = `id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1) AS `last`,
  1966. (SELECT `text` FROM ``modlogs`` WHERE `mod` = `id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1) AS `action`
  1967. FROM ``mods`` ORDER BY `type` DESC,`id`") or error(db_error());
  1968. $users = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  1969. foreach ($users as &$user) {
  1970. $user['promote_token'] = make_secure_link_token("users/{$user['id']}/promote");
  1971. $user['demote_token'] = make_secure_link_token("users/{$user['id']}/demote");
  1972. }
  1973. mod_page(sprintf('%s (%d)', _('Manage users'), count($users)), 'mod/users.html', array('users' => $users));
  1974. }
  1975. function mod_user_promote($uid, $action) {
  1976. global $config;
  1977. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['promoteusers']))
  1978. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  1979. $query = prepare("SELECT `type`, `username` FROM ``mods`` WHERE `id` = :id");
  1980. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  1981. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  1982. if (!$mod = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
  1983. error($config['error']['404']);
  1984. $new_group = false;
  1985. $groups = $config['mod']['groups'];
  1986. if ($action == 'demote')
  1987. $groups = array_reverse($groups, true);
  1988. foreach ($groups as $group_value => $group_name) {
  1989. if ($action == 'promote' && $group_value > $mod['type']) {
  1990. $new_group = $group_value;
  1991. break;
  1992. } elseif ($action == 'demote' && $group_value < $mod['type']) {
  1993. $new_group = $group_value;
  1994. break;
  1995. }
  1996. }
  1997. if ($new_group === false || $new_group == DISABLED)
  1998. error(_('Impossible to promote/demote user.'));
  1999. $query = prepare("UPDATE ``mods`` SET `type` = :group_value WHERE `id` = :id");
  2000. $query->bindValue(':id', $uid);
  2001. $query->bindValue(':group_value', $new_group);
  2002. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2003. modLog(($action == 'promote' ? 'Promoted' : 'Demoted') . ' user "' .
  2004. utf8tohtml($mod['username']) . '" to ' . $config['mod']['groups'][$new_group]);
  2005. header('Location: ?/users', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2006. }
  2007. function mod_pm($id, $reply = false) {
  2008. global $mod, $config;
  2009. if ($reply && !hasPermission($config['mod']['create_pm']))
  2010. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2011. $query = prepare("SELECT ``mods``.`username`, `mods_to`.`username` AS `to_username`, ``pms``.* FROM ``pms`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `sender` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` AS `mods_to` ON `mods_to`.`id` = `to` WHERE ``pms``.`id` = :id");
  2012. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2013. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2014. if ((!$pm = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) || ($pm['to'] != $mod['id'] && !hasPermission($config['mod']['master_pm'])))
  2015. error($config['error']['404']);
  2016. if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
  2017. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``pms`` WHERE `id` = :id");
  2018. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2019. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2020. if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
  2021. cache::delete('pm_unread_' . $mod['id']);
  2022. cache::delete('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id']);
  2023. }
  2024. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2025. return;
  2026. }
  2027. if ($pm['unread'] && $pm['to'] == $mod['id']) {
  2028. $query = prepare("UPDATE ``pms`` SET `unread` = 0 WHERE `id` = :id");
  2029. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2030. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2031. if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
  2032. cache::delete('pm_unread_' . $mod['id']);
  2033. cache::delete('pm_unreadcount_' . $mod['id']);
  2034. }
  2035. modLog('Read a PM');
  2036. }
  2037. if ($reply) {
  2038. if (!$pm['to_username'])
  2039. error($config['error']['404']); // deleted?
  2040. mod_page(sprintf('%s %s', _('New PM for'), $pm['to_username']), 'mod/new_pm.html', array(
  2041. 'username' => $pm['username'],
  2042. 'id' => $pm['sender'],
  2043. 'message' => quote($pm['message']),
  2044. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('new_PM/' . $pm['username'])
  2045. ));
  2046. } else {
  2047. mod_page(sprintf('%s &ndash; #%d', _('Private message'), $id), 'mod/pm.html', $pm);
  2048. }
  2049. }
  2050. function mod_inbox() {
  2051. global $config, $mod;
  2052. $query = prepare('SELECT `unread`,``pms``.`id`, `time`, `sender`, `to`, `message`, `username` FROM ``pms`` LEFT JOIN ``mods`` ON ``mods``.`id` = `sender` WHERE `to` = :mod ORDER BY `unread` DESC, `time` DESC');
  2053. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  2054. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2055. $messages = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2056. $query = prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``pms`` WHERE `to` = :mod AND `unread` = 1');
  2057. $query->bindValue(':mod', $mod['id']);
  2058. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2059. $unread = $query->fetchColumn();
  2060. foreach ($messages as &$message) {
  2061. $message['snippet'] = pm_snippet($message['message']);
  2062. }
  2063. mod_page(sprintf('%s (%s)', _('PM inbox'), count($messages) > 0 ? $unread . ' unread' : 'empty'), 'mod/inbox.html', array(
  2064. 'messages' => $messages,
  2065. 'unread' => $unread
  2066. ));
  2067. }
  2068. function mod_new_pm($username) {
  2069. global $config, $mod;
  2070. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['create_pm']))
  2071. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2072. $query = prepare("SELECT `id` FROM ``mods`` WHERE `username` = :username");
  2073. $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
  2074. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2075. if (!$id = $query->fetchColumn()) {
  2076. // Old style ?/PM: by user ID
  2077. $query = prepare("SELECT `username` FROM ``mods`` WHERE `id` = :username");
  2078. $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
  2079. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2080. if ($username = $query->fetchColumn())
  2081. header('Location: ?/new_PM/' . $username, true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2082. else
  2083. error($config['error']['404']);
  2084. }
  2085. if (isset($_POST['message'])) {
  2086. $_POST['message'] = escape_markup_modifiers($_POST['message']);
  2087. markup($_POST['message']);
  2088. $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``pms`` VALUES (NULL, :me, :id, :message, :time, 1)");
  2089. $query->bindValue(':me', $mod['id']);
  2090. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2091. $query->bindValue(':message', $_POST['message']);
  2092. $query->bindValue(':time', time());
  2093. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2094. if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
  2095. cache::delete('pm_unread_' . $id);
  2096. cache::delete('pm_unreadcount_' . $id);
  2097. }
  2098. modLog('Sent a PM to ' . utf8tohtml($username));
  2099. header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2100. }
  2101. mod_page(sprintf('%s %s', _('New PM for'), $username), 'mod/new_pm.html', array(
  2102. 'username' => $username,
  2103. 'id' => $id,
  2104. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('new_PM/' . $username)
  2105. ));
  2106. }
  2107. function mod_rebuild() {
  2108. global $config, $twig;
  2109. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['rebuild']))
  2110. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2111. if (isset($_POST['rebuild'])) {
  2112. @set_time_limit($config['mod']['rebuild_timelimit']);
  2113. $log = array();
  2114. $boards = listBoards();
  2115. $rebuilt_scripts = array();
  2116. if (isset($_POST['rebuild_cache'])) {
  2117. if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
  2118. $log[] = 'Flushing cache';
  2119. Cache::flush();
  2120. }
  2121. $log[] = 'Clearing template cache';
  2122. load_twig();
  2123. $twig->clearCacheFiles();
  2124. }
  2125. if (isset($_POST['rebuild_themes'])) {
  2126. $log[] = 'Regenerating theme files';
  2127. rebuildThemes('all');
  2128. }
  2129. if (isset($_POST['rebuild_javascript'])) {
  2130. $log[] = 'Rebuilding <strong>' . $config['file_script'] . '</strong>';
  2131. buildJavascript();
  2132. $rebuilt_scripts[] = $config['file_script'];
  2133. }
  2134. foreach ($boards as $board) {
  2135. if (!(isset($_POST['boards_all']) || isset($_POST['board_' . $board['uri']])))
  2136. continue;
  2137. openBoard($board['uri']);
  2138. $config['try_smarter'] = false;
  2139. if (isset($_POST['rebuild_index'])) {
  2140. buildIndex();
  2141. $log[] = '<strong>' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']) . '</strong>: Creating index pages';
  2142. }
  2143. if (isset($_POST['rebuild_javascript']) && !in_array($config['file_script'], $rebuilt_scripts)) {
  2144. $log[] = '<strong>' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']) . '</strong>: Rebuilding <strong>' . $config['file_script'] . '</strong>';
  2145. buildJavascript();
  2146. $rebuilt_scripts[] = $config['file_script'];
  2147. }
  2148. if (isset($_POST['rebuild_thread'])) {
  2149. $query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $board['uri'])) or error(db_error());
  2150. while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  2151. $log[] = '<strong>' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']) . '</strong>: Rebuilding thread #' . $post['id'];
  2152. buildThread($post['id']);
  2153. }
  2154. }
  2155. }
  2156. mod_page(_('Rebuild'), 'mod/rebuilt.html', array('logs' => $log));
  2157. return;
  2158. }
  2159. mod_page(_('Rebuild'), 'mod/rebuild.html', array(
  2160. 'boards' => listBoards(),
  2161. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('rebuild')
  2162. ));
  2163. }
  2164. function mod_reports() {
  2165. global $config, $mod;
  2166. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['reports']))
  2167. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2168. $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM ``reports`` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT :limit");
  2169. $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['mod']['recent_reports'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  2170. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2171. $reports = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2172. $report_queries = array();
  2173. foreach ($reports as $report) {
  2174. if (!isset($report_queries[$report['board']]))
  2175. $report_queries[$report['board']] = array();
  2176. $report_queries[$report['board']][] = $report['post'];
  2177. }
  2178. $report_posts = array();
  2179. foreach ($report_queries as $board => $posts) {
  2180. $report_posts[$board] = array();
  2181. $query = query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = ' . implode(' OR `id` = ', $posts), $board)) or error(db_error());
  2182. while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  2183. $report_posts[$board][$post['id']] = $post;
  2184. }
  2185. }
  2186. $count = 0;
  2187. $body = '';
  2188. foreach ($reports as $report) {
  2189. if (!isset($report_posts[$report['board']][$report['post']])) {
  2190. // // Invalid report (post has since been deleted)
  2191. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `post` = :id AND `board` = :board");
  2192. $query->bindValue(':id', $report['post'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
  2193. $query->bindValue(':board', $report['board']);
  2194. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2195. continue;
  2196. }
  2197. openBoard($report['board']);
  2198. $post = &$report_posts[$report['board']][$report['post']];
  2199. if (!$post['thread']) {
  2200. // Still need to fix this:
  2201. $po = new Thread($post, '?/', $mod, false);
  2202. } else {
  2203. $po = new Post($post, '?/', $mod);
  2204. }
  2205. // a little messy and inefficient
  2206. $append_html = Element('mod/report.html', array(
  2207. 'report' => $report,
  2208. 'config' => $config,
  2209. 'mod' => $mod,
  2210. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('reports/' . $report['id'] . '/dismiss'),
  2211. 'token_all' => make_secure_link_token('reports/' . $report['id'] . '/dismissall')
  2212. ));
  2213. // Bug fix for
  2214. $po->body = truncate($po->body, $po->link(), $config['body_truncate'] - substr_count($append_html, '<br>'));
  2215. if (mb_strlen($po->body) + mb_strlen($append_html) > $config['body_truncate_char']) {
  2216. // still too long; temporarily increase limit in the config
  2217. $__old_body_truncate_char = $config['body_truncate_char'];
  2218. $config['body_truncate_char'] = mb_strlen($po->body) + mb_strlen($append_html);
  2219. }
  2220. $po->body .= $append_html;
  2221. $body .= $po->build(true) . '<hr>';
  2222. if (isset($__old_body_truncate_char))
  2223. $config['body_truncate_char'] = $__old_body_truncate_char;
  2224. $count++;
  2225. }
  2226. mod_page(sprintf('%s (%d)', _('Report queue'), $count), 'mod/reports.html', array('reports' => $body, 'count' => $count));
  2227. }
  2228. function mod_report_dismiss($id, $all = false) {
  2229. global $config;
  2230. $query = prepare("SELECT `post`, `board`, `ip` FROM ``reports`` WHERE `id` = :id");
  2231. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2232. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2233. if ($report = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  2234. $ip = $report['ip'];
  2235. $board = $report['board'];
  2236. $post = $report['post'];
  2237. } else
  2238. error($config['error']['404']);
  2239. if (!$all && !hasPermission($config['mod']['report_dismiss'], $board))
  2240. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2241. if ($all && !hasPermission($config['mod']['report_dismiss_ip'], $board))
  2242. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2243. if ($all) {
  2244. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `ip` = :ip");
  2245. $query->bindValue(':ip', $ip);
  2246. } else {
  2247. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``reports`` WHERE `id` = :id");
  2248. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2249. }
  2250. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2251. if ($all)
  2252. modLog("Dismissed all reports by <a href=\"?/IP/$ip\">$ip</a>");
  2253. else
  2254. modLog("Dismissed a report for post #{$id}", $board);
  2255. header('Location: ?/reports', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2256. }
  2257. function mod_recent_posts($lim,$board_list = false,$json=false) {
  2258. global $config, $mod, $pdo;
  2259. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['recent']))
  2260. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2261. $limit = (is_numeric($lim))? $lim : 25;
  2262. $last_time = (isset($_GET['last']) && is_numeric($_GET['last'])) ? $_GET['last'] : 0;
  2263. $mod_boards = array();
  2264. $boards = listBoards();
  2265. //if not all boards
  2266. if ($mod['boards'][0]!='*') {
  2267. foreach ($boards as $board) {
  2268. if (in_array($board['uri'], $mod['boards']))
  2269. $mod_boards[] = $board;
  2270. }
  2271. } else {
  2272. $mod_boards = $boards;
  2273. }
  2274. if ($board_list != false){
  2275. $board_array = explode(",",$board_list);
  2276. $new_board_array = array();
  2277. foreach ($board_array as $board) {
  2278. if (array_key_exists($board,$config['boards_alias'])){
  2279. $newboard = $config['boards_alias'][$board];
  2280. }
  2281. else{
  2282. $newboard = $board;
  2283. }
  2284. $new_board_array[] = $newboard;
  2285. }
  2286. $mod_boards = array();
  2287. foreach ($boards as $board) {
  2288. if (in_array($board['uri'], $new_board_array)){
  2289. $mod_boards[] = $board;
  2290. }
  2291. }
  2292. }
  2293. // Manually build an SQL query
  2294. $query = 'SELECT * FROM (';
  2295. foreach ($mod_boards as $board) {
  2296. $query .= sprintf('SELECT *, %s AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` UNION ALL ', $pdo->quote($board['uri']), $board['uri']);
  2297. }
  2298. // Remove the last "UNION ALL" seperator and complete the query
  2299. $query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', ') AS `all_posts` WHERE (`time` < :last_time OR NOT :last_time) ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ' . $limit, $query);
  2300. $query = prepare($query);
  2301. $query->bindValue(':last_time', $last_time);
  2302. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2303. $posts = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2304. if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
  2305. $apithreads = array();
  2306. }
  2307. foreach ($posts as &$post) {
  2308. openBoard($post['board']);
  2309. if (!$post['thread']) {
  2310. // Still need to fix this:
  2311. $po = new Thread($post, '?/', $mod, false);
  2312. $post['built'] = $po->build(true);
  2313. if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
  2314. $apithreads[] = $po;
  2315. }
  2316. } else {
  2317. $po = new Post($post, '?/', $mod);
  2318. $post['built'] = $po->build(true);
  2319. if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
  2320. $pot = new Thread($post, '?/', $mod, false);
  2321. $pot->add($po);
  2322. $apithreads[] = $pot;
  2323. }
  2324. }
  2325. $last_time = $post['time'];
  2326. }
  2327. if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
  2328. require_once __DIR__. '/../../inc/api.php';
  2329. $api = new Api();
  2330. $jsonFilename = 'mod/' . 'recent.json';
  2331. $jsondata = json_encode($api->translatePage($apithreads));
  2332. }
  2333. if ($json){
  2334. echo $jsondata;
  2335. }
  2336. else {
  2337. echo mod_page(_('Recent posts'), 'mod/recent_posts.html', array(
  2338. 'posts' => $posts,
  2339. 'limit' => $limit,
  2340. 'last_time' => $last_time
  2341. )
  2342. );
  2343. }
  2344. }
  2345. function mod_config($board_config = false) {
  2346. global $config, $mod, $board;
  2347. if ($board_config && !openBoard($board_config))
  2348. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  2349. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_config'], $board_config))
  2350. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2351. $config_file = $board_config ? $board['dir'] . 'config.php' : 'inc/instance-config.php';
  2352. if ($config['mod']['config_editor_php']) {
  2353. $readonly = !(is_file($config_file) ? is_writable($config_file) : is_writable(dirname($config_file)));
  2354. if (!$readonly && isset($_POST['code'])) {
  2355. $code = $_POST['code'];
  2356. // Save previous instance_config if php_check_syntax fails
  2357. $old_code = file_get_contents($config_file);
  2358. file_put_contents($config_file, $code);
  2359. $resp = shell_exec_error('php -l ' . $config_file);
  2360. if (preg_match('/No syntax errors detected/', $resp)) {
  2361. header('Location: ?/config' . ($board_config ? '/' . $board_config : ''), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2362. return;
  2363. }
  2364. else {
  2365. file_put_contents($config_file, $old_code);
  2366. error($config['error']['badsyntax'] . $resp);
  2367. }
  2368. }
  2369. $instance_config = @file_get_contents($config_file);
  2370. if ($instance_config === false) {
  2371. $instance_config = "<?php\n\n// This file does not exist yet. You are creating it.";
  2372. }
  2373. $instance_config = str_replace("\n", '&#010;', utf8tohtml($instance_config));
  2374. mod_page(_('Config editor'), 'mod/config-editor-php.html', array(
  2375. 'php' => $instance_config,
  2376. 'readonly' => $readonly,
  2377. 'boards' => listBoards(),
  2378. 'board' => $board_config,
  2379. 'file' => $config_file,
  2380. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('config' . ($board_config ? '/' . $board_config : ''))
  2381. ));
  2382. return;
  2383. }
  2384. require_once 'inc/mod/config-editor.php';
  2385. $conf = config_vars();
  2386. foreach ($conf as &$var) {
  2387. if (is_array($var['name'])) {
  2388. $c = &$config;
  2389. foreach ($var['name'] as $n)
  2390. $c = &$c[$n];
  2391. } else {
  2392. $c = @$config[$var['name']];
  2393. }
  2394. $var['value'] = $c;
  2395. }
  2396. unset($var);
  2397. if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
  2398. $config_append = '';
  2399. foreach ($conf as $var) {
  2400. $field_name = 'cf_' . (is_array($var['name']) ? implode('/', $var['name']) : $var['name']);
  2401. if ($var['type'] == 'boolean')
  2402. $value = isset($_POST[$field_name]);
  2403. elseif (isset($_POST[$field_name]))
  2404. $value = $_POST[$field_name];
  2405. else
  2406. continue; // ???
  2407. if (!settype($value, $var['type']))
  2408. continue; // invalid
  2409. if ($value != $var['value']) {
  2410. // This value has been changed.
  2411. $config_append .= '$config';
  2412. if (is_array($var['name'])) {
  2413. foreach ($var['name'] as $name)
  2414. $config_append .= '[' . var_export($name, true) . ']';
  2415. } else {
  2416. $config_append .= '[' . var_export($var['name'], true) . ']';
  2417. }
  2418. $config_append .= ' = ';
  2419. if (@$var['permissions'] && isset($config['mod']['groups'][$value])) {
  2420. $config_append .= $config['mod']['groups'][$value];
  2421. } else {
  2422. $config_append .= var_export($value, true);
  2423. }
  2424. $config_append .= ";\n";
  2425. }
  2426. }
  2427. if (!empty($config_append)) {
  2428. $config_append = "\n// Changes made via web editor by \"" . $mod['username'] . "\" @ " . date('r') . ":\n" . $config_append . "\n";
  2429. if (!is_file($config_file))
  2430. $config_append = "<?php\n\n$config_append";
  2431. if (!@file_put_contents($config_file, $config_append, FILE_APPEND)) {
  2432. $config_append = htmlentities($config_append);
  2433. if ($config['minify_html'])
  2434. $config_append = str_replace("\n", '&#010;', $config_append);
  2435. $page = array();
  2436. $page['title'] = 'Cannot write to file!';
  2437. $page['config'] = $config;
  2438. $page['body'] = '
  2439. <p style="text-align:center">Tinyboard could not write to <strong>' . $config_file . '</strong> with the ammended configuration, probably due to a permissions error.</p>
  2440. <p style="text-align:center">You may proceed with these changes manually by copying and pasting the following code to the end of <strong>' . $config_file . '</strong>:</p>
  2441. <textarea style="width:700px;height:370px;margin:auto;display:block;background:white;color:black" readonly>' . $config_append . '</textarea>
  2442. ';
  2443. echo Element('page.html', $page);
  2444. exit;
  2445. }
  2446. }
  2447. header('Location: ?/config' . ($board_config ? '/' . $board_config : ''), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2448. exit;
  2449. }
  2450. mod_page(_('Config editor') . ($board_config ? ': ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board_config) : ''),
  2451. 'mod/config-editor.html', array(
  2452. 'boards' => listBoards(),
  2453. 'board' => $board_config,
  2454. 'conf' => $conf,
  2455. 'file' => $config_file,
  2456. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('config' . ($board_config ? '/' . $board_config : ''))
  2457. ));
  2458. }
  2459. function mod_themes_list() {
  2460. global $config;
  2461. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['themes']))
  2462. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2463. if (!is_dir($config['dir']['themes']))
  2464. error(_('Themes directory doesn\'t exist!'));
  2465. if (!$dir = opendir($config['dir']['themes']))
  2466. error(_('Cannot open themes directory; check permissions.'));
  2467. $query = query('SELECT `theme` FROM ``theme_settings`` WHERE `name` IS NULL AND `value` IS NULL') or error(db_error());
  2468. $themes_in_use = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
  2469. // Scan directory for themes
  2470. $themes = array();
  2471. while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
  2472. if ($file[0] != '.' && is_dir($config['dir']['themes'] . '/' . $file)) {
  2473. $themes[$file] = loadThemeConfig($file);
  2474. }
  2475. }
  2476. closedir($dir);
  2477. foreach ($themes as $theme_name => &$theme) {
  2478. $theme['rebuild_token'] = make_secure_link_token('themes/' . $theme_name . '/rebuild');
  2479. $theme['uninstall_token'] = make_secure_link_token('themes/' . $theme_name . '/uninstall');
  2480. }
  2481. mod_page(_('Manage themes'), 'mod/themes.html', array(
  2482. 'themes' => $themes,
  2483. 'themes_in_use' => $themes_in_use,
  2484. ));
  2485. }
  2486. function mod_theme_configure($theme_name) {
  2487. global $config;
  2488. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['themes']))
  2489. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2490. if (!$theme = loadThemeConfig($theme_name)) {
  2491. error($config['error']['invalidtheme']);
  2492. }
  2493. if (isset($_POST['install'])) {
  2494. // Check if everything is submitted
  2495. foreach ($theme['config'] as &$conf) {
  2496. if (!isset($_POST[$conf['name']]) && $conf['type'] != 'checkbox')
  2497. error(sprintf($config['error']['required'], $c['title']));
  2498. }
  2499. // Clear previous settings
  2500. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``theme_settings`` WHERE `theme` = :theme");
  2501. $query->bindValue(':theme', $theme_name);
  2502. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2503. foreach ($theme['config'] as &$conf) {
  2504. $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``theme_settings`` VALUES(:theme, :name, :value)");
  2505. $query->bindValue(':theme', $theme_name);
  2506. $query->bindValue(':name', $conf['name']);
  2507. if ($conf['type'] == 'checkbox')
  2508. $query->bindValue(':value', isset($_POST[$conf['name']]) ? 1 : 0);
  2509. else
  2510. $query->bindValue(':value', $_POST[$conf['name']]);
  2511. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2512. }
  2513. $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``theme_settings`` VALUES(:theme, NULL, NULL)");
  2514. $query->bindValue(':theme', $theme_name);
  2515. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2516. // Clean cache
  2517. Cache::delete("themes");
  2518. Cache::delete("theme_settings_".$theme_name);
  2519. $result = true;
  2520. $message = false;
  2521. if (isset($theme['install_callback'])) {
  2522. $ret = $theme['install_callback'](themeSettings($theme_name));
  2523. if ($ret && !empty($ret)) {
  2524. if (is_array($ret) && count($ret) == 2) {
  2525. $result = $ret[0];
  2526. $message = $ret[1];
  2527. }
  2528. }
  2529. }
  2530. if (!$result) {
  2531. // Install failed
  2532. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``theme_settings`` WHERE `theme` = :theme");
  2533. $query->bindValue(':theme', $theme_name);
  2534. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2535. }
  2536. // Build themes
  2537. rebuildThemes('all');
  2538. mod_page(sprintf(_($result ? 'Installed theme: %s' : 'Installation failed: %s'), $theme['name']), 'mod/theme_installed.html', array(
  2539. 'theme_name' => $theme_name,
  2540. 'theme' => $theme,
  2541. 'result' => $result,
  2542. 'message' => $message
  2543. ));
  2544. return;
  2545. }
  2546. $settings = themeSettings($theme_name);
  2547. mod_page(sprintf(_('Configuring theme: %s'), $theme['name']), 'mod/theme_config.html', array(
  2548. 'theme_name' => $theme_name,
  2549. 'theme' => $theme,
  2550. 'settings' => $settings,
  2551. 'token' => make_secure_link_token('themes/' . $theme_name)
  2552. ));
  2553. }
  2554. function mod_theme_uninstall($theme_name) {
  2555. global $config;
  2556. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['themes']))
  2557. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2558. $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``theme_settings`` WHERE `theme` = :theme");
  2559. $query->bindValue(':theme', $theme_name);
  2560. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2561. // Clean cache
  2562. Cache::delete("themes");
  2563. Cache::delete("theme_settings_".$theme_name);
  2564. header('Location: ?/themes', true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2565. }
  2566. function mod_theme_rebuild($theme_name) {
  2567. global $config;
  2568. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['themes']))
  2569. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2570. rebuildTheme($theme_name, 'all');
  2571. mod_page(sprintf(_('Rebuilt theme: %s'), $theme_name), 'mod/theme_rebuilt.html', array(
  2572. 'theme_name' => $theme_name,
  2573. ));
  2574. }
  2575. // This needs to be done for `secure` CSRF prevention compatibility, otherwise the $board will be read in as the token if editing global pages.
  2576. function delete_page_base($page = '', $board = false) {
  2577. global $config, $mod;
  2578. if (empty($board))
  2579. $board = false;
  2580. if (!$board && $mod['boards'][0] !== '*')
  2581. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2582. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_pages'], $board))
  2583. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2584. if ($board !== FALSE && !openBoard($board))
  2585. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  2586. if ($board) {
  2587. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``pages`` WHERE `board` = :board AND `name` = :name');
  2588. $query->bindValue(':board', ($board ? $board : NULL));
  2589. } else {
  2590. $query = prepare('DELETE FROM ``pages`` WHERE `board` IS NULL AND `name` = :name');
  2591. }
  2592. $query->bindValue(':name', $page);
  2593. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2594. header('Location: ?/edit_pages' . ($board ? ('/' . $board) : ''), true, $config['redirect_http']);
  2595. }
  2596. function mod_delete_page($page = '') {
  2597. delete_page_base($page);
  2598. }
  2599. function mod_delete_page_board($page = '', $board = false) {
  2600. delete_page_base($page, $board);
  2601. }
  2602. function mod_edit_page($id) {
  2603. global $config, $mod, $board;
  2604. $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM ``pages`` WHERE `id` = :id');
  2605. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2606. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2607. $page = $query->fetch();
  2608. if (!$page)
  2609. error(_('Could not find the page you are trying to edit.'));
  2610. if (!$page['board'] && $mod['boards'][0] !== '*')
  2611. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2612. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_pages'], $page['board']))
  2613. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2614. if ($page['board'] && !openBoard($page['board']))
  2615. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  2616. if (isset($_POST['method'], $_POST['content'])) {
  2617. $content = $_POST['content'];
  2618. $method = $_POST['method'];
  2619. $page['type'] = $method;
  2620. if (!in_array($method, array('markdown', 'html', 'infinity')))
  2621. error(_('Unrecognized page markup method.'));
  2622. switch ($method) {
  2623. case 'markdown':
  2624. $write = markdown($content);
  2625. break;
  2626. case 'html':
  2627. if (hasPermission($config['mod']['rawhtml'])) {
  2628. $write = $content;
  2629. } else {
  2630. $write = purify_html($content);
  2631. }
  2632. break;
  2633. case 'infinity':
  2634. $c = $content;
  2635. markup($content);
  2636. $write = $content;
  2637. $content = $c;
  2638. }
  2639. if (!isset($write) or !$write)
  2640. error(_('Failed to mark up your input for some reason...'));
  2641. $query = prepare('UPDATE ``pages`` SET `type` = :method, `content` = :content WHERE `id` = :id');
  2642. $query->bindValue(':method', $method);
  2643. $query->bindValue(':content', $content);
  2644. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2645. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2646. $fn = ($board['uri'] ? ($board['uri'] . '/') : '') . $page['name'] . '.html';
  2647. $body = "<div class='ban'>$write</div>";
  2648. $html = Element('page.html', array('config' => $config, 'body' => $body, 'title' => utf8tohtml($page['title'])));
  2649. file_write($fn, $html);
  2650. }
  2651. if (!isset($content)) {
  2652. $query = prepare('SELECT `content` FROM ``pages`` WHERE `id` = :id');
  2653. $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
  2654. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2655. $content = $query->fetchColumn();
  2656. }
  2657. mod_page(sprintf(_('Editing static page: %s'), $page['name']), 'mod/edit_page.html', array('page' => $page, 'token' => make_secure_link_token("edit_page/$id"), 'content' => prettify_textarea($content), 'board' => $board));
  2658. }
  2659. function mod_pages($board = false) {
  2660. global $config, $mod, $pdo;
  2661. if (empty($board))
  2662. $board = false;
  2663. if (!$board && $mod['boards'][0] !== '*')
  2664. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2665. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_pages'], $board))
  2666. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2667. if ($board !== FALSE && !openBoard($board))
  2668. error($config['error']['noboard']);
  2669. if ($board) {
  2670. $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM ``pages`` WHERE `board` = :board');
  2671. $query->bindValue(':board', $board);
  2672. } else {
  2673. $query = query('SELECT * FROM ``pages`` WHERE `board` IS NULL');
  2674. }
  2675. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2676. $pages = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2677. if (isset($_POST['page'])) {
  2678. if ($board and sizeof($pages) > $config['pages_max'])
  2679. error(sprintf(_('Sorry, this site only allows %d pages per board.'), $config['pages_max']));
  2680. if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]{1,255}$/', $_POST['page']))
  2681. error(_('Page names must be < 255 chars and may only contain lowercase letters A-Z and digits 1-9.'));
  2682. foreach ($pages as $i => $p) {
  2683. if ($_POST['page'] === $p['name'])
  2684. error(_('Refusing to create a new page with the same name as an existing one.'));
  2685. }
  2686. $title = ($_POST['title'] ? $_POST['title'] : NULL);
  2687. $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``pages``(board, title, name) VALUES(:board, :title, :name)');
  2688. $query->bindValue(':board', ($board ? $board : NULL));
  2689. $query->bindValue(':title', $title);
  2690. $query->bindValue(':name', $_POST['page']);
  2691. $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
  2692. $pages[] = array('id' => $pdo->lastInsertId(), 'name' => $_POST['page'], 'board' => $board, 'title' => $title);
  2693. }
  2694. foreach ($pages as $i => &$p) {
  2695. $p['delete_token'] = make_secure_link_token('edit_pages/delete/' . $p['name'] . ($board ? ('/' . $board) : ''));
  2696. }
  2697. mod_page(_('Pages'), 'mod/pages.html', array('pages' => $pages, 'token' => make_secure_link_token('edit_pages' . ($board ? ('/' . $board) : '')), 'board' => $board));
  2698. }
  2699. function mod_debug_antispam() {
  2700. global $pdo, $config;
  2701. $args = array();
  2702. if (isset($_POST['board'], $_POST['thread'])) {
  2703. $where = '`board` = ' . $pdo->quote($_POST['board']);
  2704. if ($_POST['thread'] != '')
  2705. $where .= ' AND `thread` = ' . $pdo->quote($_POST['thread']);
  2706. if (isset($_POST['purge'])) {
  2707. $query = prepare(', DATE ``antispam`` SET `expires` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + :expires WHERE' . $where);
  2708. $query->bindValue(':expires', $config['spam']['hidden_inputs_expire']);
  2709. $query->execute() or error(db_error());
  2710. }
  2711. $args['board'] = $_POST['board'];
  2712. $args['thread'] = $_POST['thread'];
  2713. } else {
  2714. $where = '';
  2715. }
  2716. $query = query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``antispam``' . ($where ? " WHERE $where" : '')) or error(db_error());
  2717. $args['total'] = number_format($query->fetchColumn());
  2718. $query = query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``antispam`` WHERE `expires` IS NOT NULL' . ($where ? " AND $where" : '')) or error(db_error());
  2719. $args['expiring'] = number_format($query->fetchColumn());
  2720. $query = query('SELECT * FROM ``antispam`` ' . ($where ? "WHERE $where" : '') . ' ORDER BY `passed` DESC LIMIT 40') or error(db_error());
  2721. $args['top'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2722. $query = query('SELECT * FROM ``antispam`` ' . ($where ? "WHERE $where" : '') . ' ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 20') or error(db_error());
  2723. $args['recent'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2724. mod_page(_('Debug: Anti-spam'), 'mod/debug/antispam.html', $args);
  2725. }
  2726. function mod_debug_recent_posts() {
  2727. global $pdo, $config;
  2728. $limit = 500;
  2729. $boards = listBoards();
  2730. // Manually build an SQL query
  2731. $query = 'SELECT * FROM (';
  2732. foreach ($boards as $board) {
  2733. $query .= sprintf('SELECT *, %s AS `board` FROM ``posts_%s`` UNION ALL ', $pdo->quote($board['uri']), $board['uri']);
  2734. }
  2735. // Remove the last "UNION ALL" seperator and complete the query
  2736. $query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', ') AS `all_posts` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ' . $limit, $query);
  2737. $query = query($query) or error(db_error());
  2738. $posts = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2739. // Fetch recent posts from flood prevention cache
  2740. $query = query("SELECT * FROM ``flood`` ORDER BY `time` DESC") or error(db_error());
  2741. $flood_posts = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2742. foreach ($posts as &$post) {
  2743. $post['snippet'] = pm_snippet($post['body']);
  2744. foreach ($flood_posts as $flood_post) {
  2745. if ($flood_post['time'] == $post['time'] &&
  2746. $flood_post['posthash'] == make_comment_hex($post['body_nomarkup']) &&
  2747. $flood_post['filehash'] == $post['filehash'])
  2748. $post['in_flood_table'] = true;
  2749. }
  2750. }
  2751. mod_page(_('Debug: Recent posts'), 'mod/debug/recent_posts.html', array('posts' => $posts, 'flood_posts' => $flood_posts));
  2752. }
  2753. function mod_debug_sql() {
  2754. global $config;
  2755. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['debug_sql']))
  2756. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2757. $args['security_token'] = make_secure_link_token('debug/sql');
  2758. if (isset($_POST['query'])) {
  2759. $args['query'] = $_POST['query'];
  2760. if ($query = query($_POST['query'])) {
  2761. $args['result'] = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  2762. if (!empty($args['result']))
  2763. $args['keys'] = array_keys($args['result'][0]);
  2764. else
  2765. $args['result'] = 'empty';
  2766. } else {
  2767. $args['error'] = db_error();
  2768. }
  2769. }
  2770. mod_page(_('Debug: SQL'), 'mod/debug/sql.html', $args);
  2771. }
  2772. function mod_debug_apc() {
  2773. global $config;
  2774. if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['debug_apc']))
  2775. error($config['error']['noaccess']);
  2776. if ($config['cache']['enabled'] != 'apc')
  2777. error('APC is not enabled.');
  2778. $cache_info = apc_cache_info('user');
  2779. // $cached_vars = new APCIterator('user', '/^' . $config['cache']['prefix'] . '/');
  2780. $cached_vars = array();
  2781. foreach ($cache_info['cache_list'] as $var) {
  2782. if ($config['cache']['prefix'] != '' && strpos(isset($var['key']) ? $var['key'] : $var['info'], $config['cache']['prefix']) !== 0)
  2783. continue;
  2784. $cached_vars[] = $var;
  2785. }
  2786. mod_page(_('Debug: APC'), 'mod/debug/apc.html', array('cached_vars' => $cached_vars));
  2787. }