#lang racket/base (require net/http-client json net/url racket/port racket/file racket/bytes file/md5) (define server (getenv "SERVER")) (define token (getenv "TOKEN")) (define safebooru "safebooru.donmai.us") (define limit "20") (define page (number->string (random 1 350))) (define tags "mario_(series)") (define pos (random 19)) (define CRLF "\r\n") (define boundary (bytes->string/utf-8 (md5 (number->string (current-seconds))))) (define boundary-line (string-append "--" boundary CRLF)) ; a table to map file extensions to MIME types: (define ext=>mime-type #hash(("jpg" . "image/jpeg") ("png" . "image/png") ("gif" . "image/Gif") ("swf" . "application/x-shockwave-flash") ("mp4" . "video/mp4") ("webm" . "video/webm"))) (define (search-safebooru) (sleep (* 3.333333333 60)) (define-values (status header response)(http-sendrecv safebooru (string-append "/posts.json?limit=" limit "&page=" page "&tags="tags ) #:ssl? #t)) (define posts (read-json response)) (list-ref posts pos)) (define (attach-media) (sleep (* 3.333333333 60)) (displayln "Obtaining media id") (define post (search-safebooru)) (define url (hash-ref post 'file_url)) (define md5 (hash-ref post 'md5)) (define file-ext (hash-ref post 'file_ext)) (define mime-type (hash-ref ext=>mime-type file-ext)) (define filename (string-append md5 "." file-ext)) (displayln (format "Downloading ~a from ~a" filename url)) (call-with-output-file filename (lambda (in) (display (port->bytes (get-pure-port (string->url url)))in)) #:exists 'replace) (define data (bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append boundary-line "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=" "\"" filename "\"" CRLF "Content-Type: " mime-type CRLF CRLF)) (file->bytes filename) (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append CRLF "--" boundary "--" CRLF)))) (define-values (status headers response) (http-sendrecv server (string-append "/api/v1/media") #:ssl? #t #:method #"POST" #:headers (list (string-append "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" boundary) (string-append "Authorization: Bearer " token)) #:data data)) (read-json response)) (define (upload-attachment) (sleep (* 3.333333333 60)) (displayln "Uploading attachment") (define attachment (attach-media)) (define id (hash-ref attachment 'id)) (define data (bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append boundary-line "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"media_ids[]\"" CRLF CRLF)) (string->bytes/utf-8 id) (string->bytes/utf-8 (string-append CRLF "--" boundary "--" CRLF)))) (define-values (status headers response) (http-sendrecv server (string-append "/api/v1/statuses") #:ssl? #t #:method #"POST" #:headers (list (string-append "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" boundary) (string-append "Authorization: Bearer " token)) #:data data)) (displayln status) (displayln (read-json response)) (upload-attachment)) (upload-attachment)