This theme displays random threads intermixed with recently bumped ones. The number of each is configurable.
255 lines
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255 lines
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require 'info.php';
* Generate the board's HTML and move it and its JavaScript in place, whence
* it's served
function semirand_build($action, $settings) {
global $config;
if ($action !== 'all' && $action !== 'post' && $action !== 'post-thread' &&
$action !== 'post-delete')
if ($config['smart_build']) {
file_unlink($settings['uri'] . '/index.html');
} else {
$semirand = new semirand($settings);
// Copy the generated board HTML to its place
file_write($settings['uri'] . '/index.html', $semirand->build());
file_write($settings['uri'] . '/semirand.js',
Element('themes/semirand/semirand.js', array()));
* Encapsulation of the theme's internals
class semirand {
private $settings;
function __construct($settings) {
$this->settings = $this->parseSettings($settings);
* Parse and validate configuration parameters passed from the UI
private function parseSettings($settings) {
if (!is_numeric($settings['thread_limit']) ||
!is_numeric($settings['random_count']) ||
error('Invalid configuration parameters.', true);
$settings['exclude'] = explode(' ', $settings['exclude']);
$settings['thread_limit'] = intval($settings['thread_limit']);
$settings['random_count'] = intval($settings['random_count']);
$settings['recent_count'] = intval($settings['recent_count']);
if ($settings['thread_limit'] < 1 ||
$settings['random_count'] < 1 ||
$settings['recent_count'] < 1)
error('Invalid configuration parameters.', true);
return $settings;
* Obtain list of all threads from all non-excluded boards
private function fetchThreads() {
$query = '';
$boards = listBoards(true);
foreach ($boards as $b) {
if (in_array($b, $this->settings['exclude']))
// Threads are those posts that have no parent thread
$query .= "SELECT *, '$b' AS `board` FROM ``posts_$b`` " .
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', 'ORDER BY `bump` DESC', $query);
$result = query($query) or error(db_error());
return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Retrieve all replies to a given thread
private function fetchReplies($board, $thread_id) {
$query = prepare("SELECT * FROM ``posts_$board`` WHERE `thread` = :id");
$query->bindValue(':id', $thread_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Intersperse random threads between those in bump order
private function shuffleThreads($threads) {
$random_count = $this->settings['random_count'];
$recent_count = $this->settings['recent_count'];
$total = count($threads);
// Storage for threads that will be randomly interspersed
$shuffled = array();
// Ratio of bumped / all threads
$topRatio = $recent_count / ($recent_count + $random_count);
// Shuffle the bottom half of all threads
$random = array_splice($threads, floor($total * $topRatio));
// Merge the random and sorted threads into one sequence. The pattern
// starts at random threads
while (!empty($threads)) {
$shuffled = array_merge($shuffled,
array_splice($random, 0, $random_count),
array_splice($threads, 0, $recent_count));
return $shuffled;
* Build the HTML of a single thread in the catalog
private function buildOne($post, $mod = false) {
global $config;
$thread = new Thread($post, $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod);
$replies = $this->fetchReplies($post['board'], $post['id']);
// Number of replies to a thread that are displayed beneath it
$preview_count = $post['sticky'] ? $config['threads_preview_sticky'] :
// Chomp the last few replies
$disp_replies = array_splice($replies, 0, $preview_count);
$disp_img_count = 0;
foreach ($disp_replies as $reply) {
if ($reply['files'] !== '')
// Append the reply to the thread as it's being built
$thread->add(new Post($reply, $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod));
// Count the number of omitted image replies
$omitted_img_count = count(array_filter($replies, function($p) {
return $p['files'] !== '';
// Set the corresponding omitted numbers on the thread
if (!empty($replies)) {
$thread->omitted = count($replies);
$thread->omitted_images = $omitted_img_count;
// Board name and link
$html = '<h2><a href="' . $config['root'] . $post['board'] . '/">/' .
$post['board'] . '/</a></h2>';
// The thread itself
$html .= $thread->build(true);
return $html;
* Query the required information and generate the HTML
public function build($mod = false) {
if (!isset($this->settings)) {
error('Theme is not configured properly.');
global $config;
$html = '';
$overflow = array();
// Fetch threads from all boards and chomp the first 'n' posts, depending
// on the setting
$threads = $this->shuffleThreads($this->fetchThreads());
$total_count = count($threads);
// Top threads displayed on load
$top_threads = array_splice($threads, 0, $this->settings['thread_limit']);
// Number of processed threads by board
$counts = array();
// Output threads up to the specified limit
foreach ($top_threads as $post) {
if (array_key_exists($post['board'], $counts)) {
} else {
$counts[$post['board']] = 1;
$html .= $this->buildOne($post, $mod);
foreach ($threads as $post) {
if (array_key_exists($post['board'], $counts)) {
} else {
$counts[$post['board']] = 1;
$page = 'index';
$board_page = floor($counts[$post['board']] / $config['threads_per_page']);
if ($board_page > 0) {
$page = $board_page + 1;
$overflow[] = array(
'id' => $post['id'],
'board' => $post['board'],
'page' => $page . '.html'
$html .= '<script>var ukko_overflow = ' . json_encode($overflow) . '</script>';
$html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/'.$this->settings['uri'].'/semirand.js"></script>';
return Element('index.html', array(
'config' => $config,
'board' => array(
'url' => $this->settings['uri'],
'title' => $this->settings['title'],
'subtitle' => str_replace('%s', $this->settings['thread_limit'],
strval(min($this->settings['subtitle'], $total_count))),
'no_post_form' => true,
'body' => $html,
'mod' => $mod,
'boardlist' => createBoardlist($mod),
if (!function_exists('array_column')) {
* Pick out values from subarrays by given key
function array_column($array, $key) {
$result = [];
foreach ($array as $val) {
$result[] = $val[$key];
return $result;