seeing if it's easier to fork tA's nixos laptop config rather than make one from scratch (more or less).
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21 line

  1. final: prev:
  2. let
  3. myEmacs = prev.emacs;
  4. emacsWithPackages = (prev.emacsPackagesGen myEmacs).emacsWithPackages;
  5. in {
  6. emacs = emacsWithPackages (epkgs:
  7. (with epkgs.melpaStablePackages; [
  8. magit
  9. evil
  10. nix-mode
  11. rainbow-delimiters
  12. paredit
  13. evil-surround
  14. evil-textobj-anyblock
  15. ]) ++ (with epkgs.melpaPackages; [
  16. racket-mode
  17. ]) ++ (with epkgs.elpaPackages; [
  18. ]) ++ (with final; [
  19. ]));
  20. }