removed debug crap

This commit is contained in:
Savetheinternet 2011-01-20 19:28:53 +11:00
parent d7f7b602ef
commit 4b1d5719f9

View File

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
file_put_contents('test.log', "\n\nNEW POST\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents('test.log', print_r($_FILES, true), FILE_APPEND);
require 'inc/functions.php';
require 'inc/display.php';
if (file_exists('inc/instance-config.php')) {
@ -175,14 +172,11 @@
if($post['has_file']) {
file_put_contents('test.log', "There is a file, I'm about to move it!\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Just trim the filename if it's too long
if(strlen($post['filename']) > 30) $post['filename'] = substr($post['filename'], 0, 27).'…';
// Move the uploaded file
if(!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $post['file'])) error(ERROR_NOMOVE);
file_put_contents('test.log', "Moved it successfully (to {$post['file']}), I think!\n", FILE_APPEND);
if($post['zip']) {
// Validate ZIP file
if(is_resource($zip = zip_open($post['zip'])))
@ -195,14 +189,10 @@
$post['extension'] = strtolower(substr($post['file'], strrpos($post['file'], '.') + 1));
file_put_contents('test.log', "Getting image size of {$post['file']}\n", FILE_APPEND);
$size = @getimagesize($post['file']);
$post['width'] = $size[0];
$post['height'] = $size[1];
file_put_contents('test.log', "GOT IT! {$post['width']}x{$post['height']}\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Check if the image is valid
if($post['width'] < 1 || $post['height'] < 1) {
@ -214,18 +204,12 @@
file_put_contents('test.log', "Making a hash\n", FILE_APPEND);
$hash_function = FILE_HASH;
$post['filehash'] = $hash_function($post['file']);
$post['filesize'] = filesize($post['file']);
file_put_contents('test.log', "Got a hash ({$post['filehash']})! Loading image...\n", FILE_APPEND);
$image = createimage($post['extension'], $post['file']);
file_put_contents('test.log', "Image loaded!\n", FILE_APPEND);
if(REDRAW_IMAGE && !$post['zip']) {
switch($post['extension']) {
case 'jpg':
@ -248,12 +232,9 @@
file_put_contents('test.log', "Resizing...\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Create a thumbnail
$thumb = resize($image, $post['width'], $post['height'], $post['thumb'], THUMB_WIDTH, THUMB_HEIGHT);
file_put_contents('test.log', "Resized!\n", FILE_APPEND);
$post['thumbwidth'] = $thumb['width'];
$post['thumbheight'] = $thumb['height'];
@ -272,8 +253,6 @@
$post['thumb'] = substr_replace($post['thumb'], '', 0, strlen($board['dir'] . DIR_THUMB));
file_put_contents('test.log', "Posting...!\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Todo: Validate some more, remove messy code, allow more specific configuration
$id = post($post, $OP);