<?php require 'info.php'; function categories_build($action, $settings) { // Possible values for $action: // - all (rebuild everything, initialization) // - news (news has been updated) // - boards (board list changed) Categories::build($action, $settings); } // Wrap functions in a class so they don't interfere with normal Tinyboard operations class Categories { public static function build($action, $settings) { global $config; if($action == 'all') file_write($config['dir']['home'] . $config['file_index'], Categories::homepage($settings)); if($action == 'all' || $action == 'boards') file_write($config['dir']['home'] . 'sidebar.html', Categories::sidebar($settings)); if($action == 'all' || $action == 'news') file_write($config['dir']['home'] . 'news.html', Categories::news($settings)); } // Build homepage public static function homepage($settings) { global $config; // HTML5 return '<!DOCTYPE html><html>' . '<head>' . '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="' . $config['url_stylesheet'] . '"/>' . '<style type="text/css">' . 'iframe{border:none;margin:0;padding:0;height:99%;position:absolute}' . 'iframe#sidebar{left:0;top:0;width:15%}' . 'iframe#main{border-left:1px solid black;left:15%;top:0;width:85%}' . '</style>' . '<title>' . $settings['title'] . '</title>' . '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'function removeFrames() {' . 'window.location = document.getElementById("main").contentWindow.location.href' . '}' . '</script>' . '</head><body>' // Sidebar . '<iframe src="sidebar.html" id="sidebar" name="sidebar"></iframe>' // Main . '<iframe src="news.html" id="main" name="main"></iframe>' // Finish page . '</body></html>'; } // Build news page public static function news($settings) { global $config; // HTML5 $body = '<!DOCTYPE html><html>' . '<head>' . '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="' . $config['url_stylesheet'] . '"/>' . '<title>News</title>' . '</head><body>'; $boardlist = createBoardlist(); $body .= $boardlist['top'] . '<h1>' . $settings['title'] . '</h1>' . '<div class="title">' . ($settings['subtitle'] ? utf8tohtml($settings['subtitle']) : '') . '</div>'; $query = query("SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY `time` DESC") or error(db_error()); if($query->rowCount() == 0) { $body .= '<p style="text-align:center" class="unimportant">(No news to show.)</p>'; } else { // List news while($news = $query->fetch()) { $body .= '<div class="ban">' . '<h2 id="' . $news['id'] . '">' . ($news['subject'] ? $news['subject'] : '<em>no subject</em>' ) . '<span class="unimportant"> — by ' . $news['name'] . ' at ' . strftime($config['post_date'], $news['time']) . '</span></h2><p>' . $news['body'] . '</p></div>'; } } // Finish page $body .= '</body></html>'; return $body; } // Build sidebar public static function sidebar($settings) { global $config, $board; $body = '<!DOCTYPE html><html>' . '<head>' . '<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="' . $config['url_stylesheet'] . '"/>' . '<style type="text/css">' . 'fieldset{margin:10px 0}' . 'legend{width:100%;margin-left:-15px;background:#98E;border:1px solid white;color:white;font-weight:bold;padding:5px 5px}' . 'ul{margin:0;padding:0}' . 'li{list-style:none;padding:0 4px;margin: 0 4px}' . 'li a.system{font-weight:bold}' . '</style>' . '<base target="main" />' . '<title>' . $settings['title'] . '</title>' . '</head><body>'; $body .= '<fieldset><legend>' . $settings['title'] . '</legend><ul>' . '<li><a class="system" href="news.html">[News]</a></li>' . '<li><a class="system" href="javascript:parent.removeFrames()">[Remove Frames]</a></li>' . '</ul></fieldset>'; if(isset($config['categories'])) { for($cat = 0; $cat < count($config['categories']); $cat++) { $body .= '<fieldset><legend>' . $config['categories'][$cat] . '</legend><ul>'; foreach($config['boards'][$cat] as &$board) { $body .= '<li><a href="' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board) . '">' . boardTitle($board) . '</a></li>'; } $body .= '</ul></fieldset>'; } } if(isset($config['custom_categories'])) { foreach($config['custom_categories'] as $name => &$group) { $body .= '<fieldset><legend>' . $name . '</legend><ul>'; foreach($group as $title => &$url) { $body .= '<li><a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a></li>'; } $body .= '</ul></fieldset>'; } } // Finish page $body .= '</body></html>'; return $body; } }; ?>