<?php require 'info.php'; function rrdtool_build($action, $settings, $board) { // Possible values for $action: // - all (rebuild everything, initialization) // - news (news has been updated) // - boards (board list changed) // - post (a post has been made) $b = new TB_RRDTool(); $b->build($action, $settings); } // Wrap functions in a class so they don't interfere with normal Tinyboard operations class TB_RRDTool { public function build($action, $settings) { global $config, $_theme, $argv; if (!$settings) { error('This theme is not currently installed.'); } $this->boards = explode(' ', $settings['boards']); $this->spans = Array('hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'); // exclude boards from the "combined" graph $this->combined_exclude = Array(); if ($action == 'cron') { if (!file_exists($settings['path'])) mkdir($settings['path']); if (!file_exists($settings['images'])) mkdir($settings['images']); foreach ($this->boards as &$board) { $file = $settings['path'] . '/' . $board . '.rrd'; if (!file_exists($file)) { // Create graph if (!rrd_create($file, Array( '-s 60', 'DS:posts:COUNTER:86400:0:10000', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:60', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:1440', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:30:10080', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:120:43829', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1440:525948', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0:2880:1051897', 'RRA:MAX:0:1:60', 'RRA:MAX:0:1:1440', 'RRA:MAX:0:30:10080', 'RRA:MAX:0:120:43829', 'RRA:MAX:0:1440:525948', 'RRA:MAX:0:2880:1051897' ))) error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error())); } // debug just the graphing (not updating) with the --debug switch if (!isset($argv[1]) || $argv[1] != '--debug') { // Update graph $query = query(sprintf("SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `count` FROM `posts_%s`", $board)); $count = $query->fetch(); $count = $count['count']; if (!rrd_update($file, Array( '-t', 'posts', 'N:' . $count))) error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error())); } foreach ($this->spans as &$span) { // Graph graph if (!rrd_graph($settings['images'] . '/' . $board . '-' . $span . '.png', Array( '-s -1' . $span, '-t Posts on ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board) .' this ' . $span, '--lazy', '-l 0', '-h', $settings['height'], '-w', $settings['width'], '-a', 'PNG', '-R', 'mono', '-W', 'Powered by Tinyboard', '-E', '-X', '0', '-Y', '-v posts/' . $settings['rate'], 'DEF:posts-second=' . $file . ':posts:AVERAGE', 'CDEF:posts-minute=posts-second,60,*', 'CDEF:posts-hour=posts-minute,60,*', 'CDEF:posts-day=posts-hour,24,*', 'CDEF:posts-week=posts-day,7,*', 'CDEF:posts-month=posts-day,28,*', 'CDEF:posts-year=posts-day,365,*', 'DEF:posts=' . $file . ':posts:AVERAGE', 'LINE2:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . '#663300:Posts', 'GPRINT:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . ':MAX:Max\\: %5.2lf', 'GPRINT:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . ':AVERAGE:Average\\: %5.2lf', 'GPRINT:posts-' . $settings['rate'] . ':LAST:Current\\: %5.2lf posts/' . $settings['rate'], 'HRULE:0#000000'))) error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error())); } } // combined graph foreach ($this->spans as &$span) { $options = Array( '-s -1' . $span, '-t Posts this ' . $span, '--lazy', '-l 0', '-h', $settings['height'], '-w', $settings['width'], '-a', 'PNG', '-R', 'mono', '-W', 'Powered by Tinyboard', '-E', '-X', '0', '-Y', '-v posts/' . $settings['rate']); $red = 0; $green = 0; $blue = 0; $c = 0; $cc = 0; $c = 1; $cc = 0; $red = 2; foreach ($this->boards as &$board) { if (in_array($board, $this->combined_exclude)) continue; $color = str_pad(dechex($red*85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($green*85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($blue*85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $options[] = 'DEF:posts' . $board . '-second=' . $settings['path'] . '/' . $board . '.rrd' . ':posts:AVERAGE'; $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-minute=posts' . $board . '-second,60,*'; $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-hour=posts' . $board . '-minute,60,*'; $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-day=posts' . $board . '-hour,24,*'; $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-week=posts' . $board . '-day,7,*'; $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-month=posts' . $board . '-day,28,*'; $options[] = 'CDEF:posts' . $board . '-year=posts' . $board . '-day,365,*'; $options[] = 'LINE2:posts' . $board . '-' . $settings['rate'] . '#' . $color . ':' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board); // Randomize colors using this horrible undocumented algorithm I threw together while debugging if ($c == 0) $red++; elseif ($c == 1) $green++; elseif ($c == 2) $blue++; elseif ($c == 3) $green--; elseif ($c == 4) $red--; $cc++; if ($cc > 2) { $c++; $cc = 0; } if ($c > 4) $c = 0; if ($red > 3) $red = 0; if ($green > 3) $green = 0; if ($blue > 3) $blue = 0; } $options[] = 'HRULE:0#000000'; if (!rrd_graph($settings['images'] . '/combined-' . $span . '.png', $options)) error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error())); } } } }; ?>