misconstruedⓂ️monologues https://blog.bemoe.online
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
murabito f5e88717b6 fixed a typo in one of my earliest blog entries that was driving me up the wall ever since i noticed it pirms 4 gadiem
_input fixed a typo in one of my earliest blog entries that was driving me up the wall ever since i noticed it pirms 4 gadiem
.gitignore long overdue update and still lots more to do pirms 4 gadiem
README.md long overdue update and still lots more to do pirms 4 gadiem
cabal.nix publishing it online is worth a shot i think now pirms 4 gadiem
default.nix the genesis of a new age of horror in the form of my unready for publishing blog pirms 4 gadiem
mura.nix the genesis of a new age of horror in the form of my unready for publishing blog pirms 4 gadiem
murasite.cabal publishing it online is worth a shot i think now pirms 4 gadiem
new-post i need to fix some formatting especially in that last post and edit my css so different levels of emphasis are displayed in different colours pirms 4 gadiem
shell.nix the genesis of a new age of horror in the form of my unready for publishing blog pirms 4 gadiem
site.hs a long overdue update pirms 4 gadiem



my blog, which can be found at blog.bemoe.online

more info will be added when i feel like it ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ