<?php require 'inc/functions.php'; if (!$config['search']['enable']) { die(_("Post search is disabled")); } $queries_per_minutes = $config['search']['queries_per_minutes']; $queries_per_minutes_all = $config['search']['queries_per_minutes_all']; $search_limit = $config['search']['search_limit']; $boards = $config['search']['boards']; $body = Element('search_form.html', Array('boards' => $boards, 'board' => isset($_GET['board']) ? $_GET['board'] : false, 'search' => isset($_GET['search']) ? str_replace('"', '"', utf8tohtml($_GET['search'])) : false)); if(isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search']) && isset($_GET['board']) && in_array($_GET['board'], $boards)) { $phrase = $_GET['search']; $_body = ''; $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``search_queries`` WHERE `ip` = :ip AND `time` > :time"); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $query->bindValue(':time', time() - ($queries_per_minutes[1] * 60)); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if($query->fetchColumn() > $queries_per_minutes[0]) error(_('Wait a while before searching again, please.')); $query = prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ``search_queries`` WHERE `time` > :time"); $query->bindValue(':time', time() - ($queries_per_minutes_all[1] * 60)); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if($query->fetchColumn() > $queries_per_minutes_all[0]) error(_('Wait a while before searching again, please.')); $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``search_queries`` VALUES (:ip, :time, :query)"); $query->bindValue(':ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $query->bindValue(':time', time()); $query->bindValue(':query', $phrase); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); _syslog(LOG_NOTICE, 'Searched /' . $_GET['board'] . '/ for "' . $phrase . '"'); // Cleanup search queries table $query = prepare("DELETE FROM ``search_queries`` WHERE `time` <= :time"); $query->bindValue(':time', time() - ($queries_per_minutes_all[1] * 60)); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); openBoard($_GET['board']); $filters = Array(); function search_filters($m) { global $filters; $name = $m[2]; $value = isset($m[4]) ? $m[4] : $m[3]; if(!in_array($name, array('id', 'thread', 'subject', 'name'))) { // unknown filter return $m[0]; } $filters[$name] = $value; return $m[1]; } $phrase = trim(preg_replace_callback('/(^|\s)(\w+):("(.*)?"|[^\s]*)/', 'search_filters', $phrase)); if(!preg_match('/[^*^\s]/', $phrase) && empty($filters)) { _syslog(LOG_WARNING, 'Query too broad.'); $body .= '<p class="unimportant" style="text-align:center">(Query too broad.)</p>'; echo Element('page.html', Array( 'config'=>$config, 'title'=>'Search', 'body'=>$body, )); exit; } // Escape escape character $phrase = str_replace('!', '!!', $phrase); // Remove SQL wildcard $phrase = str_replace('%', '!%', $phrase); // Use asterisk as wildcard to suit convention $phrase = str_replace('*', '%', $phrase); // Remove `, it's used by table prefix magic $phrase = str_replace('`', '!`', $phrase); $like = ''; $match = Array(); // Find exact phrases if(preg_match_all('/"(.+?)"/', $phrase, $m)) { foreach($m[1] as &$quote) { $phrase = str_replace("\"{$quote}\"", '', $phrase); $match[] = $pdo->quote($quote); } } $words = explode(' ', $phrase); foreach($words as &$word) { if(empty($word)) continue; $match[] = $pdo->quote($word); } $like = ''; foreach($match as &$phrase) { if(!empty($like)) $like .= ' AND '; $phrase = preg_replace('/^\'(.+)\'$/', '\'%$1%\'', $phrase); $like .= '`body` LIKE ' . $phrase . ' ESCAPE \'!\''; } foreach($filters as $name => $value) { if(!empty($like)) $like .= ' AND '; $like .= '`' . $name . '` = '. $pdo->quote($value); } $like = str_replace('%', '%%', $like); $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE " . $like . " ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT :limit", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':limit', $search_limit, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); if($query->rowCount() == $search_limit) { _syslog(LOG_WARNING, 'Query too broad.'); $body .= '<p class="unimportant" style="text-align:center">('._('Query too broad.').')</p>'; echo Element('page.html', Array( 'config'=>$config, 'title'=>'Search', 'body'=>$body, )); exit; } $temp = ''; while($post = $query->fetch()) { if(!$post['thread']) { $po = new Thread($post['id'], $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['capcode'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $post['sticky'], $post['locked'], $post['sage'], $post['embed']); } else { $po = new Post($post['id'], $post['thread'], $post['subject'], $post['email'], $post['name'], $post['trip'], $post['capcode'], $post['body'], $post['time'], $post['thumb'], $post['thumbwidth'], $post['thumbheight'], $post['file'], $post['filewidth'], $post['fileheight'], $post['filesize'], $post['filename'], $post['ip'], $post['embed']); } $temp .= $po->build(true) . '<hr/>'; } if(!empty($temp)) $_body .= '<fieldset><legend>' . sprintf(ngettext('%d result in', '%d results in', $query->rowCount()), $query->rowCount()) . ' <a href="/' . sprintf($config['board_path'], $board['uri']) . $config['file_index'] . '">' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board['uri']) . ' - ' . $board['title'] . '</a></legend>' . $temp . '</fieldset>'; $body .= '<hr/>'; if(!empty($_body)) $body .= $_body; else $body .= '<p style="text-align:center" class="unimportant">('._('No results.').')</p>'; } echo Element('page.html', Array( 'config'=>$config, 'title'=>_('Search'), 'body'=>'' . $body ));