import base64 import csv import sys import os import urllib.request from urllib.parse import parse_qs class N3ROCLI: def __init__(self): self.config_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/n3ro-cli') self.ssr_command = f"python {self.config_path}/shadowsocksr/shadowsocks/" self.url_path = os.path.join(self.config_path, 'url') self.cache_path = os.path.join(self.config_path, 'cache') self.subscribe_url = self.read_url() os.makedirs(self.config_path, exist_ok=True) def read_url(self): path_ok = os.path.exists(self.url_path) if path_ok: with open(self.url_path) as u: url = return url else: return None def decode_str(self, s, to_str=True): paddings = 4 - len(s) % 4 padded_s = f"{s}{'='*paddings}" decoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(padded_s) if to_str: decoded = str(decoded, encoding='utf-8') return decoded def sync(self): if not self.subscribe_url: print("add a ssr subscribe url in ~/.config/n3ro-cli/url") else: with urllib.request.urlopen(self.subscribe_url) as resp: data = str(, encoding='utf-8') ssr_urls = self.decode_str(data).strip().split('\n') ssr_paths = (self.decode_str(u[6:]) for u in ssr_urls) with open(self.cache_path, 'w') as c: fields = ['id', 'info', 'args'] server_writer = csv.DictWriter(c, fieldnames=fields) server_writer.writeheader() for n, p in enumerate(ssr_paths): path, params = p.split('/?') d = self.decode_str host, port, proto, enc, obfs, passwd = path.split(':') raw_passwd = d(passwd) parsed_params = parse_qs(params) obfs_param = parsed_params.get('obfsparam', '') if obfs_param: obfs_param = d(obfs_param) proto_param = parsed_params.get('proto_param', '') if proto_param: proto_param = d(proto_param) name = d(parsed_params.get('remarks', ''), to_str=False).decode() group = d(parsed_params.get('group', ''), to_str=False).decode() args = f"-s {host} -p {port} -k {raw_passwd} -m {enc} -O {proto} -o {obfs} -b -l 1080" if obfs_param: args = f"{args} -g {obfs_param}" if proto_param: args = f"{args} -G {proto_param}" server_writer.writerow({'id': n, 'args': args, 'info': f"{name} {group}"}) def conn(self, node_id): with open(self.cache_path) as c: reader = csv.DictReader(c) ssr_args = None for row in reader: if row['id'] == str(node_id): ssr_args = row['args'] os.system(f"{self.ssr_command} {ssr_args}") def ls(self): with open(self.cache_path) as c: reader = csv.DictReader(c) for row in reader: s = f"{row['id']}:{row['info']} " sys.stdout.write(s) cli = N3ROCLI() ls = l = conn = cli.conn c = cli.conn sync = cli.sync s = cli.sync