seeing if it's easier to fork tA's nixos laptop config rather than make one from scratch (more or less).
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Thorn Avery 1327ad4fba fixed typo + broken link před 2 roky
hardware/iwakura cleaned up a comment před 3 roky
lib initial commit před 3 roky
modules trying out encrypted secrets před 2 roky
overlays trying out encrypted secrets před 2 roky
secrets fixed typo + broken link před 2 roky
users trying out encrypted secrets před 2 roky
wiki/programs lazy readme před 3 roky
.gitignore trying out encrypted secrets před 2 roky added agenix article před 2 roky
flake.lock trying out encrypted secrets před 2 roky
flake.nix added agenix article před 2 roky

Thorn Avery's NixOS Flake

.i .ui coi .i'au mi'au

this repo will serve as the configuration for my laptop iwakura (blessed be her name), and hopefully in the future will contain my other systems configurations also.

i also intend for this to be a wiki of sorts for documenting things i find about NixOS such that others may also use this wonderful system, because the more people use NixOS, the higher the chance someone smarter than me ports it to Plan9.

to do list

the window manager config needs to be seperated out into its modules, at the moment everything is bundled together in a gross way.

i also need to fix that weird zsh PATH bug, so that i can re-enable it as the default shell

i would like to create a module producing function that means i dont have to manually remember to enable something user related in both the system config and the users home-manager config

rest of the wiki