hey look i updated stuff again yay

This commit is contained in:
murabito 2019-09-24 12:31:49 -06:00
parent 34fed0a4f2
commit 68fe819f5e
25 changed files with 407 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -34,9 +34,11 @@ strong em {
font-style: normal!important;
li {
text-align: left;
img {
display: block;
@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ footer {
border-top: 0.2rem solid #eee;
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h1 {
@ -252,6 +255,7 @@ img[alt$="(l)"] {
width: 72rem;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
display: grid;
header {
margin: 0 0 3rem;
@ -290,6 +294,21 @@ img[alt$="(l)"] {
float: right;
.ulposts {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: right;
display: grid;
.aleft {
text-align: left;
float: left;
.aright {
text-align: right;
float: right;
.bleft {
text-align: left;
display: inline;

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_input/images/lego-js013.png Executable file

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<p><img src="https://blog.bemoe.online/images/bemoe.online.png" alt="be moe online: a blog of misconstruedⓂmonologues" title="be moe online: a blog of misconstruedⓂmonologues" /></p>
<p><img src="https://murabito.p7.co.nz/images/bemoe.online.png" alt="be moe online: a blog of misconstruedⓂmonologues" title="be moe online: a blog of misconstruedⓂmonologues" /></p>
@ -9,4 +9,3 @@
<p><strong><em class="homepage">warning: unlimited exposure to these posts may cause irreversible severe psychological trauma, a permanent disconnect from "reality", and in some cases even <code>[redacted].</code></em></strong></p>

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "content and customisation & like and share buttons"
title: "content and customisation like and share buttons"
published: 2019-06-12

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "sora no method+eva & the ultimate question: part 1"
title: "sora no method+eva the ultimate question: part 1"
published: 2019-07-15

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "sora no method+eva & the ultimate question: part 2"
title: "sora no method+eva the ultimate question: part 2"
published: 2019-07-26

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
title: "a little more about me: part 2"
published: 2019-08-13
> recap: i've been going over **this list** from my **fedi profile**:
free sw, read/writing, philosophy, gaming, music, CUTENESS, learning japanese!
> and so far i've talked a little about *free software* and *reading*.
*which of course brings us to*:
## 02.1 writing
writing is something i've always enjoyed doing. i have a plethora of stories,
poems, songs, and other complete and incomplete works i've written dating back
decades in physical and digital storage. unfortunately most of it is, at this
time, missing. there is a good chance much is gone forever. i'm not too
concerned about that, though, to be honest because most of what i've written is
garbage and saved in the first place because **(a)** i'm a hoarder and **(b)**
i like to see the progress in quality i've made over my life.
that i enjoy writing is evidenced in the existence of this blog itself. it is
also a goal of mine to one day publish a novel. there's a possibility of me
posting past works on this blog, or even current ones, some time in the future.
time will tell.
## 03 philosophy
i have spent countless hours in the study of philosophy, both of my own design
and that of others'. i've already written a little about my philosophical
beliefs and stances in previous posts—like the one titled
[i know nothing; i see nothing; i hear nothing](/posts/2019-06-18-i-know-nothing-i-see-nothing-i-hear-nothing.html).
in that post i attempt to describe what could be considered one of (if not
*the definitive*) core philosophical belief of mine.
i will explore this topic in more depth at a later time. 多分。
## 04 gaming
there are, of course, many types of games and therefore many types of gaming.
the gaming i am referring to in my little blurb is inclusive of many types of
gaming. i like **board games**, **card games**, **mind games**, **tabletop/pen
and paper role-playing games**, ***(mostly retro)*** **console gaming**,
**collectible/trading card games**, and ***(mostly retro)*** **computer
gaming**, to name some broadly-defined types of gaming i like.
i love playing (and am terrible at) **chess**. also fun to play and a lot newer
(and another i lack a great deal of skill in) is `nintendo`'s **super smash
bros.** franchise which i've been playing since the original for the
***nintendo 64***. another `nintendo` gem is the **animal crossing** franchise,
of which i've played/owned the *original*, the *3ds version*, and for the first
several months it was available i played *animal crossing: pocket camp* on
i own but don't really play anymore a `new nintendo 3ds xl`. when i was
spending a lot of my time playing on it, however, the three games that stand
out as being the games i spent the most time playing were:
- animal crossing: new leaf
- fire emblem fates/if: all three routes
- dragon quest ix: sentinels of the starry skies (a ds game i played iirc mostly on my 3ds)
- i would have won this one except i lost tons of hours of progress because i didn't save frequently enough and the system died or something. i was so smegging close to winning and my progress was set back so far i kind of lost heart. ;;
historically, my favourite video game of all time has been **megaman
x**/**rockman x** for the `super famicom`/`snes` (although this is most likely
no longer the case. my current favourite video game of all time is unknown).
there was a time i could sit down and play through **megaman x** using 100%
original `nintendo` hardware in a single sitting. i can no longer do this, but
it's possible i will be able to again if i try (i still own the cartridge,
console, and controller—all of which are known to be in working order).
i am going to end this blog entry here, but i'm not done talking about gaming.
in ***part 3*** i will talk more about: *90s dos games* including **god of
thunder**, *ttrpgs*, the *mobile gacha game* i played for a few years (read:
was hopelessly addicted to for a few years), *pokemon rom hacks*, and `more`.
***as always: stay tasty o/***

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
title: "akira and the slow decline of lego"
published: 2019-08-29
isn't the title of this post just so… ambiguous and misleading? that is to say,
titling something **akira and the slow decline of lego** definitely gives the
implication that i'll be talking about some sort of causation (or at the very
least correlation) between what appear to be apparently unrelated topics.
***spoiler alert***: even if i *was* writing about some correlation between
`lego` and `akira`, i have little doubt that it would be any more than hindsight
bias and imagined significance coupled with taking events that had a global
effect and using those to link the two together. people do this sort of thing
all the smegging time and sometimes it can sound pretty convincing.
but no; i'm just going to briefly touch on those two things separately from
each other but in the same blog entry.
## akira
i don't think i've mentioned `akira` yet, and i only have this year to say what
i currently want to say about it.
![no, not this. everybody knows this already](/images/akira-freedom-of-the-press-is-now-in-jeopardy.png)
the thing about `akira` is:
![first of all, doesn't this look lovely and peaceful? a few seconds later a big boom decimates tokyo](/images/akira-1988-7-16.png)
![31 years after the (beginning of, end of, or really short) third world war](/images/akira-ad-2019.png)
> that's the image i wanted. `akira` is a masterpiece and a hugely influential
> and significant film (especially in the world of anime), and *it takes place
> this year*! so if you haven't seen `akira` yet, this year is a great year to
> finally watch it! and if you *have* seen it before, just rewatch it, ok? no
> big deal. in fact, make an event out of it. turn off any unnecessary lights,
> crank up the volume, and fill your belly with whatever gets you pumped
> (popcorn or pizza for food is pretty standard, and to drink i'd say either
> beer or coke because they sound like pretty standard choices as well).
also the guy shown in this final screenshot says a weird mix of things i agree
and disagree with, and it's hard to know how much of his ideology i actually
agree with, but this line is gold:
## lego, why did you do it?
i am and always have been a pretty huge lego fan. however, **lego used to be
better**. and by this i mean the sets lego made were more fun to put together
(and gave you better pieces to work with later), the series/themes used to be
more creative, and everything used to be more universal/uniform. there used to
be raised base plates that came with the big sets that were just fun af to
build on. minifigs didn't all have unique faces and body parts. and don't get
me started on when they began making film-based legos with that pseudo-skin
this is an example of one of those base plates you can't find anymore:
### pop quiz!
**how many current and recent lego themes can you name?**
were most of them based on films? were they? i mean, you have collector sets,
generic bricks sold in tubs severely lacking in brick shapes if you want to
build something other than maybe multi-coloured enclosures or whatever, city of
course (unless it's called something else now), the friends (?) sets (you know,
the ones marketed to girls with the scary looking minifigs), ninjago, probably
a medieval themed one, and about 10 or so different series that exist solely as
cross-marketing tools between mainly film/tv franchises [`star wars`, `disney
princesses`, `marvel this`, `dc that`, `harry potter`, you get the idea] and legos.
what i see as the beginning of lego's downfall from its glory days can be
clearly identified, and was very memorable. it was the disaster known as **jack
stone**. i remember seeing `jack stone` legos on the shelf for the first time
and wondering how an idea so off-putting made it into production. *and
apologies to anyone who was fond of `jack stone` or "flesh-coloured" minifigs
(which i'm getting to)*.
jack stone legos started in 2001.
> also in 2001:
lego alpha team is introduced. i remember thinking how cool it was that the
alpha team lego minifigs were all unique (by which i mean that `alpha team`
legos seemed to be an actual `team` of the same unique minifigs, which was cool
and new). i did not expect them to make it the normal thing to do for all lego
sets, and that the days of generic and easily swappable minifig designs would
actually end. at least i can say i much prefer the `alpha team` approach over
the `jack stone` approach to making minifigs worse.
![how is this appealing in *any* way?](/images/lego-js013.png "jack stone")
and speaking of making minifigs worse, the "skin-coloured minifigures" began
just a couple years later, in 2003. 2004 is when a lot of the colour-swapping
happened, making life as a lego collector just that much harder (although
compared to the minifig changes, colour-swapping bricks and tiles is nothing).
### did you know?
lego's ceo up until 2004 had always been a member of the family. looking at
wikipedia's `lego timeline`, it shows that someone by the name of **jorgen vig
knurdstrom** became the first non-family ceo of lego in 2004. what year does it
say **knurdstrom** started at the company? 2001. apparently stepped down in
2017 iirc. i've only been looking at references for parts of the time i've
spent writing this, and i'm basically just monologuing (as advertised) in a
random rant so forgive me if any of my facts are off. in any case i couldn't
decide whether to make a joke by implying that lego not going in the direction
i would have wanted was some sort of conspiracy and knurdstrom's fault or say
that i feel bad for the guy having to be in charge while the company went
downhill ^^' so take your pick.
also sorry i lied about these being "brief". i wrote that thinking it would be.
until next time,
***stay tasty*** `o/`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: "this blog post is just filler"
published: 2019-09-10
i needed to write a blog post. or i suppose i ought to say i wanted to write a
blog post. there are some blog posts in the works (meaning absolutely no work
has been done on them but i know what i will be writing them on) but i can't
really write them yet. the posts will be about anime i'm watching and haven't
finished yet (along with some i have finished but haven't decided what to say
about them yet).
## am i making this blog an anime reviewing blog?
no. that'd be silly for me to do. my knowledge of anime isn't that extensive
and my knowledge of what goes into the creating of anime is even less so. and i
don't see any benefit of limiting the scope of my blog when i'm already only posting
less than once a week.
## what will i be writing about in the near(-ish) future?
> *well, i will eventually finish getting through the rest of the "more about
> me" posts that nobody wanted, hopefully in a way that resembles something
> interesting.*
**seven anime i plan on rambling about at some point sooner than later:**
- **aku no hana**
- *urara meirochou*
- **flip flappers**
- *sounan desu ka*
- **machikado mazoku**
- *kanata no astra*
- **dr stone**
***maybe not as soon as some other posts i also have plans on writing about my
feelings towards some of the available frontends for pleroma and what i think a
good fe would be like.***
## oh and guess what
this post may be smegging boring but at least it wasn't crazy long.
**stay tasty o/**

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
title: "you chose poorly [mobile phone rant]"
published: 2019-09-19
in case it wasn't clear, the title of this post is supposed to be a parody of
the `indiana jones` film (`the last crusade`?) with the **holy grail** scene.
you know, the *grail knight* or whatever he's called tells them to identify and
drink from the "true" grail, which was hidden among dozens of false ones.
"**choose, but choose wisely**" he says, or something similar. then the
nazi-supporter drinks from the fancy-looking cup and then rapidly ages to
death. this is when *grail knight* says the infamous line: **he chose… poorly**
> let's get the obvious stuff out of the way first
if you own a mobile phone, especially a "smartphone", your phone does not exist
for your convenience. you are not the customer. as with many online "services",
you are the product. and you get to pay for it, too! most likely every month!
> oh and also i want to point out that when i use the word "you" in this rant,
> most of the time i probably don't literally mean *you*. and in any case, i'm
> bitching about phones, not people. and my real rant hasn't started yet.
so, putting aside how much money we shell out to monopolies so they can better
spy on us and turn the people into sheeple so when things take turns for the
worse we can either decide not to care, be completely ignorant that problems
exist that are as bad as they are, or have no clue how to go about trying to
undo the mistakes we've made because we ***chose fucking poorly*** and we
*keep* choosing poorly because everything is built to be a trap.
i'm being ambiguous because there are too many examples i want to name of
stupid things that we, collectively, have allowed to happen or been unable to
stop from happening.
## oh for the love of moe
i started writing this hours ago.
[time passes]
[more time passes]
[it is now 24 september 2019]
[guess i should finish by saying what i wanted to say in the first place]
## they aren't phones anymore
here's my problem. for years now, the biggest thing mobile "phone" makers
(read: samsung and apple) make different and better in newer models is the
camera. yes; i'm saying when you buy a new samsung galaxy or apple iphone you
are buying a modded out digital camera with malware (including a smegton of
spyware) and an antenna so the built-in malware i mentioned can listen
in on your conversations you have when you call someone else's camera.
do you remember when not all mobile phones were camera phones? i do. i remember
when they didn't even have colour screens. i miss playing `snake`. that was a
good fucking game. i remember when camera phones were only .3 megapixels and
that was fine with people. it used to be smegging fun af to follow all the new
upcoming phones that were coming out. there was so much variety and innovations
happening left and right. i could never decide on what phone i wanted most in
those days, because there were so many good and unique options.
> so what mobile phone do i want now that phones suck?
i'm too poor to dream about getting the librem 5 when it comes out so i've
decided i'll likely be buying the much cheaper pinephone instead, whenever *it*
comes out. both phones better deliver what they're saying they will, mind you.
if they don't end up being as advertised i'll be more disappointed than when i
saw `indiana jones and the crystal skull` or whatever that garbage film was
i've said my piece, left out a lot of stuff, didn't really proofread properly
(or at all), didn't make sure it flowed naturally, and am way overdue for a
post. sounds like i'm ready to upload this to the wired.
remember to stay tasty o/

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
here you can find all my previous posts (proceed with caution):
<p>here you can find all my posts (<strong>proceed with caution</strong>):</p>

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<a href="/" title="index.html">ホームページ</a>
<div class="bright">
<a href="/links.html" title="links to locations in the wired i recommend visiting">リンク</a>
<a href="/links.html" title="links to locations in the wired i recommend visiting">リンク</a><a href="/atom.xml" title="atom feed">atom feed</a><a href="/rss.xml" title="rss feed">rss feed</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p>to see more, visit the [magnus] <a href="/archive.html">archives</a>.</p>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<a href="$url$">$title$</a> - $date$
<ul class="ulposts">
<div class="aleft"><a href="$url$">$title$</a></div>
<div class="aright">・$date$</div>

View File

@ -30,16 +30,26 @@ main = hakyllWith muraConf $ do
route idRoute
compile compressCssCompiler
match (fromList ["about.md", "contact.markdown", "links.markdown"]) $ do
match (fromList ["about.md", "contact.md", "links.md"]) $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ pandocCompiler
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" ctx
>>= relativizeUrls
-- Render Atom + Rss feeds
create ["atom.xml"] $ do
route idRoute
(compileFeed renderAtom)
create ["rss.xml"] $ do
route idRoute
(compileFeed renderRss)
match "posts/*" $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ pandocCompiler
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" postCtx
>>= saveSnapshot "content"
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" postCtx
>>= relativizeUrls
@ -61,7 +71,11 @@ main = hakyllWith muraConf $ do
match "index.html" $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
-- posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
posts <- (return . (take 5))
=<< recentFirst
=<< loadAll "posts/*"
let indexCtx =
listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) <>
constField "title" "ホームページ" <>
@ -69,6 +83,7 @@ main = hakyllWith muraConf $ do
>>= applyAsTemplate indexCtx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/index.html" indexCtx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
>>= relativizeUrls
@ -76,7 +91,33 @@ main = hakyllWith muraConf $ do
---- Agnememnon the Fuck-Upperer - Conquerer of Small Type Declarations
compileFeed ::
-> Context String
-> [Item String]
-> Compiler (Item String)
) -> Rules ()
-- For those left alive, this abstracts out creating
-- Atom and RSS feeds
compileFeed f = compile $ do
let feedCtx = postCtx <>
bodyField "description"
posts <- fmap (take 10) . recentFirst
=<< loadAllSnapshots "posts/*" "content"
f feedConfig feedCtx posts
-- The configuration for our Atom/RSS feeds
feedConfig :: FeedConfiguration
feedConfig = FeedConfiguration {
feedTitle = "be 萌え online blog"
, feedDescription = "a blog of misconstruedⓂmonologues"
, feedAuthorName = "i am the walrus"
, feedAuthorEmail = "moemoekyun@waifu.club"
, feedRoot = "https://blog.bemoe.online"
postCtx :: Context String
postCtx =
dateField "date" "%Y年%-m月%-d日" <>
dateField "date" "%Y年%_m月%e" <>