{% filter remove_whitespace %} {# tabs and new lines will be ignored #} {# we are intentionally breaking the thread_ID convention: the jses need to handle this case differently #} <tr id="filethread_{{ post.id }}" class="intro" data-board="{{ board.uri }}"> <td><input type="checkbox" class="delete" name="delete_{{ post.id }}" id="delete_{{ post.id }}" /> <td><a class="post_no" onclick="citeReply({{ post.id }})" href="{{ post.link('q') }}">{{ post.id }}</a> <td>{% include 'post/name.html' %} {% include 'post/flag.html' %} <td>[<a href="{{ config.uri_img }}{{ post.files[0].file }}">{{ post.files[0].filename|e|bidi_cleanup }}</a>] <td>{% if post.modifiers['tag'] %}[{{ post.modifiers['tag']|e }}]{% endif %} <td>{% include 'post/subject.html' %} {% if post.sticky %} {% if config.font_awesome %} <i class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></i> {% else %} <img class="icon" title="Sticky" src="{{ config.image_sticky }}" alt="Sticky" /> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if post.locked %} {% if config.font_awesome %} <i class="fa fa-lock"></i> {% else %} <img class="icon" title="Locked" src="{{ config.image_locked }}" alt="Locked" /> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if post.bumplocked and (config.mod.view_bumplock < 0 or (post.mod and post.mod|hasPermission(config.mod.view_bumplock, board.uri))) %} {% if config.font_awesome %} <i class="fa fa-anchor"></i> {% else %} <img class="icon" title="Bumplocked" src="{{ config.image_bumplocked }}" alt="Bumplocked" /> {% endif %} {% endif %} <td>{{ post.files[0].size|filesize }} <td>{% include 'post/time.html' %} <td>{{ post.omitted }} <td>{% include 'post/post_controls.html' %} <a href="{{ post.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.dir.res }}{{ link_for(post) }}">[{% trans %}Reply{% endtrans %}]</a> </tr> {% endfilter %}