Rework the GeoIP code, add country-based poster names

This commit is contained in:
Jano Slota 2014-07-04 02:47:24 +02:00 committed by czaks
parent 4adf893c39
commit db3c7f4ee9
3 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -773,9 +773,14 @@
// $config['board_path'] if you wish to change the URL.
$config['board_abbreviation'] = '/%s/';
// The default name (ie. Anonymous). Can be an array - in that case it's picked randomly from the array.
// The default name (e.g. Anonymous). Can be an array - in that case it's picked randomly from the array.
// Example: $config['anonymous'] = array('Bernd', 'Senpai', 'Jonne', 'ChanPro');
$config['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
// Pick the default name based on the poster's country. Can contain subarrays and is picked randomly from the them.
// If the user posts from a country you have not set a name for, his name is going to be whatever you set in $config['anonymous'].
// Example 1: $config['country_anonymous'] = array('cz' => 'Pepik', 'pl' => 'Karol Wojtyla', 'de' => 'Bernd', 'fi' => 'Jonne');
// Example 2: $config['country_anonymous'] = array('cz' => array('Pepik', 'Bohus', 'Lada'), 'pl' => array('Karol Wojtyla', 'Demon Pedofyl');
$config['country_anonymous'] = false;
// Number of reports you can create at once.
$config['report_limit'] = 3;

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@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ require_once 'inc/api.php';
require_once 'inc/bans.php';
require_once 'inc/lib/gettext/';
use Lifo\IP\IP;
// the user is not currently logged in as a moderator
$mod = false;
@ -243,6 +245,23 @@ function loadConfig() {
if (is_array($config['anonymous']))
$config['anonymous'] = $config['anonymous'][array_rand($config['anonymous'])];
if ($config['country_flags'] || $config['country_anonymous']) {
require_once 'inc/lib/geoip/';
$gi=geoip_open('inc/lib/geoip/GeoIPv6.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD);
$ipaddy = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (IP::isIPv4($ipaddy))
$ipaddy = IP::to_ipv6($ipaddy, true);
global $country_code, $country_name;
$country_code = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_addr_v6($gi, $ipaddy));
$country_name = geoip_country_name_by_addr_v6($gi, $ipaddy);
if (isset($config['country_anonymous'][$country_code])) {
if (is_array($config['country_anonymous'][$country_code]))
$config['anonymous'] = $config['country_anonymous'][$country_code][array_rand($config['country_anonymous'][$country_code])];
$config['anonymous'] = $config['country_anonymous'][$country_code];
if ($config['debug']) {

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@ -488,26 +488,8 @@ if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
if ($config['country_flags']) {
require 'inc/lib/geoip/';
$gi=geoip\geoip_open('inc/lib/geoip/GeoIPv6.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD);
function ipv4to6($ip) {
if (strpos($ip, ':') !== false) {
if (strpos($ip, '.') > 0)
$ip = substr($ip, strrpos($ip, ':')+1);
else return $ip; //native ipv6
$iparr = array_pad(explode('.', $ip), 4, 0);
$part7 = base_convert(($iparr[0] * 256) + $iparr[1], 10, 16);
$part8 = base_convert(($iparr[2] * 256) + $iparr[3], 10, 16);
return '::ffff:'.$part7.':'.$part8;
if ($country_code = geoip\geoip_country_code_by_addr_v6($gi, ipv4to6($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))) {
if (!in_array(strtolower($country_code), array('eu', 'ap', 'o1', 'a1', 'a2')))
$post['body'] .= "\n<tinyboard flag>".strtolower($country_code)."</tinyboard>".
"\n<tinyboard flag alt>".geoip\geoip_country_name_by_addr_v6($gi, ipv4to6($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))."</tinyboard>";
if (!in_array($country_code, array('eu', 'ap', 'o1', 'a1', 'a2')))
$post['body'] .= "\n<tinyboard flag>".$country_code."</tinyboard>\n<tinyboard flag alt>".$country_name."</tinyboard>";
if ($config['user_flag'] && isset($_POST['user_flag']))