 *  Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Tinyboard Development Group

defined('TINYBOARD') or exit;

 * Class for generating json API compatible with 4chan API
class Api {
	function __construct(){
		global $config;
		 * Translation from local fields to fields in 4chan-style API
		$this->config = $config;

		$this->postFields = array(
			'id' => 'no',
			'thread' => 'resto',
			'subject' => 'sub',
			'body' => 'com',
			'email' => 'email',
			'name' => 'name',
			'trip' => 'trip',
			'capcode' => 'capcode',
			'time' => 'time',
			'thumbheight' => 'tn_w',
			'thumbwidth' => 'tn_h',
			'fileheight' => 'w',
			'filewidth' => 'h',
			'filesize' => 'fsize',
			'filename' => 'filename',
			'omitted' => 'omitted_posts',
			'omitted_images' => 'omitted_images',
			'replies' => 'replies',
			'images' => 'images',
			'sticky' => 'sticky',
			'locked' => 'locked',
			'bump' => 'last_modified',

		$this->threadsPageFields = array(
			'id' => 'no',
			'bump' => 'last_modified',
                        'replies' => 'replies',
                        'images' => 'images',

		if (isset($config['api']['extra_fields']) && gettype($config['api']['extra_fields']) == 'array'){
			$this->postFields = array_merge($this->postFields, $config['api']['extra_fields']);

	private static $ints = array(
		'no' => 1,
		'resto' => 1,
		'time' => 1,
		'tn_w' => 1,
		'tn_h' => 1,
		'w' => 1,
		'h' => 1,
		'fsize' => 1,
		'omitted_posts' => 1,
		'omitted_images' => 1,
		'sticky' => 1,
		'locked' => 1,
		'last_modified' => 1

	private function translatePost($post, $threadsPage = false) {
		$apiPost = array();
		$fields = $threadsPage ? $this->threadsPageFields : $this->postFields;
		foreach ($fields as $local => $translated) {
			if (!isset($post->$local))

			$toInt = isset(self::$ints[$translated]);
			$val = $post->$local;
			if ($val !== null && $val !== '') {
				$apiPost[$translated] = $toInt ? (int) $val : $val;


		if ($threadsPage) return $apiPost;

		if (isset($post->filename)) {
			$dotPos = strrpos($post->filename, '.');
			$apiPost['filename'] = substr($post->filename, 0, $dotPos);
			$apiPost['ext'] = substr($post->filename, $dotPos);
			$dotPos = strrpos($post->file, '.');
			$apiPost['tim'] = substr($post->file, 0, $dotPos);

		// Handle country field
		if (isset($post->body_nomarkup) && $this->config['country_flags']) {
			$modifiers = extract_modifiers($post->body_nomarkup);
			if (isset($modifiers['flag']) && isset($modifiers['flag alt']) && preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}$/', $modifiers['flag'])) {
				$country = strtoupper($modifiers['flag']);
				if ($country) {
					$apiPost['country'] = $country;
					$apiPost['country_name'] = $modifiers['flag alt'];

		return $apiPost;

	function translateThread(Thread $thread, $threadsPage = false) {
		$apiPosts = array();
		$op = $this->translatePost($thread, $threadsPage);
		if (!$threadsPage) $op['resto'] = 0;
		$apiPosts['posts'][] = $op;

		foreach ($thread->posts as $p) {
			$apiPosts['posts'][] = $this->translatePost($p, $threadsPage);

		return $apiPosts;

	function translatePage(array $threads) {
		$apiPage = array();
		foreach ($threads as $thread) {
			$apiPage['threads'][] = $this->translateThread($thread);
		return $apiPage;

	function translateCatalogPage(array $threads, $threadsPage = false) {
		$apiPage = array();
		foreach ($threads as $thread) {
			$ts = $this->translateThread($thread, $threadsPage);
			$apiPage['threads'][] = current($ts['posts']);
		return $apiPage;

	function translateCatalog($catalog, $threadsPage = false) {
		$apiCatalog = array();
		foreach ($catalog as $page => $threads) {
			$apiPage = $this->translateCatalogPage($threads, $threadsPage);
			$apiPage['page'] = $page;
			$apiCatalog[] = $apiPage;

		return $apiCatalog;