<?php /* * This script will look for Tinyboard in the following places (in order): * - $TINYBOARD_PATH environment varaible * - ./ * - ./Tinyboard/ * - ../ */ ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); set_time_limit(0); $shell_path = getcwd(); if (isset ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '' && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '::1') { die("This script is executable only from Command Line Interface."); } if(getenv('TINYBOARD_PATH') !== false) $dir = getenv('TINYBOARD_PATH'); elseif(file_exists('inc/functions.php')) $dir = false; elseif(file_exists('Tinyboard') && is_dir('Tinyboard') && file_exists('Tinyboard/inc/functions.php')) $dir = 'Tinyboard'; elseif(file_exists('../inc/functions.php')) $dir = '..'; else die("Could not locate Tinyboard directory!\n"); if($dir && !chdir($dir)) die("Could not change directory to {$dir}\n"); if(!getenv('TINYBOARD_PATH')) { // follow symlink chdir(realpath('inc') . '/..'); } putenv('TINYBOARD_PATH=' . getcwd()); require 'inc/functions.php'; require 'inc/mod/auth.php'; $mod = Array( 'id' => -1, 'type' => ADMIN, 'username' => '?', 'boards' => Array('*') ); function get_httpd_privileges() { global $config, $shell_path, $argv; if(php_sapi_name() != 'cli') die("get_httpd_privileges(): invoked from HTTP client.\n"); echo "Dropping priviledges...\n"; if(!is_writable('.')) die("get_httpd_privileges(): web directory is not writable\n"); $filename = '.' . md5(rand()) . '.php'; $inc_filename = '.' . md5(rand()) . '.php'; echo "Copying rebuilder to web directory...\n"; // replace "/inc/cli.php" with its new filename passthru("cat " . escapeshellarg($shell_path . '/' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . " | sed \"s/'\/inc\/cli\.php'/'\/{$inc_filename}'/\" > {$filename}"); $inc_header = "<?php\n"; // copy environment $env = explode("\n", shell_exec('printenv | grep ^TINYBOARD')); foreach($env as $line) { if(!empty($line)) $inc_header .= "putenv('" . addslashes($line) . "');\n"; } // copy command line arguments $inc_header .= "\$argv = " . var_export($argv, true) . ";\n"; // copy this file file_put_contents($inc_filename, $inc_header . substr($inc = file_get_contents(__FILE__), strpos($inc, "\n"))); chmod($filename, 0666); chmod($inc_filename, 0666); if(preg_match('/^https?:\/\//', $config['root'])) { $url = $config['root'] . $filename; } elseif($host = getenv('TINYBOARD_HOST')) { $url = 'http://' . $host . $config['root'] . $filename; } else { // assume localhost $url = 'http://localhost' . $config['root'] . $filename; } echo "Downloading $url\n"; passthru('curl -s -N ' . escapeshellarg($url)); unlink($filename); unlink($inc_filename); exit(0); }