{% for board_posts in posts %}
			<a href="?/{{ config.board_path|sprintf(board_posts.board.uri) }}{{ config.file_index }}">
				{{ config.board_abbreviation|sprintf(board_posts.board.uri) }}
				 {{ board_posts.board.title|e }}
		{{ board_posts.posts|join('<hr>') }}
{% endfor %}

{% if mod|hasPermission(config.mod.view_notes) %}
	<fieldset id="notes">
			{% set notes_on_record = 'note' ~ (notes|count != 1 ? 's' : '') ~ ' on record' %}
			<legend>{{ notes|count }} {% trans notes_on_record %}</legend>
		{% if notes|count > 0 %}
			<table class="modlog">
					<th>{% trans 'Staff' %}</th>
					<th>{% trans 'Note' %}</th>
					<th>{% trans 'Date' %}</th>
					{% if mod|hasPermission(config.mod.remove_notes) %}
						<th>{% trans 'Actions' %}</th>
					{% endif %}
				{% for note in notes %}
						<td class="minimal">
							{% if note.username %}
								<a href="?/new_PM/{{ note.username|e }}">{{ note.username|e }}</a>
							{% else %}
								<em>{% trans 'deleted?' %}</em>
							{% endif %}
							{{ note.body }}
						<td class="minimal">
							{{ note.time|date(config.post_date) }}
						{% if mod|hasPermission(config.mod.remove_notes) %}
							<td class="minimal">
								<a href="?/IP/{{ ip }}/remove_note/{{ note.id }}">
									<small>[{% trans 'remove' %}]</small>
						{% endif %}
				{% endfor %}
		{% endif %}
		{% if mod|hasPermission(config.mod.create_notes) %}
			<form action="" method="post" style="margin:0">
				<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{ security_token }}">
						<th>{% trans 'Staff' %}</th>
						<td>{{ mod.username|e }}</td>
							<label for="note">{% trans 'Note' %}</label>
							<textarea id="note" name="note" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
						<td><input type="submit" value="{% trans 'New note' %}"></td>
		{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if bans|count > 0 and mod|hasPermission(config.mod.view_ban) %}
	<fieldset id="bans">
		{% set bans_on_record = 'ban' ~ (bans|count != 1 ? 's' : '') ~ ' on record' %}
		<legend>{{ bans|count }} {% trans bans_on_record %}</legend>
		{% for ban in bans %}
			<form action="" method="post" style="text-align:center">
				<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{ security_token }}">
				<table style="width:400px;margin-bottom:10px;border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;padding:5px">
						<th>{% trans 'Status' %}</th>
							{% if config.mod.view_banexpired and ban.expires != 0 and ban.expires < time() %}
								{% trans 'Expired' %}
							{% else %}
								{% trans 'Active' %}
							{% endif %}
						<th>{% trans 'IP' %}</th>
						<td>{{ ban.mask }}</td>
						<th>{% trans 'Reason' %}</th>
							{% if ban.reason %}
								{{ ban.reason }}
							{% else %}
								<em>{% trans 'no reason' %}</em>
							{% endif %}
						<th>{% trans 'Board' %}</th>
							{% if ban.board %}
								{{ config.board_abbreviation|sprintf(ban.board) }}
							{% else %}
								<em>{% trans 'all boards' %}</em>
							{% endif %}
						<th>{% trans 'Set' %}</th>
						<td>{{ ban.created|date(config.post_date) }}</td>
						<th>{% trans 'Expires' %}</th>
							{% if ban.expires %}
								{{ ban.expires|date(config.post_date) }}
							{% else %}
								<em>{% trans 'never' %}</em>
							{% endif %}
						<th>{% trans 'Seen' %}</th>
							{%  if ban.seen %}
								{% trans 'Yes' %}
							{%  else %}
								{% trans 'No' %}
							{%  endif %}
						<th>{% trans 'Staff' %}</th>
							{% if ban.username %}
								{{ ban.username|e }}
							{% else %}
								<em>{% trans 'deleted?' %}</em>
							{% endif %}
				<input type="hidden" name="ban_id" value="{{ ban.id }}">
				<input type="submit" name="unban" value="{% trans 'Remove ban' %}">
		{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if mod|hasPermission(config.mod.ban) %}
		<legend>{% trans 'New ban' %}</legend>
		{% set redirect = '?/IP/' ~ ip ~ '#bans' %}
		{% include 'mod/ban_form.html' %}
{% endif %}

{% if logs|count > 0  %}
	<fieldset id="history">
		<table class="modlog" style="width:100%">
				<th>{% trans 'Staff' %}</th>
				<th>{% trans 'Time' %}</th>
				<th>{% trans 'Board' %}</th>
				<th>{% trans 'Action' %}</th>
			{% for log in logs %}
					<td class="minimal">
						{% if log.username %}
							<a href="?/log:{{ log.username|e }}">{{ log.username|e }}</a>
						{% elseif log.mod == -1 %}
						{% else %}
							<em>{% trans 'deleted?' %}</em>
						{% endif %}
					<td class="minimal">
						<span title="{{ log.time|date(config.post_date) }}">{{ log.time|ago }}</span>
					<td class="minimal">
						{% if log.board %}
							<a href="?/{{ config.board_path|sprintf(log.board) }}{{ config.file_index }}">{{ config.board_abbreviation|sprintf(log.board) }}</a>
						{% else %}
						{% endif %}
						{{ log.text }}
			{% endfor %}
{% endif %}