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2019-07-15-sora-no-method_eva-and-the-ultimate-question_part-i.markdown 4.7KB

  1. ---
  2. title: "sora no method+eva & the ultimate question: part 1"
  3. published: 2019-07-15
  4. ---
  5. ok so this is probably going to be a longer post than usual but i'll be adding
  6. some pictures to add some ***colour*** and **spice** to keep things interesting.
  7. also i'll be talking about `shin seiki evangerion` *aka* `neon genesis evangelion`
  8. as well as a lesser known gem so i hope you don't get bored halfway through. i
  9. may even make it a 2-part blog post. that could be fun.
  10. # **おkー始まりましょう!**
  11. ![](/images/soranomethod-noel-i-can-do-this.gif "i can do this!")
  12. ## where to begin…?
  13. i started writing a post on **7月7日** which was much closer to when i finished
  14. `eva` but i'm actually rather glad i didn't get too far with that. i've had time
  15. to think about it and let the show sink in now (as well as do some basic
  16. research i had been avoiding so as to keep safe from spoilers). speaking of
  17. *spoilers*, i need to write my feelings about them in the future. also, for
  18. reference, i did not watch using netflix's subs for various reasons. i did watch
  19. the last official sub release, though, because fansubs that live up to my
  20. standards either don't exist or are too much of a hassle to find (similar to
  21. `jojo` come to think of it; at least s01).
  22. ![is this expression not PRICELESS?](/images/priceless.png "a screencap from eva showing a priceless expression")
  23. > i mean, sure, asuka's expression is golden, but… why post it here and now?
  24. **an excellent question!** and one answer is we are talking about ***subtitles***
  25. and i can't help but wonder what was going on with the episode names at the end.
  26. *(ok also if you want to know i have a lot of pictures i want to use in my post
  27. and most of my pictures i have at my disposal right now are screencaps of some
  28. of the later `eva` episodes and some delightfully <em lang="ja">萌え</em>
  29. `sora no method` animations)*
  30. i mean, i bet she made that expression after seeing this:
  31. ![ai=愛=love… or does ai=i here?][endone]
  32. ![and of course in english…][endtwo]
  33. [endone]: /images/lastepisode-name1.png "the beast that shouted アイ at the heart of the world"
  34. [endtwo]: /images/lastepisode-name2.png "take care of yourself"
  35. ---
  36. ok i'm going to be honest here. i spent *way too smegging long messing with
  37. [expletives removed] html and css and markdown because they are **[even more and
  38. exponentially more offensive language removed]*** so in short this is very
  39. likely to be more pictures than actual insights. i was blogging to relax myself
  40. but as soon as i realised there was something i could do i didn't know about i
  41. inevitably started messing with things and breaking them and researching web
  42. shit that i didn't need to know and ***now?*** well, now i'm just smegging
  43. hungry. so i'll be back to writing more (hopefully) when i've gotten something
  44. to eat.
  45. in the meantime,
  46. ![obviously the answer to asuka's question is they are fine the size they are so
  47. it doesn't **really** matter](/images/asukanooppai.png "アスカのおっぱい")
  48. also, ever wonder why asuka, who's german, has kanji in her name? i mean, the
  49. things separating her from the japanese are her bombastic personality, the fact
  50. she has three names, and *maybe* her height and colour of her hair and skin if
  51. you are selective enough in the people you compare her with and your methods of
  52. doing so. her having trouble with kanji and japanese which are more things that
  53. the viewer is told than actually witnesses (**most of the time**) i guess could
  54. also count.
  55. > dude get something to eat you have no direction with anything you're saying
  56. > and you aren't even fact checking yourself. ***eat!***
  57. yah, ok fine. before i do, i thought i should link [more info about the japanese title i showed earlier][wiki]
  58. for anyone interested.
  59. [wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_episodes#cite_note-6 "tl;dr the アイ was written in katakana deliberately to add ambiguity"
  60. ---
  61. now that my food is heating up, let me lay out the questions i hope to answer
  62. in *part two* of this blog post. first: i will address what **the ultimate
  63. question** is and why i think `sora no method` and `evangelion` are worth being
  64. talked about in the same blog post. oh and before i go any further, i realise i forgot
  65. to state this disclaimer sooner: i have only seen the `eva` *series* so far. i
  66. have not seen `end of eva` or any of the other films. just throwing that out
  67. there.
  68. > one *final* note: i know the date on this is wrong now. but i'm not changing
  69. > it.
  70. ok **stay tasty, everyone**, and i'll see you in either *part two* or a filler blog
  71. post if i don't feel like writing *part two* for a while.
  72. ![noel is so cute! if this isn't a happy ending to a blog post, i don't know what is](/images/soranomethod-noel-umbrella-nonoka.gif "noel and nonoka from sora no method")