/* This file is dedicated to the public domain; you may do as you wish with it. */

// Information needed to parse an element type
class EBMLElementType {
    public $name;
    public $datatype;
    public $validParents;

// Information needed to parse all possible element types in a document
class EBMLElementTypeList {
    private $_els;
    private $_ids;

    public function __construct($filename) {
        $lines = file($filename);
        foreach($lines as $line) {
            $fields = explode(' ', trim($line));
            $t = new EBMLElementType;
            $id = hexdec($fields[0]);
            $t->datatype = $fields[1];
            $t->name = $fields[2];
            $t->validParents = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i + 3 < count($fields); $i++) {
                if ($fields[$i+3] == '*' || $fields[$i+3] == 'root') {
                    $t->validParents[$i] = $fields[$i+3];
                } else {
                    $t->validParents[$i] = hexdec($fields[$i+3]);
            $this->_els[$id] = $t;
            $this->_ids[strtoupper($t->name)] = $id;

    public function exists($id) {
        return isset($this->_els[$id]);

    public function name($id) {
        if (!isset($this->_els[$id])) return NULL;
        return $this->_els[$id]->name;

    public function id($name) {
        $name = strtoupper($name);
        if (!isset($this->_ids[$name])) return NULL;
        return $this->_ids[$name];

    public function datatype($id) {
        if ($id == 'root') return 'container';
        if (!isset($this->_els[$id])) return 'binary';
        return $this->_els[$id]->datatype;

    public function validChild($id1, $id2) {
        if (!isset($this->_els[$id2])) return TRUE;
        $parents = $this->_els[$id2]->validParents;
        return in_array('*', $parents) || in_array($id1, $parents);

// Matroska element types
$EBML_ELEMENTS = new EBMLElementTypeList(dirname(__FILE__) . '/matroska-elements.txt');

// Decode big-endian integer
function ebmlDecodeInt($data, $signed=FALSE, $carryIn=0) {
    $n = $carryIn;
    if (strlen($data) > 8) throw new Exception('not supported: integer too long');
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
        if ($n > (PHP_INT_MAX >> 8) || $n < ((-PHP_INT_MAX-1) >> 8)) {
            $n = floatval($n);
        $n = $n * 0x100 + ord($data[$i]);
        if ($i == 0 && $signed && ($n & 0x80) != 0) {
            $n -= 0x100;
    return $n;

// Decode big-endian IEEE float
function ebmlDecodeFloat($data) {
    switch (strlen($data)) {
        case 0:
            return 0;
        case 4:
            switch(pack('f', 1e9)) {
                case '(knN':
                    $arr = unpack('f', strrev($data));
                    return $arr[1];
                case 'Nnk(':
                    $arr = unpack('f', $data);
                    return $arr[1];
                    error_log('cannot decode floats');
                    return NULL;
        case 8:
            switch(pack('d', 1e9)) {
                case "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x65\xcd\xcd\x41":
                    $arr = unpack('d', strrev($data));
                    return $arr[1];
                case "\x41\xcd\xcd\x65\x00\x00\x00\x00":
                    $arr = unpack('d', $data);
                    return $arr[1];
                    error_log('cannot decode floats');
                    return NULL;
            error_log('unsupported float length');
            return NULL;

// Decode big-endian signed offset from Jan 01, 2000 in nanoseconds
// Convert to offset from Jan 01, 1970 in seconds
function ebmlDecodeDate($data) {
    return ebmlDecodeInt($data, TRUE) * 1e-9 + 946684800;

// Decode data of specified datatype
function ebmlDecode($data, $datatype) {
    switch ($datatype) {
       case 'int':    return ebmlDecodeInt($data, TRUE);
       case 'uint':   return ebmlDecodeInt($data, FALSE);
       case 'float':  return ebmlDecodeFloat($data);
       case 'string': return chop($data, "\0");
       case 'date':   return ebmlDecodeDate($data);
       case 'binary': return $data;
       default: throw new Exception('unknown datatype');

// Methods for reading data from section of EBML file
class EBMLReader {
    private $_fileHandle;
    private $_offset;
    private $_size;
    private $_position;

    public function __construct($fileHandle, $offset=0, $size=NULL) {
        $this->_fileHandle = $fileHandle;
        $this->_offset = $offset;
        $this->_size = $size;
        $this->_position = 0;

    // Tell position within data section
    public function position() {
        return $this->_position;

    // Set position within data section
    public function setPosition($position) {
        $this->_position = $position;

    // Total size of data section (NULL if unknown)
    public function size() {
        return $this->_size;

    // Set end of data section
    public function setSize($size) {
        if ($this->_size === NULL) {
            $this->_size = $size;
        } else {
            throw new Exception('size already set');

    // Determine whether we are at end of data
    public function endOfData() {
        if ($this->_size === NULL) {
            fseek($this->_fileHandle, $this->_offset + $this->_position);
            fread($this->_fileHandle, 1);
            if (feof($this->_fileHandle)) {
                $this->_size = $this->_position;
                return TRUE;
            } else {
                return FALSE;
        } else {
            return $this->_position >= $this->_size;

    // Create EBMLReader containing $size bytes and advance
    public function nextSlice($size) {
        $slice = new EBMLReader($this->_fileHandle, $this->_offset + $this->_position, $size);
        if ($size !== NULL) {
            $this->_position += $size;
            if ($this->_size !== NULL && $this->_position > $this->_size) {
                throw new Exception('unexpected end of data');
        return $slice;

    // Read entire region
    public function readAll() {
        if ($this->_size == 0) return '';
        if ($this->_size === NULL) throw new Exception('unknown length');
        fseek($this->_fileHandle, $this->_offset);
        $data = fread($this->_fileHandle, $this->_size);
        if ($data === FALSE || strlen($data) != $this->_size) {
            throw new Exception('error reading from file');
        return $data;

    // Read $size bytes
    public function read($size) {
        return $this->nextSlice($size)->readAll();

    // Read variable-length integer
    public function readVarInt($signed=FALSE) {
        // Read size and remove flag
        $n = ord($this->read(1));
        $size = 0;
        if ($n == 0) {
            throw new Exception('not supported: variable-length integer too long');
        $flag = 0x80;
        while (($n & $flag) == 0) {
            $flag = $flag >> 1;
        $n -= $flag;

        // Read remaining data
        $rawInt = $this->read($size);

        // Check for all ones
        if ($n == $flag - 1 && $rawInt == str_repeat("\xFF", $size)) {
            return NULL;

        // Range shift for signed integers
        if ($signed) {
            if ($flag == 0x01) {
                $n = ord($rawInt[0]) - 0x80;
                $rawInt = $rawInt.substr(1);
            } else {
                $n -= ($flag >> 1);

        // Convert to integer
        $n = ebmlDecodeInt($rawInt, FALSE, $n);

        // Range shift for signed integers
        if ($signed) {
            if ($n == PHP_INT_MAX) {
                $n = floatval($n);

        return $n;

// EBML element
class EBMLElement {
    private $_id;
    private $_name;
    private $_datatype;
    private $_content;
    private $_headSize;

    public function __construct($id, $content, $headSize) {
        global $EBML_ELEMENTS;
        $this->_id = $id;
        $this->_name = $EBML_ELEMENTS->name($this->_id);
        $this->_datatype = $EBML_ELEMENTS->datatype($this->_id);
        $this->_content = $content;
        $this->_headSize = $headSize;

    public function id()       {return $this->_id;}
    public function name()     {return $this->_name;}
    public function datatype() {return $this->_datatype;}
    public function content()  {return $this->_content;}
    public function headSize() {return $this->_headSize;}

    // Total size of element (including ID and datasize)
    public function size() {
        return $this->_headSize + $this->_content->size();

    // Read and interpret content
    public function value() {
        if ($this->_datatype == 'binary') {
            return $this->_content;
        } else {
            return ebmlDecode($this->_content->readAll(), $this->_datatype);

// Iterate over EBML elements in data
class EBMLElementList extends EBMLElement implements Iterator {
    private $_cache;
    private $_position;
    private static $MAX_ELEMENTS = 10000;

    public function __construct($id, $content, $headSize) {
        parent::__construct($id, $content, $headSize);
        $this->_cache = array();
        $this->_position = 0;

    public function rewind() {
        $this->_position = 0;

    public function current() {
        if ($this->valid()) {
            return $this->_cache[$this->_position];
        } else {
            return NULL;

    public function key() {
        return $this->_position;

    public function next() {
        $this->_position += $this->current()->size();
        if ($this->content()->size() !== NULL && $this->_position > $this->content()->size()) {
            throw new Exception('unexpected end of data');

    public function valid() {
        global $EBML_ELEMENTS;
        if (isset($this->_cache[$this->_position])) return TRUE;
        if ($this->content()->endOfData()) return FALSE;
        $id = $this->content()->readVarInt();
        if ($id === NULL) throw new Exception('invalid ID');
        if ($this->content()->size() === NULL && !$EBML_ELEMENTS->validChild($this->id(), $id)) {
            return FALSE;
        $size = $this->content()->readVarInt();
        $headSize = $this->content()->position() - $this->_position;
        $content = $this->content()->nextSlice($size);
        if ($EBML_ELEMENTS->datatype($id) == 'container') {
            $element = new EBMLElementList($id, $content, $headSize);
        } else {
            if ($size === NULL) {
                throw new Exception('non-container element of unknown size');
            $element = new EBMLElement($id, $content, $headSize);
        $this->_cache[$this->_position] = $element;
        return TRUE;

    // Total size of element (including ID and size)
    public function size() {
        if ($this->content()->size() === NULL) {
            $iElement = 0;
            foreach ($this as $element) { // iterate over elements to find end
                if ($iElement > self::$MAX_ELEMENTS) throw new Exception('not supported: too many elements');
        return $this->headSize() + $this->content()->size();

    // Read and interpret content
    public function value() {
        return $this;

    // Get element value by name
    public function get($name, $defaultValue=NULL) {
        $iElement = 0;
        foreach ($this as $element) {
            if ($iElement > self::$MAX_ELEMENTS) throw new Exception('not supported: too many elements');
            if (strtoupper($element->name()) == strtoupper($name)) {
                return $element->value();
        return $defaultValue;

// Parse block
class MatroskaBlock {
    const LACING_NONE = 0;
    const LACING_XIPH = 1;
    const LACING_EBML = 3;
    const LACING_FIXED = 2;
    public $trackNumber;
    public $timecode;
    public $keyframe;
    public $invisible;
    public $lacing;
    public $discardable;
    public $frames;

    public function __construct($reader) {
        # Header
        $this->trackNumber = $reader->readVarInt();
        $this->timecode = ebmlDecodeInt($reader->read(2), TRUE);
        $flags = ord($reader->read(1));
        if (($flags & 0x70) != 0) {
            throw new Exception('reserved flags set');
        $this->keyframe = (($flags & 0x80) != 0);
        $this->invisible = (($flags & 0x08) != 0);
        $this->lacing = ($flags >> 1) & 0x03;
        $this->discardable = (($flags & 0x01) != 0);

        # Lacing sizes
        if ($this->lacing == self::LACING_NONE) {
            $nsizes = 0;
        } else {
            $nsizes = ord($reader->read(1));
        $sizes = array();
        switch ($this->lacing) {
            case self::LACING_XIPH:
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nsizes; $i++) {
                    $size = 0;
                    $x = 255;
                    while ($x == 255) {
                        $x = ord($reader->read(1));
                        $size += $x;
                        if ($size > 65536) throw new Exception('not supported: laced frame too long');
                    $sizes[$i] = $size;
            case self::LACING_EBML:
                $size = 0;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nsizes; $i++) {
                    $dsize = $reader->readVarInt($i != 0);
                    if ($dsize === NULL || $size + $dsize < 0) {
                        throw new Exception('invalid frame size');
                    $size += $dsize;
                    $sizes[$i] = $size;
            case self::LACING_FIXED:
                $lenRemaining = $reader->size() - $reader->position();
                if ($lenRemaining % ($nsizes + 1) != 0) {
                    throw new Exception('data size not divisible by frame count');
                $size = (int) ($lenRemaining / ($nsizes + 1));
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nsizes; $i++) {
                    $sizes[$i] = $size;

        # Frames
        $this->frames = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nsizes; $i++) {
            $this->frames[$i] = $reader->nextSlice($sizes[$i]);
        $this->frames[$nsizes] = $reader->nextSlice($reader->size() - $reader->position());

// Create element list from $fileHandle
function readMatroska($fileHandle) {
    $reader = new EBMLReader($fileHandle);
    if ($reader->read(4) != "\x1a\x45\xdf\xa3") {
        throw new Exception('not an EBML file');
    $root = new EBMLElementList('root', $reader, 0);
    $header = $root->get('EBML');
    $ebmlVersion = $header->get('EBMLReadVersion', 1);
    $docType = $header->get('DocType');
    $docTypeVersion = $header->get('DocTypeReadVersion', 1);
    if ($ebmlVersion != 1) {
        throw new Exception('unsupported EBML version');
    if ($docType != 'matroska' && $docType != 'webm') {
        throw new Exception ('unsupported document type');
    if ($docTypeVersion < 1 || $docTypeVersion > 4) {
        throw new Exception ('unsupported document type version');
    return $root;

function ebmlEncodeVarInt($n) {
    $data = '';
    $flag = 0x80;
    while ($n >= $flag) {
        if ($flag == 0) {
            throw new Exception('not supported: number too large');
        $data = chr($n & 0xFF) . $data;
        $n = $n >> 8;
        $flag = $flag >> 1;
    $data = chr($n | $flag) . $data;
    return $data;

function ebmlEncodeElementName($name) {
    global $EBML_ELEMENTS;
    return ebmlEncodeVarInt($EBML_ELEMENTS->id($name));

function ebmlEncodeElement($name, $content) {
    return ebmlEncodeElementName($name) . ebmlEncodeVarInt(strlen($content)) . $content;