large cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
class Cache {
private static $cache;
public static function init() {
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
* More information:
* Tinyboard documentation:
@ -100,8 +102,8 @@
$config['cache']['prefix'] = '';
// Memcached servers to use -
$config['cache']['memcached'] = Array(
Array('localhost', 11211)
$config['cache']['memcached'] = array(
array('localhost', 11211)
@ -144,13 +146,13 @@
// DNS blacklists (DNSBL)
$config['dnsbl'][] = Array('', 1); // Tor exit servers
$config['dnsbl'][] = array('', 1); // Tor exit servers
// $config['dnsbl'][] = Array('', Array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9));
// $config['dnsbl'][] = array('', array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9));
// $config['dnsbl'][] = Array('<your access key>', function($ip) {
// $config['dnsbl'][] = array('<your access key>', function($ip) {
// $octets = explode('.', $ip);
// // days since last activity
@ -172,7 +174,7 @@
$config['spam']['hidden_inputs_min'] = 4;
$config['spam']['hidden_inputs_max'] = 12;
// These are fields used to confuse the bots. Make sure they aren't actually used by Tinyboard, or it won't work.
$config['spam']['hidden_input_names'] = Array(
$config['spam']['hidden_input_names'] = array(
@ -185,7 +187,7 @@
// Always update this when adding new valid fields to the post form, or EVERYTHING WILL BE DETECTED AS SPAM!
$config['spam']['valid_inputs'] = Array(
$config['spam']['valid_inputs'] = array(
@ -208,10 +210,10 @@
// Custom flood filters. Detect flood attacks and reject new posts if there's a positive match.
// See for more information.
//$config['flood_filters'][] = Array(
// 'condition' => Array(
//$config['flood_filters'][] = array(
// 'condition' => array(
// // 100 posts in the past 5 minutes (~20 p/m)
// 'posts_in_past_x_minutes' => Array(100, 5)
// 'posts_in_past_x_minutes' => array(100, 5)
// ),
// // Don't allow the user to post
// 'action' => 'reject',
@ -220,10 +222,10 @@
// Another filter
//$config['flood_filters'][] = Array(
// 'condition' => Array(
//$config['flood_filters'][] = array(
// 'condition' => array(
// // 10 new empty threads in the past 2 minutes
// 'threads_with_no_replies_in_past_x_minutes' => Array(10, 2),
// 'threads_with_no_replies_in_past_x_minutes' => array(10, 2),
// // Allow replies, but not new threads (ie. reject topics only).
// 'OP' => true
// ),
@ -300,10 +302,10 @@
// Wordfilters are used to automatically replace certain words/phrases with something else.
// For a normal string replacement:
// $config['wordfilters'][] = Array('cat', 'dog');
// $config['wordfilters'][] = array('cat', 'dog');
// Advanced raplcement (regular expressions):
// $config['wordfilters'][] = Array('/cat/', 'dog', true); // 'true' means it's a regular expression
// $config['wordfilters'][] = array('/cat/', 'dog', true); // 'true' means it's a regular expression
// Always act as if they had typed "noko" in the email field no mattter what
$config['always_noko'] = false;
@ -333,13 +335,13 @@
// "Wiki" markup syntax ($config['wiki_markup'] in pervious versions):
$config['markup'][] = Array("/'''(.+?)'''/", "<strong>\$1</strong>");
$config['markup'][] = Array("/''(.+?)''/", "<em>\$1</em>");
$config['markup'][] = Array("/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/", "<span class=\"spoiler\">\$1</span>");
$config['markup'][] = Array("/^\s*==(.+?)==\s*$/m", "<span class=\"heading\">\$1</span>");
$config['markup'][] = array("/'''(.+?)'''/", "<strong>\$1</strong>");
$config['markup'][] = array("/''(.+?)''/", "<em>\$1</em>");
$config['markup'][] = array("/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/", "<span class=\"spoiler\">\$1</span>");
$config['markup'][] = array("/^\s*==(.+?)==\s*$/m", "<span class=\"heading\">\$1</span>");
// Highlight PHP code wrapped in <code> tags (PHP 5.3.0+)
// $config['markup'][] = Array(
// $config['markup'][] = array(
// '/^<code>(.+)<\/code>/ms',
// function($matches) {
// return highlight_string(html_entity_decode($matches[1]), true);
@ -507,29 +509,29 @@
// $config['uri_stylesheets'] = '';
// The default stylesheet to use
$config['default_stylesheet'] = Array('Yotsuba B', $config['stylesheets']['Yotsuba B']);
$config['default_stylesheet'] = array('Yotsuba B', $config['stylesheets']['Yotsuba B']);
// Boardlinks
// You can group, order and place the boardlist at the top of every page, using the following template.
//$config['boards'] = Array(
// Array('a', 'b'),
// Array('c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'),
// Array('h', 'i', 'j'),
// Array('k', Array('l', 'm')),
// Array('status' => '')
//$config['boards'] = array(
// array('a', 'b'),
// array('c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'),
// array('h', 'i', 'j'),
// array('k', array('l', 'm')),
// array('status' => '')
// Categories
// Required for the Categories theme.
//$config['categories'] = Array(
// 'Group Name' => Array('a', 'b', 'c'),
// 'Another Group' => Array('d')
//$config['categories'] = array(
// 'Group Name' => array('a', 'b', 'c'),
// 'Another Group' => array('d')
// Custom_categories
// Optional for the Categories theme. Array of name => (title, url) groups for categories with non-board links.
//$config['custom_categories'] = Array(
// 'Links' => Array(
// Optional for the Categories theme. array of name => (title, url) groups for categories with non-board links.
//$config['custom_categories'] = array(
// 'Links' => array(
// 'Tinyboard' => '',
// 'Donate' => 'donate.html'
// )
@ -576,24 +578,24 @@
// Custom embedding (YouTube, vimeo, etc.)
// It's very important that you match the full string (with ^ and $) or things will not work correctly.
$config['embedding'] = Array(
$config['embedding'] = array(
'<object style="float: left;margin: 10px 20px;" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%"><param name="movie" value="$2?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="$2?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>'
'<object style="float: left;margin: 10px 20px;" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="$2&" /><embed src="$2&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%"></embed></object>'
'<object style="float: left;margin: 10px 20px;" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%"><param name="movie" value="$2"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="$2" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object>'
'<div style="float:left;margin:10px 20px;width:%%tb_width%%px;height:%%tb_height%%px"><embed flashVars="playerVars=showStats=no|autoPlay=no" src="$2/$3.swf" width="%%tb_width%%" height="%%tb_height%%" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" name="Metacafe_$2" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></div>'
'<embed src="$1&hl=en&fs=true" style="width:%%tb_width%%px;height:%%tb_height%%px;float:left;margin:10px 20px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>'
@ -767,14 +769,14 @@
//$config['custom_capcode']['Custom'] ='<a class="capcode" style="color:lightgreen;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold"> ## %s</a>';
// "## Mod" makes everything purple, including the name and tripcode
//$config['custom_capcode']['Mod'] = Array(
//$config['custom_capcode']['Mod'] = array(
// '<a class="capcode" style="color:purple"> ## %s</a>',
// 'color:purple', // Change name style; optional
// 'color:purple' // Change tripcode style; optional
// "## Admin" makes everything red and bold, including the name and tripcode
//$config['custom_capcode']['Admin'] = Array(
//$config['custom_capcode']['Admin'] = array(
// '<a class="capcode" style="color:red;font-weight:bold"> ## %s</a>',
// 'color:red;font-weight:bold', // Change name style; optional
// 'color:red;font-weight:bold' // Change tripcode style; optional
@ -996,18 +998,18 @@
// If you use Varnish, Squid, or any similar caching reverse-proxy in front of Tinyboard,
// you can configure Tinyboard to PURGE files when they're written to
//$config['purge'] = Array(
// Array('', 80)
// Array('', 80, '')
//$config['purge'] = array(
// array('', 80)
// array('', 80, '')
// Connection timeout, in seconds
$config['purge_timeout'] = 3;
// Remote servers
//$config['remote']['static'] = Array(
//$config['remote']['static'] = array(
// 'host' => '',
// 'auth' => Array(
// 'auth' => array(
// 'method' => 'plain',
// 'username' => 'username',
// 'password' => 'password!123'
@ -1019,11 +1021,4 @@
$config['url_regex'] = '/' . '(https?|ftp):\/\/' . '(([\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' . '(:\d+)?' . '(\/([\w\-~.#\/?=&;:+%!*\[\]@$\'()+,|\^]+)?)?' . '/';
// INSANE regular expression for IPv6 addresses
$config['ipv6_regex'] = '((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?';
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
@ -1,107 +1,111 @@
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
class PreparedQueryDebug {
protected $query;
class PreparedQueryDebug {
protected $query;
public function __construct($query) {
global $pdo;
$query = preg_replace("/[\n\t]+/", ' ', $query);
public function __construct($query) {
global $pdo;
$query = preg_replace("/[\n\t]+/", ' ', $query);
$this->query = $pdo->prepare($query);
public function __call($function, $args) {
global $config, $debug;
if($config['debug'] && $function == 'execute') {
$start = microtime(true);
$return = call_user_func_array(Array($this->query, $function), $args);
if($config['debug'] && $function == 'execute') {
$time = round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2) . 'ms';
$debug['sql'][] = Array(
'query' => $this->query->queryString,
'rows' => $this->query->rowCount(),
'time' => '~' . $time
return $return;
$this->query = $pdo->prepare($query);
function sql_open() {
global $pdo, $config;
if($pdo) return true;
public function __call($function, $args) {
global $config, $debug;
$dsn = $config['db']['type'] . ':host=' . $config['db']['server'] . ';dbname=' . $config['db']['database'];
$dsn .= ';' . $config['db']['dsn'];
try {
$options = Array(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => $config['db']['timeout']);
$options = Array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8');
$options[PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true;
return $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $config['db']['user'], $config['db']['password'], $options);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
// Remove any sensitive information
$message = str_replace($config['db']['user'], '<em>hidden</em>', $message);
$message = str_replace($config['db']['password'], '<em>hidden</em>', $message);
// Print error
error('Database error: ' . $message);
function prepare($query) {
global $pdo, $debug, $config;
return new PreparedQueryDebug($query);
return $pdo->prepare($query);
function query($query) {
global $pdo, $debug, $config;
if($config['debug']) {
if($config['debug'] && $function == 'execute') {
$start = microtime(true);
$query = $pdo->query($query);
return false;
$return = call_user_func_array(array($this->query, $function), $args);
if($config['debug'] && $function == 'execute') {
$time = round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2) . 'ms';
$debug['sql'][] = Array(
'query' => $query->queryString,
'rows' => $query->rowCount(),
'query' => $this->query->queryString,
'rows' => $this->query->rowCount(),
'time' => '~' . $time
return $query;
} else {
return $pdo->query($query);
return $return;
function sql_open() {
global $pdo, $config;
if($pdo) return true;
function db_error($PDOStatement=null) {
global $pdo;
if(isset($PDOStatement)) {
$err = $PDOStatement->errorInfo();
return $err[2];
} else {
$err = $pdo->errorInfo();
return $err[2];
$dsn = $config['db']['type'] . ':host=' . $config['db']['server'] . ';dbname=' . $config['db']['database'];
$dsn .= ';' . $config['db']['dsn'];
try {
$options = Array(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => $config['db']['timeout']);
$options = Array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8');
$options[PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true;
return $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $config['db']['user'], $config['db']['password'], $options);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
// Remove any sensitive information
$message = str_replace($config['db']['user'], '<em>hidden</em>', $message);
$message = str_replace($config['db']['password'], '<em>hidden</em>', $message);
// Print error
error('Database error: ' . $message);
function prepare($query) {
global $pdo, $debug, $config;
return new PreparedQueryDebug($query);
return $pdo->prepare($query);
function query($query) {
global $pdo, $debug, $config;
if($config['debug']) {
$start = microtime(true);
$query = $pdo->query($query);
return false;
$time = round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2) . 'ms';
$debug['sql'][] = Array(
'query' => $query->queryString,
'rows' => $query->rowCount(),
'time' => '~' . $time
return $query;
} else {
return $pdo->query($query);
function db_error($PDOStatement=null) {
global $pdo;
if(isset($PDOStatement)) {
$err = $PDOStatement->errorInfo();
return $err[2];
} else {
$err = $pdo->errorInfo();
return $err[2];
@ -1,445 +1,441 @@
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
function format_bytes($size) {
$units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB');
for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++) $size /= 1024;
return round($size, 2).$units[$i];
function doBoardListPart($list, $root) {
global $config;
Stuff to help with the display.
function format_bytes($size) {
$units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB');
for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++) $size /= 1024;
return round($size, 2).$units[$i];
function commaize($n) {
$n = strval($n);
return (intval($n) < 1000) ? $n : commaize(substr($n, 0, -3)) . ',' . substr($n, -3);
function doBoardListPart($list, $root) {
global $config;
$body = '';
foreach($list as $board) {
$body .= ' [' . doBoardListPart($board, $root) . '] ';
else {
if(($key = array_search($board, $list)) && gettype($key) == 'string') {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $board . '">' . $key . '</a> /';
} else {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $root . $board . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '">' . $board . '</a> /';
$body = '';
foreach($list as $board) {
$body .= ' [' . doBoardListPart($board, $root) . '] ';
else {
if(($key = array_search($board, $list)) && gettype($key) == 'string') {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $board . '">' . $key . '</a> /';
} else {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $root . $board . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '">' . $board . '</a> /';
$body = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $body);
return $body;
$body = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $body);
return $body;
function createBoardlist($mod=false) {
global $config;
if(!isset($config['boards'])) return Array('top'=>'','bottom'=>'');
$body = doBoardListPart($config['boards'], $mod?'?/':$config['root']);
if(!preg_match('/\] $/', $body))
$body = '[' . $body . ']';
$body = trim($body);
return Array(
'top' => '<div class="boardlist">' . $body . '</div>',
'bottom' => '<div class="boardlist bottom">' . $body . '</div>'
function error($message, $priority = true) {
global $board, $mod, $config;
if($config['syslog'] && $priority !== false) {
// Use LOG_NOTICE instead of LOG_ERR or LOG_WARNING because most error message are not significant.
_syslog($priority !== true ? $priority : LOG_NOTICE, $message);
function createBoardlist($mod=false) {
global $config;
if(!isset($config['boards'])) return Array('top'=>'','bottom'=>'');
$body = doBoardListPart($config['boards'], $mod?'?/':$config['root']);
if(!preg_match('/\] $/', $body))
$body = '[' . $body . ']';
$body = trim($body);
return Array(
'top' => '<div class="boardlist">' . $body . '</div>',
'bottom' => '<div class="boardlist bottom">' . $body . '</div>'
if(defined('STDIN')) {
// Running from CLI
die('Error: ' . $message . "\n");
function error($message, $priority = true) {
global $board, $mod, $config;
if($config['syslog'] && $priority !== false) {
// Use LOG_NOTICE instead of LOG_ERR or LOG_WARNING because most error message are not significant.
_syslog($priority !== true ? $priority : LOG_NOTICE, $message);
if(defined('STDIN')) {
// Running from CLI
die('Error: ' . $message . "\n");
die(Element('page.html', Array(
die(Element('page.html', Array(
'subtitle'=>'An error has occured.',
'body'=>'<center>' .
'<h2>' . _($message) . '</h2>' .
(isset($board) ?
"<p><a href=\"" . $config['root'] .
($mod ? $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : '') .
$board['dir'] . $config['file_index'] . "\">Go back</a>.</p>" : '') .
function loginForm($error=false, $username=false, $redirect=false) {
global $config;
die(Element('page.html', Array(
'body'=>Element('login.html', Array(
'subtitle'=>'An error has occured.',
'body'=>'<center>' .
'<h2>' . _($message) . '</h2>' .
(isset($board) ?
"<p><a href=\"" . $config['root'] .
($mod ? $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : '') .
$board['dir'] . $config['file_index'] . "\">Go back</a>.</p>" : '') .
function loginForm($error=false, $username=false, $redirect=false) {
global $config;
die(Element('page.html', Array(
'body'=>Element('login.html', Array(
function pm_snippet($body, $len=null) {
global $config;
$len = &$config['mod']['snippet_length'];
// Replace line breaks with some whitespace
$body = str_replace('<br/>', ' ', $body);
// Strip tags
$body = strip_tags($body);
// Unescape HTML characters, to avoid splitting them in half
$body = html_entity_decode($body, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// calculate strlen() so we can add "..." after if needed
$strlen = mb_strlen($body);
$body = substr($body, 0, $len);
// Re-escape the characters.
return '<em>' . utf8tohtml($body) . ($strlen > $len ? '…' : '') . '</em>';
function capcode($cap) {
global $config;
return false;
$capcode = Array();
if(isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
if(is_array($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][0], $cap);
$capcode['name'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][1];
$capcode['trip'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][2];
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap], $cap);
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['capcode'], $cap);
function pm_snippet($body, $len=null) {
global $config;
$len = &$config['mod']['snippet_length'];
// Replace line breaks with some whitespace
$body = str_replace('<br/>', ' ', $body);
// Strip tags
$body = strip_tags($body);
// Unescape HTML characters, to avoid splitting them in half
$body = html_entity_decode($body, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// calculate strlen() so we can add "..." after if needed
$strlen = mb_strlen($body);
$body = substr($body, 0, $len);
// Re-escape the characters.
return '<em>' . utf8tohtml($body) . ($strlen > $len ? '…' : '') . '</em>';
return $capcode;
function truncate($body, $url, $max_lines = false, $max_chars = false) {
global $config;
if($max_lines === false)
$max_lines = $config['body_truncate'];
if($max_chars === false)
$max_chars = $config['body_truncate_char'];
$original_body = $body;
$lines = substr_count($body, '<br/>');
// Limit line count
if($lines > $max_lines) {
if(preg_match('/(((.*?)<br\/>){' . $max_lines . '})/', $body, $m))
$body = $m[0];
function capcode($cap) {
global $config;
$body = substr($body, 0, $max_chars);
if($body != $original_body) {
// Remove any corrupt tags at the end
$body = preg_replace('/<([\w]+)?([^>]*)?$/', '', $body);
return false;
$capcode = Array();
if(isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
if(is_array($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][0], $cap);
$capcode['name'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][1];
$capcode['trip'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][2];
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap], $cap);
// Open tags
if(preg_match_all('/<([\w]+)[^>]*>/', $body, $open_tags)) {
$tags = Array();
for($x=0;$x<count($open_tags[0]);$x++) {
if(!preg_match('/\/(\s+)?>$/', $open_tags[0][$x]))
$tags[] = $open_tags[1][$x];
// List successfully closed tags
if(preg_match_all('/(<\/([\w]+))>/', $body, $closed_tags)) {
for($x=0;$x<count($closed_tags[0]);$x++) {
unset($tags[array_search($closed_tags[2][$x], $tags)]);
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
// Close any open tags
foreach($tags as &$tag) {
$body .= "</{$tag}>";
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['capcode'], $cap);
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
return $capcode;
$body .= '<span class="toolong">Post too long. Click <a href="' . $url . '">here</a> to view the full text.</span>';
function truncate($body, $url, $max_lines = false, $max_chars = false) {
return $body;
function confirmLink($text, $title, $confirm, $href) {
global $config, $mod;
return '<a onclick="if(confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm)) . '\')) document.location=\'?/' . htmlentities(addslashes($href)) . '\';return false;" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/confirm/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
return '<a onclick="return confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm)) . '\')" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
class Post {
public function __construct($id, $thread, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false) {
global $config;
$root = &$config['root'];
if($max_lines === false)
$max_lines = $config['body_truncate'];
if($max_chars === false)
$max_chars = $config['body_truncate_char'];
$original_body = $body;
$this->id = $id;
$this->thread = $thread;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
$lines = substr_count($body, '<br/>');
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a((([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*)href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), '\w+') . ')/',
'<a $1href="?/$4',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
// Limit line count
if($lines > $max_lines) {
if(preg_match('/(((.*?)<br\/>){' . $max_lines . '})/', $body, $m))
$body = $m[0];
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->thread) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$body = substr($body, 0, $max_chars);
if($body != $original_body) {
// Remove any corrupt tags at the end
$body = preg_replace('/<([\w]+)?([^>]*)?$/', '', $body);
$built = '';
if($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Open tags
if(preg_match_all('/<([\w]+)[^>]*>/', $body, $open_tags)) {
$tags = Array();
for($x=0;$x<count($open_tags[0]);$x++) {
if(!preg_match('/\/(\s+)?>$/', $open_tags[0][$x]))
$tags[] = $open_tags[1][$x];
// List successfully closed tags
if(preg_match_all('/(<\/([\w]+))>/', $body, $closed_tags)) {
for($x=0;$x<count($closed_tags[0]);$x++) {
unset($tags[array_search($closed_tags[2][$x], $tags)]);
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
// Close any open tags
foreach($tags as &$tag) {
$body .= "</{$tag}>";
} else {
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
// Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['uri'] . '/delete/' . $this->id);
$body .= '<span class="toolong">Post too long. Click <a href="' . $url . '">here</a> to view the full text.</span>';
// Delete all posts by IP
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban & Delete" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban&delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if(!empty($this->file) && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Remove file" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/deletefile/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_deletefile'] . '</a>';
// Edit post
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Edit post" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/edit/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
$built = '<span class="controls">' . $built . '</span>';
return $body;
return $built;
function confirmLink($text, $title, $confirm, $href) {
global $config, $mod;
return '<a onclick="if(confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm)) . '\')) document.location=\'?/' . htmlentities(addslashes($href)) . '\';return false;" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/confirm/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
return '<a onclick="return confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm)) . '\')" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config;
return Element('post_reply.html', Array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
class Thread {
public function __construct($id, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $sticky, $locked, $bumplocked, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false, $hr=true) {
global $config;
$root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->omitted = 0;
$this->omitted_images = 0;
$this->posts = Array();
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->sticky = $sticky;
$this->locked = $locked;
$this->bumplocked = $bumplocked;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
$this->hr = $hr;
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a(([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), '\w+') . ')/',
'<a href="?/$3',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->id) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function add(Post $post) {
$this->posts[] = $post;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['uri'] . '/delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban & Delete" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban&delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if(!empty($this->file) && $this->file != 'deleted' && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Remove file" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/deletefile/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_deletefile'] . '</a>';
// Sticky
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['sticky'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Make thread not sticky" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/unsticky/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_desticky'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Make thread sticky" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/sticky/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_sticky'] . '</a>';
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['bumplock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Allow thread to be bumped" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/bumpunlock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumpunlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Prevent thread from being bumped" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/bumplock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumplock'] . '</a>';
// Lock
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['lock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Unlock thread" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/unlock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_unlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Lock thread" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/lock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_lock'] . '</a>';
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['move'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Move thread to another board" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/move/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_move'] . '</a>';
// Edit post
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Edit post" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/edit/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
$built = '<span class="controls op">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
class Post {
public function __construct($id, $thread, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false) {
global $config;
if(!isset($root)) $root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->thread = $thread;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a((([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*)href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), '\w+') . ')/',
'<a $1href="?/$4',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->thread) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['uri'] . '/delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban & Delete" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban&delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if(!empty($this->file) && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Remove file" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/deletefile/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_deletefile'] . '</a>';
// Edit post
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Edit post" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/edit/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
$built = '<span class="controls">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config;
return Element('post_reply.html', Array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
public function ratio() {
return fraction($this->filex, $this->filey, ':');
class Thread {
public function __construct($id, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $sticky, $locked, $bumplocked, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false, $hr=true) {
global $config;
if(!isset($root)) $root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->omitted = 0;
$this->omitted_images = 0;
$this->posts = Array();
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->sticky = $sticky;
$this->locked = $locked;
$this->bumplocked = $bumplocked;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
$this->hr = $hr;
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a(([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), '\w+') . ')/',
'<a href="?/$3',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->id) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function add(Post $post) {
$this->posts[] = $post;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['uri'] . '/delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . confirmLink($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban & Delete" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban&delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if(!empty($this->file) && $this->file != 'deleted' && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Remove file" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/deletefile/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_deletefile'] . '</a>';
// Sticky
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['sticky'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Make thread not sticky" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/unsticky/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_desticky'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Make thread sticky" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/sticky/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_sticky'] . '</a>';
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['bumplock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Allow thread to be bumped" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/bumpunlock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumpunlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Prevent thread from being bumped" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/bumplock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumplock'] . '</a>';
// Lock
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['lock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Unlock thread" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/unlock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_unlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Lock thread" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/lock/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_lock'] . '</a>';
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['move'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Move thread to another board" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/move/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_move'] . '</a>';
// Edit post
if(hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Edit post" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/edit/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
$built = '<span class="controls op">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config, $debug;
$built = Element('post_thread.html', Array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
if(!$this->mod && $index && $config['cache']['enabled']) {
cache::set($this->cache_key($index), $built);
public function ratio() {
return fraction($this->filex, $this->filey, ':');
return $built;
function cache_key($index) {
global $board;
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config, $debug;
$built = Element('post_thread.html', Array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
if(!$this->mod && $index && $config['cache']['enabled']) {
cache::set($this->cache_key($index), $built);
return $built;
function cache_key($index) {
global $board;
return 'thread_' . ($index ? 'index_' : '') . $board['uri'] . '_' . $this->id;
return 'thread_' . ($index ? 'index_' : '') . $board['uri'] . '_' . $this->id;
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
function event() {
global $events;
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
class Filter {
private $condition;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,488 +1,491 @@
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
class Image {
public $src, $format, $image, $size;
public function __construct($src, $format = false) {
global $config;
$this->src = $src;
$this->format = $format;
if($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') {
$classname = 'ImageImagick';
} elseif($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
} else {
$classname = 'Image' . strtoupper($this->format);
if(!class_exists($classname)) {
error('Unsupported file format: ' . $this->format);
$this->image = new $classname($this);
if(!$this->image->valid()) {
$this->size = (object)Array('width' => $this->image->_width(), 'height' => $this->image->_height());
if($this->size->width < 1 || $this->size->height < 1) {
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
class Image {
public $src, $format, $image, $size;
public function __construct($src, $format = false) {
global $config;
public function resize($extension, $max_width, $max_height) {
global $config;
if($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') {
$classname = 'ImageImagick';
} elseif($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
} else {
$classname = 'Image' . strtoupper($extension);
if(!class_exists($classname)) {
error('Unsupported file format: ' . $extension);
$thumb = new $classname(false);
$thumb->src = $this->src;
$thumb->original_width = $this->size->width;
$thumb->original_height = $this->size->height;
$x_ratio = $max_width / $this->size->width;
$y_ratio = $max_height / $this->size->height;
if(($this->size->width <= $max_width) && ($this->size->height <= $max_height)) {
$width = $this->size->width;
$height = $this->size->height;
} elseif (($x_ratio * $this->size->height) < $max_height) {
$height = ceil($x_ratio * $this->size->height);
$width = $max_width;
} else {
$width = ceil($y_ratio * $this->size->width);
$height = $max_height;
$thumb->_resize($this->image->image, $width, $height);
return $thumb;
$this->src = $src;
$this->format = $format;
public function to($dst) {
public function delete() {
public function destroy() {
class ImageGD {
public function GD_create() {
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
public function GD_copyresampled() {
imagecopyresampled($this->image, $this->original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->original_width, $this->original_height);
public function GD_resize() {
class ImageBase extends ImageGD {
public $image, $src, $original, $original_width, $original_height, $width, $height;
public function valid() {
return (bool)$this->image;
public function __construct($img) {
if(method_exists($this, 'init'))
if($img !== false) {
$this->src = $img->src;
public function _width() {
if(method_exists($this, 'width'))
return $this->width();
// use default GD functions
return imagesx($this->image);
public function _height() {
if(method_exists($this, 'height'))
return $this->height();
// use default GD functions
return imagesy($this->image);
public function _destroy() {
if(method_exists($this, 'destroy'))
return $this->destroy();
// use default GD functions
return imagedestroy($this->image);
public function _resize($original, $width, $height) {
$this->original = &$original;
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
if(method_exists($this, 'resize'))
// use default GD functions
class ImageImagick extends ImageBase {
public function init() {
$this->image = new Imagick();
$this->image->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));
public function from() {
try {
} catch(ImagickException $e) {
// invalid image
$this->image = false;
public function to($src) {
if(preg_match('/\.gif$/i', $src))
$this->image->writeImages($src, true);
public function width() {
return $this->image->getImageWidth();
public function height() {
return $this->image->getImageHeight();
public function destroy() {
return $this->image->destroy();
public function resize() {
global $config;
if(preg_match('/\.gif$/i', $this->src) && $config['thumb_ext'] == 'gif') {
$this->image = new Imagick();
$keep_frames = Array();
for($i = 0; $i < $this->original->getNumberImages(); $i += floor($this->original->getNumberImages() / $config['thumb_keep_animation_frames']))
$keep_frames[] = $i;
$i = 0;
$delay = 0;
foreach($this->original as $frame) {
$delay += $frame->getImageDelay();
//if($i < $config['thumb_keep_animation_frames']) {
if(in_array($i, $keep_frames)) {
// $frame->scaleImage($this->width, $this->height, false);
$frame->sampleImage($this->width, $this->height);
$frame->setImagePage($this->width, $this->height, 0, 0);
$delay = 0;
} else {
$this->image = clone $this->original;
$this->image->scaleImage($this->width, $this->height, false);
class ImageConvert extends ImageBase {
public $width, $height, $temp;
public function init() {
global $config;
$this->temp = false;
public function from() {
$size = trim(shell_exec('identify -format "%w %h" ' . escapeshellarg($this->src . '[0]')));
if(preg_match('/^(\d+) (\d+)$/', $size, $m)) {
$this->width = $m[1];
$this->height = $m[2];
$this->image = true;
} else {
// mark as invalid
$this->image = false;
public function to($src) {
if(!$this->temp) {
// $config['redraw_image']
shell_exec('convert ' . escapeshellarg($this->src) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($src));
} else {
rename($this->temp, $src);
chmod($src, 0664);
public function width() {
return $this->width;
public function height() {
return $this->height;
public function destroy() {
$this->temp = false;
public function resize() {
global $config;
if($this->temp) {
// remove old
$this->temp = tempnam($config['tmp'], 'imagick');
$quality = $config['thumb_quality'] * 10;
if(shell_exec("convert -flatten -filter Point -scale {$this->width}x{$this->height} +antialias -quality {$quality} " . escapeshellarg($this->src . '[0]') . " " . escapeshellarg($this->temp)) || !file_exists($this->temp))
error('Failed to resize image!');
class ImagePNG extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefrompng($this->src);
public function to($src) {
global $config;
imagepng($this->image, $src, $config['thumb_quality']);
public function resize() {
imagecolortransparent($this->image, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0));
imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
imagealphablending($this->image, false);
class ImageGIF extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefromgif($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagegif($this->image, $src);
public function resize() {
imagecolortransparent($this->image, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0));
imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
class ImageJPG extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagejpeg($this->image, $src);
class ImageJPEG extends ImageJPG {
class ImageBMP extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefrombmp($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagebmp($this->image, $src);
/* Fonction: imagecreatefrombmp */
/* Author: DHKold */
/* Contact: */
/* Date: The 15th of June 2005 */
/* Version: 2.0B */
function imagecreatefrombmp($filename) {
if (! $f1 = fopen($filename,"rb")) return FALSE;
$FILE = unpack("vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset", fread($f1,14));
if ($FILE['file_type'] != 19778) return FALSE;
$BMP = unpack('Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel'.
'/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important', fread($f1,40));
$BMP['colors'] = pow(2,$BMP['bits_per_pixel']);
if ($BMP['size_bitmap'] == 0) $BMP['size_bitmap'] = $FILE['file_size'] - $FILE['bitmap_offset'];
$BMP['bytes_per_pixel'] = $BMP['bits_per_pixel']/8;
$BMP['bytes_per_pixel2'] = ceil($BMP['bytes_per_pixel']);
$BMP['decal'] = ($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
$BMP['decal'] -= floor($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
$BMP['decal'] = 4-(4*$BMP['decal']);
if ($BMP['decal'] == 4) $BMP['decal'] = 0;
$PALETTE = array();
if ($BMP['colors'] < 16777216)
$PALETTE = unpack('V'.$BMP['colors'], fread($f1,$BMP['colors']*4));
$IMG = fread($f1,$BMP['size_bitmap']);
$VIDE = chr(0);
$res = imagecreatetruecolor($BMP['width'],$BMP['height']);
$P = 0;
$Y = $BMP['height']-1;
while ($Y >= 0)
while ($X < $BMP['width'])
if ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 24)
$COLOR = unpack("V",substr($IMG,$P,3).$VIDE);
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 16)
$COLOR = unpack("n",substr($IMG,$P,2));
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 8)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,$P,1));
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 4)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
if (($P*2)%2 == 0) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] >> 4) ; else $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x0F);
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 1)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
if (($P*8)%8 == 0) $COLOR[1] = $COLOR[1] >>7;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 1) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x40)>>6;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 2) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x20)>>5;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 3) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x10)>>4;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 4) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x8)>>3;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 5) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x4)>>2;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 6) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x2)>>1;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 7) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x1);
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
return FALSE;
$P += $BMP['bytes_per_pixel'];
return $res;
function imagebmp(&$img, $filename='') {
$widthOrig = imagesx($img);
$widthFloor = ((floor($widthOrig/16))*16);
$widthCeil = ((ceil($widthOrig/16))*16);
$height = imagesy($img);
$size = ($widthCeil*$height*3)+54;
// Bitmap File Header
$result = 'BM'; // header (2b)
$result .= int_to_dword($size); // size of file (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // reserved (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(54); // byte location in the file which is first byte of IMAGE (4b)
// Bitmap Info Header
$result .= int_to_dword(40); // Size of BITMAPINFOHEADER (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword($widthCeil); // width of bitmap (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword($height); // height of bitmap (4b)
$result .= int_to_word(1); // biPlanes = 1 (2b)
$result .= int_to_word(24); // biBitCount = {1 (mono) or 4 (16 clr ) or 8 (256 clr) or 24 (16 Mil)} (2b
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // RLE COMPRESSION (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // width x height (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // biXPelsPerMeter (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // biYPelsPerMeter (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // Number of palettes used (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // Number of important colour (4b)
// is faster than chr()
$arrChr = array();
for($i=0; $i<256; $i++){
$arrChr[$i] = chr($i);
// creates image data
$bgfillcolor = array('red'=>0, 'green'=>0, 'blue'=>0);
// bottom to top - left to right - attention blue green red !!!
for ($y2=0; $y2<$height; $y2++) {
for ($x=0; $x<$widthFloor; ) {
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
for ($x=$widthFloor; $x<$widthCeil; $x++) {
$rgb = ($x<$widthOrig) ? imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x, $y)) : $bgfillcolor;
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
// see imagegif
if($filename == '') {
echo $result;
if($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') {
$classname = 'ImageImagick';
} elseif($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
} else {
$file = fopen($filename, 'wb');
fwrite($file, $result);
$classname = 'Image' . strtoupper($this->format);
if(!class_exists($classname)) {
error('Unsupported file format: ' . $this->format);
$this->image = new $classname($this);
if(!$this->image->valid()) {
$this->size = (object)Array('width' => $this->image->_width(), 'height' => $this->image->_height());
if($this->size->width < 1 || $this->size->height < 1) {
// imagebmp helpers
function int_to_dword($n) {
return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255).chr(($n >> 16) & 255).chr(($n >> 24) & 255);
public function resize($extension, $max_width, $max_height) {
global $config;
if($config['thumb_method'] == 'imagick') {
$classname = 'ImageImagick';
} elseif($config['thumb_method'] == 'convert') {
$classname = 'ImageConvert';
} else {
$classname = 'Image' . strtoupper($extension);
if(!class_exists($classname)) {
error('Unsupported file format: ' . $extension);
$thumb = new $classname(false);
$thumb->src = $this->src;
$thumb->original_width = $this->size->width;
$thumb->original_height = $this->size->height;
$x_ratio = $max_width / $this->size->width;
$y_ratio = $max_height / $this->size->height;
if(($this->size->width <= $max_width) && ($this->size->height <= $max_height)) {
$width = $this->size->width;
$height = $this->size->height;
} elseif (($x_ratio * $this->size->height) < $max_height) {
$height = ceil($x_ratio * $this->size->height);
$width = $max_width;
} else {
$width = ceil($y_ratio * $this->size->width);
$height = $max_height;
$thumb->_resize($this->image->image, $width, $height);
return $thumb;
function int_to_word($n) {
return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255);
public function to($dst) {
public function delete() {
public function destroy() {
class ImageGD {
public function GD_create() {
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
public function GD_copyresampled() {
imagecopyresampled($this->image, $this->original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->original_width, $this->original_height);
public function GD_resize() {
class ImageBase extends ImageGD {
public $image, $src, $original, $original_width, $original_height, $width, $height;
public function valid() {
return (bool)$this->image;
public function __construct($img) {
if(method_exists($this, 'init'))
if($img !== false) {
$this->src = $img->src;
public function _width() {
if(method_exists($this, 'width'))
return $this->width();
// use default GD functions
return imagesx($this->image);
public function _height() {
if(method_exists($this, 'height'))
return $this->height();
// use default GD functions
return imagesy($this->image);
public function _destroy() {
if(method_exists($this, 'destroy'))
return $this->destroy();
// use default GD functions
return imagedestroy($this->image);
public function _resize($original, $width, $height) {
$this->original = &$original;
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
if(method_exists($this, 'resize'))
// use default GD functions
class ImageImagick extends ImageBase {
public function init() {
$this->image = new Imagick();
$this->image->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));
public function from() {
try {
} catch(ImagickException $e) {
// invalid image
$this->image = false;
public function to($src) {
if(preg_match('/\.gif$/i', $src))
$this->image->writeImages($src, true);
public function width() {
return $this->image->getImageWidth();
public function height() {
return $this->image->getImageHeight();
public function destroy() {
return $this->image->destroy();
public function resize() {
global $config;
if(preg_match('/\.gif$/i', $this->src) && $config['thumb_ext'] == 'gif') {
$this->image = new Imagick();
$keep_frames = Array();
for($i = 0; $i < $this->original->getNumberImages(); $i += floor($this->original->getNumberImages() / $config['thumb_keep_animation_frames']))
$keep_frames[] = $i;
$i = 0;
$delay = 0;
foreach($this->original as $frame) {
$delay += $frame->getImageDelay();
//if($i < $config['thumb_keep_animation_frames']) {
if(in_array($i, $keep_frames)) {
// $frame->scaleImage($this->width, $this->height, false);
$frame->sampleImage($this->width, $this->height);
$frame->setImagePage($this->width, $this->height, 0, 0);
$delay = 0;
} else {
$this->image = clone $this->original;
$this->image->scaleImage($this->width, $this->height, false);
class ImageConvert extends ImageBase {
public $width, $height, $temp;
public function init() {
global $config;
$this->temp = false;
public function from() {
$size = trim(shell_exec('identify -format "%w %h" ' . escapeshellarg($this->src . '[0]')));
if(preg_match('/^(\d+) (\d+)$/', $size, $m)) {
$this->width = $m[1];
$this->height = $m[2];
$this->image = true;
} else {
// mark as invalid
$this->image = false;
public function to($src) {
if(!$this->temp) {
// $config['redraw_image']
shell_exec('convert ' . escapeshellarg($this->src) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($src));
} else {
rename($this->temp, $src);
chmod($src, 0664);
public function width() {
return $this->width;
public function height() {
return $this->height;
public function destroy() {
$this->temp = false;
public function resize() {
global $config;
if($this->temp) {
// remove old
$this->temp = tempnam($config['tmp'], 'imagick');
$quality = $config['thumb_quality'] * 10;
if(shell_exec("convert -flatten -filter Point -scale {$this->width}x{$this->height} +antialias -quality {$quality} " . escapeshellarg($this->src . '[0]') . " " . escapeshellarg($this->temp)) || !file_exists($this->temp))
error('Failed to resize image!');
class ImagePNG extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefrompng($this->src);
public function to($src) {
global $config;
imagepng($this->image, $src, $config['thumb_quality']);
public function resize() {
imagecolortransparent($this->image, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0));
imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
imagealphablending($this->image, false);
class ImageGIF extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefromgif($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagegif($this->image, $src);
public function resize() {
imagecolortransparent($this->image, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0));
imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
class ImageJPG extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagejpeg($this->image, $src);
class ImageJPEG extends ImageJPG {
class ImageBMP extends ImageBase {
public function from() {
$this->image = @imagecreatefrombmp($this->src);
public function to($src) {
imagebmp($this->image, $src);
/* Fonction: imagecreatefrombmp */
/* Author: DHKold */
/* Contact: */
/* Date: The 15th of June 2005 */
/* Version: 2.0B */
function imagecreatefrombmp($filename) {
if (! $f1 = fopen($filename,"rb")) return FALSE;
$FILE = unpack("vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset", fread($f1,14));
if ($FILE['file_type'] != 19778) return FALSE;
$BMP = unpack('Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel'.
'/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important', fread($f1,40));
$BMP['colors'] = pow(2,$BMP['bits_per_pixel']);
if ($BMP['size_bitmap'] == 0) $BMP['size_bitmap'] = $FILE['file_size'] - $FILE['bitmap_offset'];
$BMP['bytes_per_pixel'] = $BMP['bits_per_pixel']/8;
$BMP['bytes_per_pixel2'] = ceil($BMP['bytes_per_pixel']);
$BMP['decal'] = ($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
$BMP['decal'] -= floor($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
$BMP['decal'] = 4-(4*$BMP['decal']);
if ($BMP['decal'] == 4) $BMP['decal'] = 0;
$PALETTE = array();
if ($BMP['colors'] < 16777216)
$PALETTE = unpack('V'.$BMP['colors'], fread($f1,$BMP['colors']*4));
$IMG = fread($f1,$BMP['size_bitmap']);
$VIDE = chr(0);
$res = imagecreatetruecolor($BMP['width'],$BMP['height']);
$P = 0;
$Y = $BMP['height']-1;
while ($Y >= 0)
while ($X < $BMP['width'])
if ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 24)
$COLOR = unpack("V",substr($IMG,$P,3).$VIDE);
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 16)
$COLOR = unpack("n",substr($IMG,$P,2));
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 8)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,$P,1));
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 4)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
if (($P*2)%2 == 0) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] >> 4) ; else $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x0F);
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 1)
$COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
if (($P*8)%8 == 0) $COLOR[1] = $COLOR[1] >>7;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 1) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x40)>>6;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 2) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x20)>>5;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 3) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x10)>>4;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 4) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x8)>>3;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 5) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x4)>>2;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 6) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x2)>>1;
elseif (($P*8)%8 == 7) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x1);
$COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
return FALSE;
$P += $BMP['bytes_per_pixel'];
return $res;
function imagebmp(&$img, $filename='') {
$widthOrig = imagesx($img);
$widthFloor = ((floor($widthOrig/16))*16);
$widthCeil = ((ceil($widthOrig/16))*16);
$height = imagesy($img);
$size = ($widthCeil*$height*3)+54;
// Bitmap File Header
$result = 'BM'; // header (2b)
$result .= int_to_dword($size); // size of file (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // reserved (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(54); // byte location in the file which is first byte of IMAGE (4b)
// Bitmap Info Header
$result .= int_to_dword(40); // Size of BITMAPINFOHEADER (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword($widthCeil); // width of bitmap (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword($height); // height of bitmap (4b)
$result .= int_to_word(1); // biPlanes = 1 (2b)
$result .= int_to_word(24); // biBitCount = {1 (mono) or 4 (16 clr ) or 8 (256 clr) or 24 (16 Mil)} (2b
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // RLE COMPRESSION (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // width x height (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // biXPelsPerMeter (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // biYPelsPerMeter (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // Number of palettes used (4b)
$result .= int_to_dword(0); // Number of important colour (4b)
// is faster than chr()
$arrChr = array();
for($i=0; $i<256; $i++){
$arrChr[$i] = chr($i);
// creates image data
$bgfillcolor = array('red'=>0, 'green'=>0, 'blue'=>0);
// bottom to top - left to right - attention blue green red !!!
for ($y2=0; $y2<$height; $y2++) {
for ($x=0; $x<$widthFloor; ) {
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x++, $y));
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
for ($x=$widthFloor; $x<$widthCeil; $x++) {
$rgb = ($x<$widthOrig) ? imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img, $x, $y)) : $bgfillcolor;
$result .= $arrChr[$rgb['blue']].$arrChr[$rgb['green']].$arrChr[$rgb['red']];
// see imagegif
if($filename == '') {
echo $result;
} else {
$file = fopen($filename, 'wb');
fwrite($file, $result);
// imagebmp helpers
function int_to_dword($n) {
return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255).chr(($n >> 16) & 255).chr(($n >> 24) & 255);
function int_to_word($n) {
return chr($n & 255).chr(($n >> 8) & 255);
@ -1,283 +1,287 @@
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
// create a hash/salt pair for validate logins
function mkhash($username, $password, $salt = false) {
global $config;
if(!$salt) {
// create some sort of salt for the hash
$salt = substr(base64_encode(sha1(rand() . time(), true) . $config['cookies']['salt']), 0, 15);
$generated_salt = true;
// create a hash/salt pair for validate logins
function mkhash($username, $password, $salt = false) {
global $config;
if(!$salt) {
// create some sort of salt for the hash
$salt = substr(base64_encode(sha1(rand() . time(), true) . $config['cookies']['salt']), 0, 15);
$generated_salt = true;
// generate hash (method is not important as long as it's strong)
$hash = substr(base64_encode(md5($username . sha1($username . $password . $salt . ($config['mod']['lock_ip'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''), true), true)), 0, 20);
return Array($hash, $salt);
return $hash;
// generate hash (method is not important as long as it's strong)
$hash = substr(base64_encode(md5($username . sha1($username . $password . $salt . ($config['mod']['lock_ip'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''), true), true)), 0, 20);
return Array($hash, $salt);
return $hash;
function login($username, $password, $makehash=true) {
global $mod;
// SHA1 password
if($makehash) {
$password = sha1($password);
function login($username, $password, $makehash=true) {
global $mod;
// SHA1 password
if($makehash) {
$password = sha1($password);
$query = prepare("SELECT `id`,`type`,`boards` FROM `mods` WHERE `username` = :username AND `password` = :password LIMIT 1");
$query->bindValue(':username', $username);
$query->bindValue(':password', $password);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($user = $query->fetch()) {
return $mod = Array(
'id' => $user['id'],
'type' => $user['type'],
'username' => $username,
'hash' => mkhash($username, $password),
'boards' => explode(',', $user['boards'])
} else return false;
$query = prepare("SELECT `id`,`type`,`boards` FROM `mods` WHERE `username` = :username AND `password` = :password LIMIT 1");
$query->bindValue(':username', $username);
$query->bindValue(':password', $password);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
function setCookies() {
global $mod, $config;
error('setCookies() was called for a non-moderator!');
$mod['username'] . // username
':' .
$mod['hash'][0] . // password
':' .
$mod['hash'][1], // salt
time() + $config['cookies']['expire'], $config['cookies']['jail'] ? $config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, false, true);
function destroyCookies() {
global $config;
// Delete the cookies
setcookie($config['cookies']['mod'], 'deleted', time() - $config['cookies']['expire'], $config['cookies']['jail']?$config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, false, true);
function create_pm_header() {
global $mod;
$query = prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `pms` WHERE `to` = :id AND `unread` = 1");
$query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($pm = $query->fetch()) {
return Array('id' => $pm['id'], 'waiting' => $query->rowCount() - 1);
return false;
function modLog($action, $_board=null) {
global $mod, $board, $config;
$query = prepare("INSERT INTO `modlogs` VALUES (:id, :ip, :board, :time, :text)");
$query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$query->bindValue(':time', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':text', $action);
$query->bindValue(':board', $_board);
$query->bindValue(':board', $board['id']);
$query->bindValue(':board', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
_syslog(LOG_INFO, '[mod/' . $mod['username'] . ']: ' . $action);
// Generates a <ul> element with a list of linked
// boards and their subtitles. (without the <ul> opening and ending tags)
function ulBoards() {
global $mod, $config;
$body = '';
// List of boards
$boards = listBoards();
foreach($boards as &$b) {
$body .= '<li>' .
'<a href="?/' .
sprintf($config['board_path'], $b['uri']) . $config['file_index'] .
'">' .
sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $b['uri']) .
'</a> - ' .
$b['title'] .
(isset($b['subtitle']) ? '<span class="unimportant"> — ' . $b['subtitle'] . '</span>' : '') .
($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['manageboards'] ?
' <a href="?/board/' . $b['uri'] . '" class="unimportant">[manage]</a>' : '') .
if($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['newboard']) {
$body .= '<li style="margin-top:15px;"><a href="?/new"><strong>' . _('Create new board') . '</strong></a></li>';
return $body;
function form_newBan($ip=null, $reason='', $continue=false, $delete=false, $board=false, $allow_public = false) {
global $config, $mod;
$boards = listBoards();
$__boards = '<li><input type="radio" checked="checked" name="board_id" id="board_*" value="-1"/> <label style="display:inline" for="board_*"><em>' . _('all boards') . '</em></label></li>';
foreach($boards as &$_board) {
$__boards .= '<li>' .
'<input type="radio" name="board_id" id="board_' . $_board['uri'] . '" value="' . $_board['id'] . '">' .
'<label style="display:inline" for="board_' . $_board['uri'] . '"> ' .
($_board['uri'] == '*' ?
sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $_board['uri'])
) .
' - ' . $_board['title'] .
'</label>' .
return '<fieldset><legend>New ban</legend>' .
'<form action="?/ban" method="post">' .
($continue ? '<input type="hidden" name="continue" value="' . htmlentities($continue) . '" />' : '') .
($delete || $allow_public ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . (!$allow_public ? 'delete' : 'post') . '" value="' . htmlentities($delete) . '" />' : '') .
($board ? '<input type="hidden" name="board" value="' . htmlentities($board) . '" />' : '') .
'<table>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="ip">IP ' .
($config['ban_cidr'] ? '<span class="unimportant">(or subnet)' : '') .
'</span></label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="ip" id="ip" size="30" maxlength="30" ' .
(isset($ip) ?
'value="' . htmlentities($ip) . '" ' : ''
) .
'/></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="reason">Reason</label></th>' .
'<td><textarea name="reason" id="reason" rows="5" cols="30">' .
htmlentities($reason) .
'</textarea></td>' .
'</tr>' .
($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['public_ban'] && $allow_public ?
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="message">Message</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="checkbox" id="public_message" name="public_message"/>' .
' <input type="text" name="message" id="message" size="35" maxlength="200" value="' . htmlentities($config['mod']['default_ban_message']) . '" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(public; attached to post)</span></td>' .
'<script type="text/javascript">' .
'document.getElementById(\'message\').disabled = true;' .
'document.getElementById(\'public_message\').onchange = function() {' .
'document.getElementById(\'message\').disabled = !this.checked;' .
'}' .
'</script>' .
: '') .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="length">Length</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="length" id="length" size="20" maxlength="40" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(eg. "2d1h30m" or "2 days")</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th>Board</th>' .
'<td><ul style="list-style:none;padding:2px 5px">' . $__boards . '</tl></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<td></td>' .
'<td><input name="new_ban" type="submit" value="New Ban" /></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'</table>' .
'</form>' .
function form_newBoard() {
return '<fieldset><legend>New board</legend>' .
'<form action="?/new" method="post">' .
'<table>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="board">URI</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="uri" id="board" size="10" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(eg. "b"; "mu")</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="title">Title</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" size="25" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(eg. "Random")</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="subtitle">Subtitle</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="subtitle" id="subtitle" size="25" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(optional)</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<td></td>' .
'<td><input name="new_board" type="submit" value="New Board" /></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'</table>' .
'</form>' .
function removeBan($id) {
global $config, $memcached;
$query = prepare("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `id` = :id");
$query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
//if($config['memcached']['enabled']) {
// Remove cached ban
// $memcached->delete("ban_{$id}");
// Validate session
if(isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['mod']])) {
// Should be username:hash:salt
$cookie = explode(':', $_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['mod']]);
if(count($cookie) != 3) {
$query = prepare("SELECT `id`, `type`, `boards`, `password` FROM `mods` WHERE `username` = :username LIMIT 1");
$query->bindValue(':username', $cookie[0]);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
$user = $query->fetch();
// validate password hash
if($cookie[1] != mkhash($cookie[0], $user['password'], $cookie[2])) {
// Malformed cookies
$mod = Array(
if($user = $query->fetch()) {
return $mod = Array(
'id' => $user['id'],
'type' => $user['type'],
'username' => $cookie[0],
'username' => $username,
'hash' => mkhash($username, $password),
'boards' => explode(',', $user['boards'])
} else return false;
function setCookies() {
global $mod, $config;
error('setCookies() was called for a non-moderator!');
$mod['username'] . // username
':' .
$mod['hash'][0] . // password
':' .
$mod['hash'][1], // salt
time() + $config['cookies']['expire'], $config['cookies']['jail'] ? $config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, false, true);
function destroyCookies() {
global $config;
// Delete the cookies
setcookie($config['cookies']['mod'], 'deleted', time() - $config['cookies']['expire'], $config['cookies']['jail']?$config['cookies']['path'] : '/', null, false, true);
function create_pm_header() {
global $mod;
$query = prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `pms` WHERE `to` = :id AND `unread` = 1");
$query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
if($pm = $query->fetch()) {
return Array('id' => $pm['id'], 'waiting' => $query->rowCount() - 1);
return false;
function modLog($action, $_board=null) {
global $mod, $board, $config;
$query = prepare("INSERT INTO `modlogs` VALUES (:id, :ip, :board, :time, :text)");
$query->bindValue(':id', $mod['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$query->bindValue(':time', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':text', $action);
$query->bindValue(':board', $_board);
$query->bindValue(':board', $board['id']);
$query->bindValue(':board', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
_syslog(LOG_INFO, '[mod/' . $mod['username'] . ']: ' . $action);
// Generates a <ul> element with a list of linked
// boards and their subtitles. (without the <ul> opening and ending tags)
function ulBoards() {
global $mod, $config;
$body = '';
// List of boards
$boards = listBoards();
foreach($boards as &$b) {
$body .= '<li>' .
'<a href="?/' .
sprintf($config['board_path'], $b['uri']) . $config['file_index'] .
'">' .
sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $b['uri']) .
'</a> - ' .
$b['title'] .
(isset($b['subtitle']) ? '<span class="unimportant"> — ' . $b['subtitle'] . '</span>' : '') .
($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['manageboards'] ?
' <a href="?/board/' . $b['uri'] . '" class="unimportant">[manage]</a>' : '') .
if($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['newboard']) {
$body .= '<li style="margin-top:15px;"><a href="?/new"><strong>' . _('Create new board') . '</strong></a></li>';
return $body;
function form_newBan($ip=null, $reason='', $continue=false, $delete=false, $board=false, $allow_public = false) {
global $config, $mod;
$boards = listBoards();
$__boards = '<li><input type="radio" checked="checked" name="board_id" id="board_*" value="-1"/> <label style="display:inline" for="board_*"><em>' . _('all boards') . '</em></label></li>';
foreach($boards as &$_board) {
$__boards .= '<li>' .
'<input type="radio" name="board_id" id="board_' . $_board['uri'] . '" value="' . $_board['id'] . '">' .
'<label style="display:inline" for="board_' . $_board['uri'] . '"> ' .
($_board['uri'] == '*' ?
sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $_board['uri'])
) .
' - ' . $_board['title'] .
'</label>' .
return '<fieldset><legend>New ban</legend>' .
'<form action="?/ban" method="post">' .
($continue ? '<input type="hidden" name="continue" value="' . htmlentities($continue) . '" />' : '') .
($delete || $allow_public ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . (!$allow_public ? 'delete' : 'post') . '" value="' . htmlentities($delete) . '" />' : '') .
($board ? '<input type="hidden" name="board" value="' . htmlentities($board) . '" />' : '') .
'<table>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="ip">IP ' .
($config['ban_cidr'] ? '<span class="unimportant">(or subnet)' : '') .
'</span></label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="ip" id="ip" size="30" maxlength="30" ' .
(isset($ip) ?
'value="' . htmlentities($ip) . '" ' : ''
) .
'/></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="reason">Reason</label></th>' .
'<td><textarea name="reason" id="reason" rows="5" cols="30">' .
htmlentities($reason) .
'</textarea></td>' .
'</tr>' .
($mod['type'] >= $config['mod']['public_ban'] && $allow_public ?
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="message">Message</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="checkbox" id="public_message" name="public_message"/>' .
' <input type="text" name="message" id="message" size="35" maxlength="200" value="' . htmlentities($config['mod']['default_ban_message']) . '" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(public; attached to post)</span></td>' .
'<script type="text/javascript">' .
'document.getElementById(\'message\').disabled = true;' .
'document.getElementById(\'public_message\').onchange = function() {' .
'document.getElementById(\'message\').disabled = !this.checked;' .
'}' .
'</script>' .
: '') .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="length">Length</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="length" id="length" size="20" maxlength="40" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(eg. "2d1h30m" or "2 days")</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th>Board</th>' .
'<td><ul style="list-style:none;padding:2px 5px">' . $__boards . '</tl></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<td></td>' .
'<td><input name="new_ban" type="submit" value="New Ban" /></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'</table>' .
'</form>' .
function form_newBoard() {
return '<fieldset><legend>New board</legend>' .
'<form action="?/new" method="post">' .
'<table>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="board">URI</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="uri" id="board" size="10" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(eg. "b"; "mu")</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="title">Title</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" size="25" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(eg. "Random")</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th><label for="subtitle">Subtitle</label></th>' .
'<td><input type="text" name="subtitle" id="subtitle" size="25" />' .
' <span class="unimportant">(optional)</span></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'<tr>' .
'<td></td>' .
'<td><input name="new_board" type="submit" value="New Board" /></td>' .
'</tr>' .
'</table>' .
'</form>' .
function removeBan($id) {
global $config, $memcached;
$query = prepare("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `id` = :id");
$query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
//if($config['memcached']['enabled']) {
// Remove cached ban
// $memcached->delete("ban_{$id}");
// Validate session
if(isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['mod']])) {
// Should be username:hash:salt
$cookie = explode(':', $_COOKIE[$config['cookies']['mod']]);
if(count($cookie) != 3) {
$query = prepare("SELECT `id`, `type`, `boards`, `password` FROM `mods` WHERE `username` = :username LIMIT 1");
$query->bindValue(':username', $cookie[0]);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
$user = $query->fetch();
// validate password hash
if($cookie[1] != mkhash($cookie[0], $user['password'], $cookie[2])) {
// Malformed cookies
$mod = Array(
'id' => $user['id'],
'type' => $user['type'],
'username' => $cookie[0],
'boards' => explode(',', $user['boards'])
@ -1,57 +1,67 @@
class Remote {
public function __construct($config) {
foreach($config as $name => $value) {
$this->{$name} = $value;
$methods = Array();
error('Unspecified authentication method.');
// Connect
$this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, isset($this->port) ? $this->port : 22, $methods);
switch($this->auth['method']) {
case 'pubkey':
error('Public key filename not specified.');
error('Private key filename not specified.');
if(!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->connection, $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['public'], $this->auth['private'], isset($this->auth['passphrase']) ? $this->auth['passphrase']: null))
error('Public key authentication failed.');
case 'plain':
if(!ssh2_auth_password($this->connection, $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['password']))
error('Plain-text authentication failed.');
error('Unknown authentication method: "' . $this->auth['method'] . '".');
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
class Remote {
public function __construct($config) {
foreach($config as $name => $value) {
$this->{$name} = $value;
public function write($data, $remote_path) {
global $config;
switch($this->type) {
case 'sftp':
$sftp = ssh2_sftp($this->connection);
file_write('ssh2.sftp://' . $sftp . $remote_path, $data, true);
case 'scp':
$file = tempnam($config['tmp'], 'tinyboard-scp');
// Write to temp file
file_write($file, $data);
ssh2_scp_send($this->connection, $file, $remote_path, 0755);
error('Unknown send method.');
$methods = Array();
error('Unspecified authentication method.');
// Connect
$this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, isset($this->port) ? $this->port : 22, $methods);
switch($this->auth['method']) {
case 'pubkey':
error('Public key filename not specified.');
error('Private key filename not specified.');
if(!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->connection, $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['public'], $this->auth['private'], isset($this->auth['passphrase']) ? $this->auth['passphrase']: null))
error('Public key authentication failed.');
case 'plain':
if(!ssh2_auth_password($this->connection, $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['password']))
error('Plain-text authentication failed.');
error('Unknown authentication method: "' . $this->auth['method'] . '".');
public function write($data, $remote_path) {
global $config;
switch($this->type) {
case 'sftp':
$sftp = ssh2_sftp($this->connection);
file_write('ssh2.sftp://' . $sftp . $remote_path, $data, true);
case 'scp':
$file = tempnam($config['tmp'], 'tinyboard-scp');
// Write to temp file
file_write($file, $data);
ssh2_scp_send($this->connection, $file, $remote_path, 0755);
error('Unknown send method.');
@ -1,57 +1,72 @@
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
$twig = false;
function load_twig() {
global $twig, $config;
require 'lib/Twig/Autoloader.php';
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($config['dir']['template']);
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, Array(
'autoescape' => false,
'cache' => "{$config['dir']['template']}/cache",
'debug' => ($config['debug'] ? true : false),
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Tinyboard());
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
function Element($templateFile, array $options) {
global $config, $debug, $twig;
function Element($templateFile, array $options) {
global $config, $debug, $loader;
if(function_exists('create_pm_header') && ((isset($options['mod']) && $options['mod']) || isset($options['__mod']))) {
$options['pm'] = create_pm_header();
if(isset($options['body']) && $config['debug']) {
if(isset($debug['start'])) {
$debug['time'] = '~' . round((microtime(true) - $debug['start']) * 1000, 2) . 'ms';
$options['body'] .= '<h3>Debug</h3><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;font-size: 10px;">' . str_replace("\n", '<br/>', utf8tohtml(print_r($debug, true))) . '</pre>';
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, Array(
'autoescape' => false,
'cache' => "{$config['dir']['template']}/cache",
'debug' => ($config['debug'] ? true : false),
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Tinyboard());
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
// Read the template file
if(@file_get_contents("{$config['dir']['template']}/${templateFile}")) {
$body = $twig->render($templateFile, $options);
if($config['minify_html'] && preg_match('/\.html$/', $templateFile)) {
$body = trim(preg_replace("/[\t\r\n]/", '', $body));
return $body;
} else {
throw new Exception("Template file '${templateFile}' does not exist or is empty in '{$config['dir']['template']}'!");
if(function_exists('create_pm_header') && ((isset($options['mod']) && $options['mod']) || isset($options['__mod']))) {
$options['pm'] = create_pm_header();
if(isset($options['body']) && $config['debug']) {
if(isset($debug['start'])) {
$debug['time'] = '~' . round((microtime(true) - $debug['start']) * 1000, 2) . 'ms';
$debug['included'] = get_included_files();
$debug['memory'] = round(memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024), 2) . ' MiB';
$options['body'] .=
'<h3>Debug</h3><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;font-size: 10px;">' .
str_replace("\n", '<br/>', utf8tohtml(print_r($debug, true))) .
// Read the template file
if(@file_get_contents("{$config['dir']['template']}/${templateFile}")) {
$body = $twig->render($templateFile, $options);
if($config['minify_html'] && preg_match('/\.html$/', $templateFile)) {
$body = trim(preg_replace("/[\t\r\n]/", '', $body));
return $body;
} else {
throw new Exception("Template file '${templateFile}' does not exist or is empty in '{$config['dir']['template']}'!");
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
header('Location: ../', true, 302);
// 'false' means that the user is not logged in as a moderator
$mod = false;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user