<div><h1>Attention!</h1><p>This form is only for reporting <strong>child pornography</strong>, <strong>bot spam</strong> and <strong>credit card numbers, social security numbers or banking information</strong>. DMCA requests and all other deletion requests <em>MUST</em> be sent via email to admin@8chan.co.</p><p>8chan is unmoderated and allows posts without collecting <em>ANY</em> information from the poster less the details of their post. Furthermore, all boards on 8chan are user created and not actively monitored by anyone but the board creator.</p><p>8chan has a small volunteer staff to handle this queue, please do not waste their time by filling it with nonsense! <em>If you made a report with this tool and the post was not deleted, <strong>do not make the report again!</strong> Email admin@8chan.co instead.</em> Abuse of the global report system could lead to address blocks against your IP from 8chan.</p><p>Again, 8chan's global volunteers <em>do not</em> handle board specific issues. You most likely want to click "Report" instead to reach the creator and volunteers he assigned to this board.</p>
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<p>{% trans %}Enter reason below...{% endtrans %}</p>