Conflicts: inc/config.php inc/functions.php templates/generic_page.html templates/index.html
495 lines
17 KiB
495 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Tinyboard Development Group
if (realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
function format_bytes($size) {
$units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB');
for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++) $size /= 1024;
return round($size, 2).$units[$i];
function doBoardListPart($list, $root) {
global $config;
$body = '';
foreach ($list as $board) {
if (is_array($board))
// $body .= ' [' . doBoardListPart($board, $root) . '] ';
$body .= ' <span class="sub">[' . doBoardListPart($board, $root) . ']</span> ';
else {
if (($key = array_search($board, $list)) && gettype($key) == 'string') {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $board . '">' . $key . '</a> /';
} else {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $root . $board . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '">' . $board . '</a> /';
$body = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $body);
return $body;
function createBoardlist($mod=false) {
global $config;
if (!isset($config['boards'])) return array('top'=>'','bottom'=>'');
$body = doBoardListPart($config['boards'], $mod?'?/':$config['root']);
if (!preg_match('/\] $/', $body))
$body = '[' . $body . ']';
$body = trim($body);
return array(
'top' => '<div class="boardlist">' . $body . '</div>',
'bottom' => '<div class="boardlist bottom">' . $body . '</div>'
function error($message, $priority = true, $debug_stuff = false) {
global $board, $mod, $config, $db_error;
if ($config['syslog'] && $priority !== false) {
// Use LOG_NOTICE instead of LOG_ERR or LOG_WARNING because most error message are not significant.
_syslog($priority !== true ? $priority : LOG_NOTICE, $message);
if (defined('STDIN')) {
// Running from CLI
die('Error: ' . $message . "\n");
if ($config['debug'] && isset($db_error)) {
$debug_stuff = array_combine(array('SQLSTATE', 'Error code', 'Error message'), $db_error);
die(Element('page.html', array(
'config' => $config,
'title' => _('Error'),
'subtitle' => _('An error has occured.'),
'body' => Element('error.html', array(
'config' => $config,
'message' => $message,
'mod' => $mod,
'board' => isset($board) ? $board : false,
'debug' => is_array($debug_stuff) ? str_replace("\n", ' ', utf8tohtml(print_r($debug_stuff, true))) : utf8tohtml($debug_stuff)
function loginForm($error=false, $username=false, $redirect=false) {
global $config;
die(Element('page.html', array(
'index' => $config['root'],
'title' => _('Login'),
'config' => $config,
'body' => Element('login.html', array(
function pm_snippet($body, $len=null) {
global $config;
if (!isset($len))
$len = &$config['mod']['snippet_length'];
// Replace line breaks with some whitespace
$body = str_replace('<br/>', ' ', $body);
// Strip tags
$body = strip_tags($body);
// Unescape HTML characters, to avoid splitting them in half
$body = html_entity_decode($body, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// calculate strlen() so we can add "..." after if needed
$strlen = mb_strlen($body);
$body = mb_substr($body, 0, $len);
// Re-escape the characters.
return '<em>' . utf8tohtml($body) . ($strlen > $len ? '…' : '') . '</em>';
function capcode($cap) {
global $config;
if (!$cap)
return false;
$capcode = array();
if (isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
if (is_array($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][0], $cap);
if (isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][1]))
$capcode['name'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][1];
if (isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][2]))
$capcode['trip'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][2];
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap], $cap);
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['capcode'], $cap);
return $capcode;
function truncate($body, $url, $max_lines = false, $max_chars = false) {
global $config;
if ($max_lines === false)
$max_lines = $config['body_truncate'];
if ($max_chars === false)
$max_chars = $config['body_truncate_char'];
// We don't want to risk truncating in the middle of an HTML comment.
// It's easiest just to remove them all first.
$body = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/s', '', $body);
$original_body = $body;
$lines = substr_count($body, '<br/>');
// Limit line count
if ($lines > $max_lines) {
if (preg_match('/(((.*?)<br\/>){' . $max_lines . '})/', $body, $m))
$body = $m[0];
$body = mb_substr($body, 0, $max_chars);
if ($body != $original_body) {
// Remove any corrupt tags at the end
$body = preg_replace('/<([\w]+)?([^>]*)?$/', '', $body);
// Open tags
if (preg_match_all('/<([\w]+)[^>]*>/', $body, $open_tags)) {
$tags = array();
for ($x=0;$x<count($open_tags[0]);$x++) {
if (!preg_match('/\/(\s+)?>$/', $open_tags[0][$x]))
$tags[] = $open_tags[1][$x];
// List successfully closed tags
if (preg_match_all('/(<\/([\w]+))>/', $body, $closed_tags)) {
for ($x=0;$x<count($closed_tags[0]);$x++) {
unset($tags[array_search($closed_tags[2][$x], $tags)]);
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
$tags_no_close_needed = array("colgroup", "dd", "dt", "li", "optgroup", "option", "p", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "br", "img");
// Close any open tags
foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
if (!in_array($tag, $tags_no_close_needed))
$body .= "</{$tag}>";
} else {
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]*$/', '', $body);
$body .= '<span class="toolong">'.sprintf(_('Post too long. Click <a href="%s">here</a> to view the full text.'), $url).'</span>';
return $body;
function bidi_cleanup($str){
# Removes all embedded RTL and LTR unicode formatting blocks in a string so that
# it can be used inside another without controlling its direction.
# More info: http://www.iamcal.com/understanding-bidirectional-text/
# LRE - U+202A - 0xE2 0x80 0xAA
# RLE - U+202B - 0xE2 0x80 0xAB
# LRO - U+202D - 0xE2 0x80 0xAD
# RLO - U+202E - 0xE2 0x80 0xAE
# PDF - U+202C - 0xE2 0x80 0xAC
$explicits = '\xE2\x80\xAA|\xE2\x80\xAB|\xE2\x80\xAD|\xE2\x80\xAE';
$pdf = '\xE2\x80\xAC';
$str = preg_replace("!(?<explicits>$explicits)|(?<pdf>$pdf)!", '', $str);
return $str;
function secure_link_confirm($text, $title, $confirm_message, $href) {
global $config;
return '<a onclick="if (event.which==2) return true;if (confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm_message)) . '\')) document.location=\'?/' . htmlspecialchars(addslashes($href . '/' . make_secure_link_token($href))) . '\';return false;" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
function secure_link($href) {
return $href . '/' . make_secure_link_token($href);
function embed_html($link) {
global $config;
foreach ($config['embedding'] as $embed) {
if ($html = preg_replace($embed[0], $embed[1], $link)) {
if ($html == $link)
continue; // Nope
$html = str_replace('%%tb_width%%', $config['embed_width'], $html);
$html = str_replace('%%tb_height%%', $config['embed_height'], $html);
return $html;
if ($link[0] == '<') {
// Prior to v0.9.6-dev-8, HTML code for embedding was stored in the database instead of the link.
return $link;
return 'Embedding error.';
class Post {
public function __construct($id, $thread, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false) {
global $config;
if (!isset($root))
$root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->thread = $thread;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
if ($this->embed)
$this->embed = embed_html($this->embed);
if ($this->mod)
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a((([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*)href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), $config['board_regex']) . ')/u',
'<a $1href="?/$4',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->thread) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if ($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['dir'] . 'delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['dir'] . 'deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['dir'] . 'deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Ban').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Ban & Delete').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'ban&delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if (!empty($this->file) && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletefile'], _('Delete file'), _('Are you sure you want to delete this file?'), $board['dir'] . 'deletefile/' . $this->id);
// Edit post
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Edit post').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'edit' . ($config['mod']['raw_html_default'] ? '_raw' : '') . '/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
if (!empty($built))
$built = '<span class="controls">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config;
return Element('post_reply.html', array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
class Thread {
public function __construct($id, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $sticky, $locked, $bumplocked, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false, $hr=true) {
global $config;
if (!isset($root))
$root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->omitted = 0;
$this->omitted_images = 0;
$this->posts = array();
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->sticky = $sticky;
$this->locked = $locked;
$this->bumplocked = $bumplocked;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
$this->hr = $hr;
if ($this->embed)
$this->embed = embed_html($this->embed);
if ($this->mod)
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a((([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*)href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), $config['board_regex']) . ')/u',
'<a $1href="?/$4',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->id) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function add(Post $post) {
$this->posts[] = $post;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if ($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_delete'], _('Delete'), _('Are you sure you want to delete this?'), $board['dir'] . 'delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], _('Delete all posts by IP'), _('Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?'), $board['dir'] . 'deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], _('Delete all posts by IP across all boards'), _('Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?'), $board['dir'] . 'deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Ban').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Ban & Delete').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'ban&delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if (!empty($this->file) && $this->file != 'deleted' && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletefile'], _('Delete file'), _('Are you sure you want to delete this file?'), $board['dir'] . 'deletefile/' . $this->id);
// Sticky
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['sticky'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
if ($this->sticky)
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Make thread not sticky').'" href="?/' . secure_link($board['dir'] . 'unsticky/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_desticky'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Make thread sticky').'" href="?/' . secure_link($board['dir'] . 'sticky/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_sticky'] . '</a>';
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['bumplock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
if ($this->bumplocked)
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Allow thread to be bumped').'" href="?/' . secure_link($board['dir'] . 'bumpunlock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumpunlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Prevent thread from being bumped').'" href="?/' . secure_link($board['dir'] . 'bumplock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumplock'] . '</a>';
// Lock
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['lock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
if ($this->locked)
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Unlock thread').'" href="?/' . secure_link($board['dir'] . 'unlock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_unlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Lock thread').'" href="?/' . secure_link($board['dir'] . 'lock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_lock'] . '</a>';
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['move'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Move thread to another board').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'move/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_move'] . '</a>';
// Edit post
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="'._('Edit post').'" href="?/' . $board['dir'] . 'edit' . ($config['mod']['raw_html_default'] ? '_raw' : '') . '/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
if (!empty($built))
$built = '<span class="controls op">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
public function ratio() {
return fraction($this->filex, $this->filey, ':');
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config, $debug;
$built = Element('post_thread.html', array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
return $built;