Do not post in or view any boards if you are under 18 years of age.
If you break the rules we will delete your post. Do it repeatedly and you'll be derezzed.
Do not call for mods, or announce reports in a thread.
Always argue in good faith and avoid using personal attacks.
You should always elaborate on your opinions rather than just spilling the soykaf.
Don't respond with aggression to perceived flames or trolls (or at all.)
Do not whine and cry about 8chan, "quality", "invasions", "newfags", mods, bans, or kalyx outside of /q/.
Do not spam or advertise unrelated content.
Do not post child pornography or questionable 2D/3DCG/3DPG sexual depictions of children. This includes "child models".
If you must post it, spoiler any NSFW content and make sure it's relevant to the discussion.
Do not upload malicious archives.
Read the rules again. /* infinite iteration will fix later */
The mods are not on powertrips, they are friendly and are trying to ensure the quality of lainchan, not belittle your ideas.
Lainchan is a place to have your voice heard but not a place for you to drown out others' voices.
Mods usually ask each other for opinions before doing anything. We hate having to ban someone.
Just relax and try to have fun. Jokes are always welcome.
Visit a board you've never been to. Try out /random/.
Max file size is 35 mb.
PDF, ePub, and webm are supported across the boards.
We ALWAYS need contributors to our board software, located on github
Dice rolling: posting in the email field with the form "dice XdY+/-Z" will result in X Y-sided dice rolled and summed, with the modifier Z added, the result is displayed at the top of the post body.
Be smart when posting about potentially illegal activities.
/cyb/ is the general cyberpunk board for the discussion of the philosophy and anything else you can think of as being "cyberpunk".
/λ/ is the programming board.
Hard technical discussion of software development and project ideas is the only intended purpose of this board.
The Beginner's General is where all questions concerning novice programming should go, unless there is a more specific thread for your interests.
/tech/ is for the discussion of consumer technology.
Discussion concerning programs not intimately related to programming belongs on /tech/.
/zzz/ is the board for the discussion of dreams and dreaming techniques.
/drg/ is the board for discussing your waifu's experiences with drug usage, including buying and selling.
/lit/ is the board for reading, writing, and sharing written works of art.
/diy/ is for the discussion of electronics and the construction and modification thereof.
The construction and modification of objects that are not electronic is also welcomed.
Cooking is one example of a topic that would fit on /diy/.
/art/ is the board for the discussion of other forms of art, including music, movies, and television.
/w/ is the board for the discussion of Japanese culture and anime.
/r/ is the board for the discussion of topics that do not have a dedicated board. It is not for purely random threads.
/layer/ is the ddt board. For more information see the sticky on the board or the official how-to guide.
/q/ is the questions board.
In specific, questions about the moderation, the quality of Lainchan, feature requests, and other questions about the website are valid.
Keep discussion rational. It's why we're here.
When in doubt about the topic of a board, lurk it for a while and check the catalog to get an idea of it.