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===The Paranoid's Bible===
Non-Profit and Free for Redistribution.
Written on June 04th | 2014
Published on October 22nd | 2015
Runner Edition Written on April 11th | 2017
Runner Edition Published on April 30th | 2017
For entertainment and research purposes only
The Paranoid's Bible and its writers hold no responsibility for the acts of others.
The Paranoids Bible is for research and entertainment purposes only.
**Reminder**: Links have been forced to HTTPS. If a link doesnt work, try removing the S in HTTPS.
Please visit our blog for more guides and information:
The Paranoids Bible project is a series of guides meant to help the average internet user learn the rudimentary knowledge needed to prevent dox attempts and lessen their digital footprint through the use of information security (INFOSEC). Through this and other guides, the average user should be able to have not only a safer and more secure internet experience but also a more private one.
This guide and many others by the PB team have been partially written by several individuals whove done this not for personal gain but just to share the knowledge. So, please, pass on the knowledge youve gained from this guide. Splice it, edit it, consume or repurpose it.
Itll always be free, like any information should be.
===All About Doxing===
Doxing, a term that comes from document tracing, is believed to have had a past in web 1.0 among the early internet users. The act in itself is the action of finding information on a target from an initial set of data, like a username or an e-mail address. This information can be found through the use of something as simple as a search engine or as time consuming as reading up on the targets accounts across the internet. While there exists several services besides search engines to find this information, the most tried and true method is simply using the targets own actions against them to discover their dox.
It isnt all about search engines and researching a targets digital footprint, some individuals can and will try their hand at social engineering. The act of social engineering is accomplished through the claim of being someone they're not or through asking questions in order to gain access to more information on the target. While a gray area of being online and offline, its best to note that doxing isnt only done online but also offline (E.G: posting fliers to name & shame) and that there exists numerous ways to obtain the information needed.
The act of doxing, though, is a neutral act that is free of political and moral responsibilities. Anyone can find another persons dox and use it for whatever means they wish to use it for, like blackmailing, shaming or simply browbeating someone over different beliefs and opinions. Its used by many groups and individuals that range in religious and political beliefs; ergo the person committing the act is the one that places any meaning onto it.
The truth is that no one is un-dox-able. Its speculated this is the end result of mob justice and social justice on the internet; however doxing is just something that won't go away. Just like its rise to infamy in the early 2000s, it'll always have its ups and downs. We just have to learn to co-exist with it and guard ourselves against any attempts.
**Remember**: Anyone can become a target and victim of doxing.
===Why You Should Fear Doxing===
Many would have you believe that doxing isnt something to worry about and that its just harmless pranks done by adolescents on the internet… these people are wrong and sorely out of touch with the current climate online. Many of these people simply believe that not posting their name or address online means theyre safe, however they fail to realize that the interconnectivity of web 2.0 and the incoming internet of things have caused many open wounds in everyones privacy that bleed an unhealthy amount of information.
The average user is taught that the internet just works, sort of like magic, which severely stunts their understanding of the greater image. The internet is built upon decrepit code thats held together with a programmers equivalent of gum and duct tape. Because of this, and quicky-fixes, its no wonder database leaks are becoming almost a norm for internet users; however those arent the biggest threat. Things like tracking cookies, Facebook spying (on logged in and non-logged in users alike), and things like digital witch hunts are putting innocent people in the line of a cyber firing squad whose main goal is to not only publicly humiliate and shame them but also take their means of living away from, causing complete isolation or ostracization for them and their loved ones.
Innocent people are attacked all the time online for things like being the victim of Cat-fishing. In some ways, its like doxing and identity theft. You use someone else's information and identity to masquerade as that individual. You then, as this individual, take part in what many refer to as a "romance scam". This can be to try and stalk someone, milk them of their money, or to gain trust to commit a more atrocious act, thus leaving the victims to attack each other while the perpetrator takes their leave.
Cat-fishing, although like doxing, isn't actually doxing or the biggest possible threat. Doxing to many is just pizza boxing and flooding a mailbox with literal junk. There are also prank calls, theft of mail and many other acts that can, to some degree, become worse. The issue isnt that some use doxing as a means to gather information for identity theft. It isn't just ruining your credit or stealing your money, either. There are some individuals out there who'll use doxing as a form of abuse, isolating someone who is emotional to take advantage of them or enable them, which can lead to even greater forms of abuse.
It isn't the stalking or physical abuse you should worry about, but the mental and emotional abuse. The stress alone can damage less-than-mature victims and cause a greater sense of isolation that can disrupt relationships. It isn't just pranks and unwanted food anymore; it's now a form of vigilante justice or revenge. It'll be done by those who see themselves as fighting for a cause. They'll ruin the livelihood of many due to any perceived wrong and theyll continue their antics until the person theyre targeting is destroyed.
===Why You Should Care About Privacy===
Information is the new form of currency that transcends borders and time. Its used by both the governments and corporations of the world. Due to this simple fact its not only a valuable resource but also an important one when you consider the worth of personal data. You as an individual arent worth much, however your personal data is, like what sites you frequent, which adverts youve clicked on or which articles youve read—your information is worth more than you. Even when dead, your information is valuable and can be sold, traded and collected like a baseball card. Many will remain apathetic about this fact, yet the truth is while you dont have to worry when youre dead… youre alive now and should take precautions.
Corporations and government agencies are putting your information into lists and dossiers. These lists and dossiers rest in the dark corners of some data center in Utah that is constantly crawling through the web for new data. Soon itll be near impossible for anyone to remove their information from online simply due to the insatiable thirst that the governments and corporations of the world have for data.
Everything is being saved or is being scraped. Apps, websites and programs are doing this, quite legally, thanks to the fact that no-one bothers to read the TOS or understands the purposely confusing language that they use when trying to say theyve a right to your words and ideas.
We shouldnt worry about the government at least, right?
Well the government's known for ruining things you love; you should know this by now. You should be wary not of the government as a being but as an entity composed of individuals:
• An individual can track an ex-lover
• A group of individuals can target another group based upon their political beliefs
• A group can view your pornographic viewing habits and use it against you
The US government is but one of the major concerns for a person that's privacy minded. They not only spy on everyone, but they receive help from many corporations. These corporations make money off you and your information. They will buy, sell and trade with both the government and other corporations.
Sites like Been Verified, Smart Zip and Intelius will gather and place your data on not only their sites but sell it to others. Even search engines like Google or Bing have your personal information. These sites can have anything from your name to your address or even pictures of your house and vehicles.
It may seem like fear mongering and a lot of fuss about nothing, but your information is used for anything and everything. Anyone can find it now and no-one can be too prepared when it comes to their privacy and personal safety.
===Compartmentalization and You===
When it concerns information security, compartmentalization is the act of limiting access to information through a need-to-know basis to persons or groups who need it in order to perform specific tasks. The concept originates from the military when handling "classified information" and intelligence applications. The basis is that if fewer people know the details, the less likely a mission or task will be jeopardized and be risked. This helps limit the chance that data could be compromised or fall into the hands of enemies.
This also explains the varying levels of clearance within organizations, like "TOP SECRET" or the highly restricted "TOP SECRET ULTRA".
Like a well-oiled military machine, one must treat their online life like a separate entity that's in no way, shape or form related to their offline life. This is to prevent cross contamination of accounts and information. One such example of compartmentalization in cyber security, for the average internet user, is never using the same username or e-mail address for an account.
Another example would be purchasing a subscription to a good, secure VPN to prevent your own IP and ISP from being detected.
One other example is the use of add-ons to sanitize your referral links and randomizing your browser's user agent.
In the end, the best practice is to treat each and every account as a separate entity isolated from your other accounts. A new e-mail address, username, persona and style of typing will be needed for each and every account you create to prevent possible cross contamination.
Please remember these simple steps when creating your accounts:
• A different username
• A different e-mail address
• A different password
• Always ensure you never use real world information
• Always ensure your avatar and/or signature is of an image you've used nowhere else
• Where you can, use a P.O. Box
• Where you can, use a pre-paid card instead of your credit or debit
• Where you can, use a burner phone (pre-paid cell) instead of your landline or cell number
• Use a word processor to double check your written content before posting
• Try to limit the use of words you most commonly use
• Try to limit what information you provide in your account's profile
• Try to limit your overall account count to 10 or less
• Never link accounts to each other
• Never publicly post e-mail addresses or passwords
• Never share or link your chat, instant messenger or social media accounts to people you don't trust
• Never use your real name, nor should you ever post your real world information
===An Introduction to your Digital Footprint===
Transparency for the sake of online socialization and interaction is a threat. This trend won't die anytime soon, mind you. There are many reasons for this, such as the alarming growth of social networks and the demands for online passports or services like Klout. It's obvious that the need for privacy is in increasing demand, but the biggest setback for privacy is you.
All those accounts you made in your early internet years? They have most likely left a nice trail that many can follow and use to learn about you and your posting habits.
You see, its true; everything on the internet lasts.
Unlike now, we werent taught to be as privacy-minded. Governments and corporations are fighting to wave privacy off as a paranoid's fantasy, and many privacy groups exist and claim to fight for your rights against the invasion of privacy. But how many actually do help? Many are in bed with corporations and/or the government. Many just demand donations because of a believed slight. Others... others just steal content from each other.
The Paranoid's Bible?
We just want to spread and share knowledge (and that you shouldnt pay for sub-par info) whereas others push the meme that just deleting an account will wipe all traces of it. Its wrong to believe that deleting account actually deletes anything. By law, most sites and services have to keep everything on their servers for a few months to a year or more. So, in a sense, you can never delete an account, hence us telling you that you need to think carefully before creating an account.
We believe your various accounts should be like any good camp fire: Well planned.
You need to not only think it out but also plan it out and have an emergency plan in case it spreads too far, too fast. Plus it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan to extinguish it in case you no longer have control over it.
Your online profiles and accounts shouldnt just rot. They need to be removed and all traces proving its existence also doused out. Like any good woodsman or woman will tell you: A single campfire can destroy a forest.
This is why you must always plan your accounts and profiles out. Like a campfire left alone in a forest, a single account or profile can destroy an entire life. Any one account and/or profile can devastate an entire persons public image. Yes, in theory, everything will remain cached, copied or saved on some server till the end of days however there are some options still left for you to explore.
You have an online footprint and anyone can find it, theres nothing else to say other than that there are services for doing background checks on everyone and everything for any reason(s). You have a digital trail dedicated to all your old fanfics, photos or images and online debates… anyone who has enough patience can find out who you are online and where you are offline.
There are steps that you can take to prevent your online footprint from growing. But nothing short of doxing yourself ([1] self doxing) and learning just how much of your information is online can help.
One issue is how you interact with others online.
Another issue is how much information you post on the internet.
All we can do is give you some simple suggestions before providing you the tools needed to self-dox.
Once done, save this information somewhere on your computer or a USB where other's won't find it. Hold onto this until you've read the rest of this guide as this information will help you delete and opt-out of as much as possible.
• Self doxing isnt the act of doxing oneself and posting dox for all to see, its the opposite. Its the act of using the tools, tactics and knowledge often used in doxing to “meta-dox” oneself. This act's done in private, not in the public's eye. You're to find and delete any traces or information that's found through the self-dox. This is to prevent possible doxing in the future. (E.G: Opting out and having your information deleted from Spokeo, or deleting an old account youve associated with your real name).
**Remember**: Before deleting any information, read this guide fully. Youll need to do so to understand what youre about to partake in and work on.
===Finding your Digital Footprint: A Dossier===
The reason to why were opting to use a dossier is because itll allow you to sort the information that you find on yourself. It's an easy-to-use format, too. This serves as your go-to document, which we recommend that you save in a .txt.
We know many will not believe this to be useful as many will say you can't stop the government or corporations from spying on you; however corporations and government aren't out to ruin your life or financial security. The people you have to worry about getting a hold of this information are civilians. They'll contact employers, family and friends all under the guise of social justice or correcting perceived wrongs. Anyone with the right combination of information can guess passwords and security questions, thus accessing your accounts and e-mail addresses to further ruining you and what youve built for yourself.
The below contains some simplified descriptions of why each piece of information is useful.
Name: Even if common, a persons name (first and/or last) can help verify information.
Age: Can confirm certain information.
Birth date: Used to verify age and name, plus other information.
Location: A general location, like a city or state, can help locate an address.
Phone number: Verify name and location.
Home address: The home address can usually turn up images and misc information through Google and realtor sites.
Possible relations: Relatives, significant others and friends.
Usernames: Using the same username over and over again can create a trail.
E-mail addresses: The e-mail address can lead to many things, like accounts or possible data-dumps.
Accounts: Links to accounts found on various websites can be used to keep a list of where youve been.
Websites: Most likely has information you dont realize, like your sites whois.
Misc information: Miscellaneous pieces of information that may seem crucial or of interest.
Possible accounts: Similar username or other items that seems to be possibly related.
Images: Can verify accounts; find Exif data…ETC.
Make two dossiers.
One with the information you know and recall, then a second one with the information that you've found online through the use of this guide. Remember to keep these two separate once done as you dont want to contaminate the information that you remember with the information that youve found.
Compare them only after you've read this guide fully.
===Finding your Digital Footprint: Resources===
Its important to keep track of the information found through the use of the provided dossier. We suggest that you also keep track of how each piece of information was found, as well as what led you to that discovery. This way youll be able to provide us with more insight and knowledge on how to prevent information from leaking besides helping us figure out how to remove it.
Remember, though, it isnt who you are but who you used to be and what youve once said. This is what most people look for when they wish to dox someone. It's the key to ruining someones image or brand, no matter how liked they are online. Knowing what someone said or did in the past will help ruin their present self and devalue their credibility.
Now, before you start, put yourself into the shoes of a stranger and think back to previous scenarios or cases where youve heard of doxing. The reason we ask this is simple: To see just how varied doxing can be and just how unethical it can get at times.
Think of it like this: Imagine someone youve argued with and them being so thoroughly upset theyre now wishing nothing short of a pox upon your genitals or the death of your dog. This person has decided to track down every piece of information possible on you that exists online.
This hatred is what usually drives people onward toward their goal of doxing. They need to find information on someone and put them in their place or its because they believe its their moral obligation to track down those who wander away from the status quo or go against the will of a group.
Once you get into this frame of mind, dont think of the information you know, but search for what you don't. Search for items posted in the present and past. You must find this information and use it. Add it to your dossier. You'll get a glimpse of what others see when they comb through your blog and internet past.
Now, to make this simpler for you, we're going to end this part with a links and miscellaneous resources.
Social Networks:
Phone numbers:
* Skype
Add-ons (for Firefox):
* Exif viewer
* (Can be used to make your own caches of pages)
You may have come across similar links from such sites as or maybe from an image board with an /i/nvasion or /i/nsurgency board. You could've even seen it on some blogger's how-to, but these links...? They're actually well known and have been the staple of a lot of lists and guides on how track a person or persons down.
These links will help you find your own information and thus help you dox yourself.
**Please remember**: This is but a sampling, if you wish to see a larger chunk of the iceberg that invades our privacy then look at the supplementary guides.
Please hold off on the opt-outs until youve read this whole guide. Weve organized the opt-outs to help you speed along with the removal of your information and ask you to wait as we also have various tips and tricks to ensure you do it right.
Finding your Digital Footprint: Tactics
When one looks for information online, there isnt just one single way to go about it as its a mess of tactics, resources and searching until ones fingers are raw from typing. Because of this, weve created a series of simple tactics for you to track down your information online. We also wish to show you how to counteract these tactics due to how commonly used they are by those searching for information on a target.
Applies to Tumblr only
* About Me Leads to About You:
Simple and fast, always the first thing you should do when going over a bloggers profile--Look at the about me or description and see what information is there.
• Name?
• Age?
• Nicknames?
• Previous usernames?
• Links?
• List of tags or posts?
Whatever there is, it leads to valuable information that can pad out the dossier.
**Counteract**: Never use your real name online, nicknames, or anything of value. This should apply to any and all accounts you own.
* Counter Crawling:
Use a publicly displayed counter or your own to track someones IP and browser print down.
**To do this**: Check for a Statcounter or tracker made public, or use your own and bait the target. Now look at what information is displayed and/or look for /blog/username links. Use these to find meta-data like:
• Blogs
• IP address
• General location (ISP or hosts location)
• Referral information
**Counteract**: Many add-ons help prevent this, like Umatrix or Ublock Origin. You should always use one or more of these add-ons and also look into ensuring that if you host a site that youve sanitized your Whois.
* Tumblr Cataloging:
This is quite simple in all actuality as it only requires time, patience and lots of reading.
To start out, one goes to the target blog, then you comb through the /archive/ link or by finding the last page of a blog. In theory you need to find the oldest (the first) post made on the blog and from there, working your way up to most current, you go from page-to-page. You skim posts for key pieces of information that can be used to find information elsewhere or used in a search engine.
Things you'll look for:
• Exif data from images
• Linked image albums
• Alternate blog or account links
• E-mail addresses
• Wish lists
• Personal rants
• Family or pet names
• Real life locations or school names
The older the blog, the more likely there are pieces of information that can be used to find their accounts elsewhere online.
**Counteract**: Dont be ignorant or rash, think before you post and watch what you post. Ensure you dont leak real world information. Remember: Save images as PNG and always scrub the Exif data.
Be careful and post smart.
* Tag Hunt:
The trend of having to tag every post caused people to be obsessive with certain tags, and to profit from this, one has to check for a tag list or commonly used tags like my face or me. Depending on whether Tumblr pulled an Imgur and removes exif data, images can lead to real world information.
**Counteract**: Post smart, save images as PNG and always scrub Exif data. Be general and misleading about things in reality (when discussed online). Swap real names for generic names or handles—High school is now your high school, not Mt. Rush High.
* Tag Search:
Search the blogs username and/or title on Tumblr search and Tumblrs tag search and you can also search previous or past usernames/titles. You can find a lot out on a blogger and who they hang out with by searching them on Tumblr. If they have a previous blog name/title, it can be found by using the “Tumblr cataloging” tactic.
1. Party H re-blogged and responded to Party B.
2. The post Party B re-blogged was from Party A. The post from Party A is on Party Hs blog.
3. Party H is the source but older posts (re-blogged by others) show it re-blogged from Party A.
4. This means Party H and Party A are one in the same and that Party H changed the name/title.
Searching their previous names/titles on Tumblr can and will usually lead to excellent information. Remember though, youll need patience and to take some time going through these tags.
**Counteract**: Dont change your title/name or do so often enough to limit each changes exposure.
Youve done all that youve could on Tumblr; youve gotten some information… now what?
Well, its time to breakout Google or some other search engine and start using various combinations of the information that youve found to see what trails that you can uncover.
General information and searching
* Account Hopping:
The older an account, the more likely it will link to another account somewhere else. Similar to a few of the Tumblr tactics, one just has to search tags, keywords, and comb through the accounts. Usually its a comment or even a keyword itself. This has better success on Wordpress or Blogger accounts, also in descriptions on profiles.
**Counteract**: Always wait a month before deleting an account. Remove any and all posts, texts, and information. Before deleting the text or posts, first fill them with random characters/text. This is to force a new cache from various search engine and services. This should render previous ones inaccessible and only leave traces of nothing.
**Example**: Instead of a lengthy diatribe against your old significant other, its sldknlskndlfkndlkslfksldkfndslksdnflksklnfdslkfsdnklds. Also, for images or videos, upload blank images and static filled videos.
* CTRL + U sourcing it:
Check custom layouts on various blogging platforms for websites and links.
Various sites allow individuals to add their own custom flair to things, for example a layout and separate page designs. You can find links to storage accounts or image upload services by checking the source. This usually leads to photobucket accounts, imageshack accounts or personal servers. It could also expose a cloud storage account that can be searched or forced into exposing more information.
**Counteract**: Use the month rule and the random text/character trick before deletion. You should also name all images randomly instead of using actual words. Dont put anything in obvious order and always ensure your password is strong to prevent brute forcing or guessing.
**Note on passwords**: 8 to 12 characters long with random letters, numbers and characters.
* E-mail address surfing:
Using any number of websites or search engines, one can enter an email address to lookup. Using its variations (@gmail, hotmail, yahoo…ETC) you can find miscellaneous accounts. This can also lead to information and possible dead-accounts or addresses. You could use a dead address and resurrect it anew to claim accounts and to learn information like passwords and IPs or offline information.
**Counteract**: Use a different e-mail address for each account and ensure to have a separate secondary account for it. Dont display your E-mail address and never give it out, or at least use a secondary-secondary as a fake for public display.
* Face snipping:
Find a picture of someone online. Crop out everything but their face. Using the (cropped) image of just their face and/or head, go to Tineye and see if you can find results. Usually youll be able to find accounts. Using this, you can find abandoned social media pages that contain information about relatives, schools and businesses.
**Counteract**: Never post your image online, ever. Also scrub exif data.
* Forum scouting:
Find an account on a forum; search the forum for more information.
Most forums have a search function that allows you to search a username plus keywords, its simple and quick.
Search specific things like:
• Social network names
• Usernames
• E-mails
• General keywords (example: email, account, art, location, school)
Double check posts for signatures or avatars that can be traced back to other accounts. If that isnt possible, then check the users profile for a post counter that may or may not be clickable. This will usually lead to all their posts.
**Counteract**: One month wait before deletion, plus random characters in the posts. Also request the owner/mods/staff to delete account and all posts.
* Gaia sleuthing:
Go to their forums and search them, or profiles for similar usernames and information. Check against a search engine with things like “Username,” “Gaia,” “E-mail” and whatever else. This usually leads to various forums and other accounts. This tactic can also be applied to Neopets, among other sites.
**Counteract**: Follow the deletion trick of random characters…Etc. Dont giveaway your items. Dont donate your gold or cash. Just delete everything within the month rule.
* Photobucket jumping:
Just searching usernames against account links like or to find an account. Once an account is discovered, people can search parts or the whole URL of any direct image link. This allows people to find where youve posted your images and thus your accounts.
**Counteract**: Delete your images and photobucket account. Dont put a password on it and dont let it idle…itll lasts forever. Remember to use the one month rule and blank image trick.
* Username searching:
Search the username using a search engine or one of several username check websites. Just find any and all accounts with a similar username and then check its information against that in the dossier.
**Counteract**: Never use the same username twice. Always change it, no matter what. Never share your accounts with anyone or announce your accounts elsewhere and never inter-link accounts.
Vanity Searching (Ego hunting/surfing | Kibozing)
In simplicity, vanity searching is the act of searching ones own name or pseudonym on a popular search engine or the internet at large to find results on ones self. Most individuals usually do this as a meta-checkmark on what information of theirs or concerning them appears on the popular search engines or websites accessible to the public.
Now vanity searching is a great tool to find those golden little nuggets of information that you didnt know existed online. While many just stick to variations of their name, wed like to suggest the below list of searches you can make plus some combinations to help you on your way to digital freedom.
Common Vanity Search Queries:
1. Full name (First, Middle, Last and/or marks JR/SR/2nd/ 3rd…etc)
2. First + last name
3. First name
4. Last name/home address
5. Name combinations + birth-date
6. Name combinations + home/street address
7. Name combinations + school
8. Name combinations + work
9. Name combinations + vote, voted or voting
10. Street address
11. Relatives names + name combinations
12. Usernames + name combinations
13. Usernames
14. E-mail addresses
15. E-mail addresses + usernames
16. Websites or accounts + usernames
17. Websites or accounts + e-mail addresses
18. Usernames + city or state
19. Name combinations + city or state
20. The above + IP addresses or ISP
21. The above + known leak or dump searches (E.G: Have I Been PWNED)
These tactics are but a sampling of what many people do on a daily basis to find the information of others. We just list the most common and easiest to do for you to help you find your online footprint but you shouldnt believe that this is it, really look into variations and be creative when trying to find your own information… youll be surprised by just how much of it exists online.
===Finding your Digital Footprint: Things to know and do===
This chapter is dedicated to providing you with various steps that you can take to prevent cross-referencing through multiple accounts. A single piece of information posted in one location can be used against you and lead to another account. If not taken into careful consideration, something as simple as your first name could lead to your inevitable doxing.
Imagine if you will that you have an account on a site about model trains. You signed up with your first name and used your old AOL e-mail address. Someone looking for you discovers you like trains; however all they have on you is an old username. They search this username, which is used in your old AOL e-mail address. They discover your model train account and first name. Search with various variations of your e-mail address and name, thus discover a newsletter of your towns local hobby shop and model train group.
They now know your full name, your hobby group, your old e-mail address and several other pieces of information that, when combined, lead to your home address.
Congratulations, you have been doxed.
The below information serves more as a guideline than actual rules, which should be followed but can be modified or ignored based upon the individual and their privacy needs. These are just some ways to deter information from getting away from you and being used by others to discover your information. So, please, do see the below as some daunting task but a series of suggestions.
When leaving an account:
o When leaving, dont announce it.
o Tell no one that youre deleting your account.
o Delete your account only after a month of inactivity and delete it only after switching it to a *Dead E-mail address.
• Note: An e-mail address used to take ownership of an account that youre deleting/deactivating.
Steps to take before deleting an account:
o Before deleting anything, wait a month.
o Anything you can edit, do so with random characters and text.
o Images should be replaced with a blank temp image (pure color image).
o Videos should be replaced with either a solid color or static.
o Once a month is over, you can delete that account.
o But before doing so, delete the accounts items one by one.
o If you cant delete something, ask the staff/owner/webmaster/mods to delete it for you.
o Stating that someone is stalking you is usually enough to remove the information.
o If they wont remove, try to edit it once again with random text.
o If you cant edit it, ignore it.
o If its a blog, change titles and/or usernames.
o Preserve the original URL or username on a blank blog or account.
o Never leave your old username or URL up for grabs.
On removing an old E-mail address:
o Never delete an e-mail address, simply switch accounts and other items accordingly.
o Mark everything else in it as spam, but only if you cant unsubscribe.
o Log into it at least once a month to prevent deletion.
o You can most likely delete it after not using it around a year or two later.
o Always make sure the e-mail is no longer tied to any accounts or personal information.
o Always wipe it out like any other account by changing as much as possible to randomized text.
On account maintenance:
o Never use your real name.
o Never upload an image of yourself.
o Never use your real location.
o Never discuss your time zone.
o Never discuss your current time.
o Always use English, at all times.
o Never discuss events happening in your area.
o Never mention race or skin color.
o Never mention religion.
o Never mention sexuality.
o Never discuss your hobbies in great detail.
o Dont talk about your fetishes or kinks.
o Accounts shouldnt be cross-linked to other accounts/sites.
o If you do, make sure no username is the same.
o And make sure no e-mail address displayed is the same.
o Use a different e-mail address for each account.
o Keep accounts separate if not needed to be linked.
o Never link RP accounts to other accounts and social networking profiles
o Dont mention how many pets you have or their names.
o The same applies to family members, neighbors, friends and significant others.
o Scrape as much information off of something as possible.
o Boil it all down to the core basics.
o Never keep an account longer than a year (some exceptions apply).
On talking to strangers:
o Never display your messenger, Skype or chat names anywhere online.
o Give it to others only if they ask you (and you trust them).
o Keep all forms of instant messaging and chat private.
o Dont save logs.
o Only give out to trusted individuals.
o This applies to IRC channels and chat setups.
o Lock down as much as possible.
o Never use real names or information, ever.
o Dont tell other people who you talk to online.
o Never place your full name on Skype (or any service).
o Limit the profile you have on Skype (and any other service).
o Make sure all options are set to private.
o If it cant be set to private, then set to contacts.
o Like Skype, any chat client or instant messenger should be locked down.
On behavior:
o Youll most likely have to change the way you behave online.
o Sharing interests is fine, but getting too obsessed is bad.
o Never admit to liking any specific thing.
o This can help people tie other accounts to you.
o Admitting to things like your favorite food can be used to trace too.
o In general, you need to keep yourself and your information limited when on the internet.
o Instead of admitting to liking a song, just say you like the band.
o This applies to specific bands in smaller genres, too.
o Or any form of entertainment that you specifically like.
o Instead of specific parts you like in a game, you just like the game.
o Remember: dont talk about your location.
o Dont talk about your general location in detail.
o Dont mention what its known for (produce, exports, colleges, universities…etc).
o Dont make mention of recent weather, as that can be used in junction with other information
o Dont say the exact time.
o Be wary of saying exactly what the temperature is.
o If the person youre talking to uses Celsius, then tell the temp in Celsius.
o If the person youre talking to uses Fahrenheit, then tell the temp in Fahrenheit.
o Dont make mention of general information like school names or street names.
o Don't make mention eateries/restaurants as they can be unique to your location.
o Always refer to your city/town as a college town.
o Never post selfies.
o Never post nudes.
o Never post porn.
o Never post erotica.
When getting personal:
o Dont discuss siblings or family members to great extent.
o Dont drop pet names.
o Dont drop the name of anyone related to you.
o Dont drop the name of friends.
o Dont drop the name of politicians.
o Dont drop the names of people youve had relationships with.
o Keep age to a general rounded number, like, the 20s…etc
o Keep personal descriptions down.
o Keep weight to a more general descriptor (overweight, obese…etc).
On talking about life experiences:
o Never do so in the first place.
o If you do, dont let incriminating evidence be traced back to you.
o Or at least make sure you can discuss such things in a secure environment.
o Also dont attach anything about you to your online personas and/or accounts.
On using custom domains:
o Ask your host about Whois masking.
o If they dont offer it, check into other services.
On online relationships:
o Dont do online dating.
o Dont sext.
o Dont cyber.
o Dont do erotic roleplay.
o Dont go to online dating websites.
o Dont take part in relationship, dating, sex…etc help sites/forums/chats.
Just use common sense.
===Deleting Your Information===
Using what you now know from the above chapters, its time to work on deleting your information, old account and general internet presence. While it may seem hard to do and quite the task to take up, understand its for the greater good. By doing this now, youll have less to worry about in the future and wont have to worry about things coming back to haunt you. No more embarrassing teenage antics or silly digital slap fights, only a clean and fresh digital presence that the civilian population and potential employers can critique or use against you.
This chapter will be quite short as all the information above should not only be beneficial but enough to get you going, however there are still a few things to point out just so youre prepared to dive in and work yourself ragged to cover up the fact that you used to like a certain animated series.
First off, before we begin ensure youve read the above fully and understand whats been written, from there compare the dossiers and see what information you know VS the information you found. Now ignore any people search engines and focus only upon accounts. Pick an account and work on that one only, as thats going to be the only account that youll be working on until youve finished sanitizing it.
To recap, remember the One Month Rule:
1. Wait a month before deleting an account.
2. Within that month, hide and/or delete all comments that you can that arent yours.
3. Modify and change everything that you can.
4. Any editable text should be randomized (E.G: wodegnoi2n402)
5. Images should be changed to a blank or solid color image.
6. Videos should be changed to a solid color or static video.
7. All CSS and HTML, thats editable, should be wiped out.
8. Change the e-mail address used to register the account with something else.
9. Check your e-mail addresses against HIBP to ensure nothing has been compromised.
10. Repeat the above steps for each account and e-mail address.
Once done, before deleting the account, head over to the Internet Time Machine and contact them at this e-mail address: Request their archives of your account to be removed, simply state its for privacy concerns (or if youre being stalked or doxed, state safety) and provide them a screen-cap of you being logged into the account. If the account is attached to any groups or similar items, and youve made or own them, please also request the removal of those archives too.
Now, while youre waiting for the month to finish up, move onto your next account and repeat the above steps and recommended procedures. Keep this up until all of your accounts have been modified, sanitized and deleted (once the full month is up). If your Social security number, a credit card or debit card number or any other private information is attached to it (or if you own some digital content exclusive to that account) dont delete it, yet, just follow the above and let it rot (sit and not touched) in case you need to access that account again.
With accounts like Discord, Skype and Tox (among similar items) can be removed following the above yet with minor modifications. You dont want to delete these accounts, just nullify them and cut all contact with anyone attached to them. You have to remove all custom labels/nicks/nicknames for your contacts, block each one and delete them from your contact/friends list. Then, fill it out all profile entries with underscores ( __ ) if you can blank them out or delete items youve entered previously. Ensure everything has been changed to private or contact, too.
You should be able to use the above plus the previous chapters in order to remove and sanitize any of your information that exists on the internet. Slight modifications may be needed, however this should be enough for you to cover your tracks and prevent any potential dox or attacks. Accounts like Steam and Origin shouldnt be removed or deleted (even if you could) as these are either tied to private information or purchases. Just blank out as much as possible and adjust profile settings to whatever max privacy is considered. You shouldnt have these accounts mad public in the first place; always ensure theyre set to invisible and restricted access or no access.
Now, everything should hopefully have been removed and youve been able to do everything in your power to lessen your digital footprint. Move onto the below chapter, but remember this: Keep a list of all your usernames that youve used, these can be applied to another tactic in later guides.
===Opt-out Master-list===
The purpose of this chapter is to provide you with an up-to-date listing of any and all opt-outs for people databases or search engines. This means youll be able to opt-out of not only known data brokers but several unknown brokers. You'll even cut down on physical mail and e-mail. Many feel this isnt needed as you have to provide information to remove information, but this is whats needed. Not just by the law but also for business records. Opt-outs are just you acknowledging a contract made without your knowledge.
Instead of ignoring them, youre stating you dont want them using or selling your information. It not only helps reduce your online footprint but also helps you cut back on carbon emissions and overall exposure across the internet with things you didnt know exist (E.G: Opt of one site and others follow suite).
For now, we've only include the online opt-outs in this PDF. We suggest you finish those and those alone as most of them are interlinked to many of the phone and fax opt-outs. Once you finished those you should wait a month or two before doing other opt-outs. A lot of information will be expunged as you opted out of one or two other sites.
Online Opt-outs:
These are opt-outs that can be done online through forms or simple links without a pay wall.
• Requires photo ID upload + e-maill addess + page link.
• Make sure to search using all three methods.
• Repeat for each immediate family member in your residence.
• Find your info, copy the link.
• Go to the contact link and ask them to remove your info.
• Provide the link(s) in the message.
• Follow the instructions on the Phonedetective opt-out link.
• Repeat for each individual in household and any and all numbers you've owned or recall owning.
• Follow the instructions on the opt-out page, repeat for all individual in household.
(Cookie opt-out can be ignored if you install ad blocking and privacy based add-ons on your browser)
• For the actual opt-out, just follow the above link and follow the instructions, repeating it for each residence in your house.
• After each successful entry fill out, youll be taken to a new page with a capatcha and a field to confirm the e-mail address.
• Log into your e-mail account, find the confirmation e-mail, and follow the link provided.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow instructions on page, repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow instructions on page, repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow instructions on page, repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow instructions on page, repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow instructions on page, repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow instructions listed on their website.
• Very few cases, only for businesses and their executives.
• Wait until youve received your next ValPak packet\envelope.
• Go to the opt-out form\link above.
• Enter information as it is on the envelope.
• Youve opted out. (More info here)
• Find this sentence If you wish to opt out of all Datalogix-enabled advertising across channels including direct mail, online, mobile and analytic products, and click here.
• Follow directions, repeat for each resident of household.
• Enter zip code.
• Follow directions.
• If you cant opt-out, you can do so VIA the Yellow Pages opt-out.
• Follow directions in second link.
• Follow directions on website.
• Have to create an account for each member of household.
• Search yourself; address; phone number…etc
• Find info.
• Look for Is this you? Manage your listing!
• Follow instructions (Youll need a valid e-mail address + landline or cell).
• Repeat for all residents in house (One per 24 hours).
• Follow directions.
• Enter phone numbers, cell and/or landline, and an e-mail address.
• Same as DMA choice opt-out, but no accounts; youll have to do this with previous addresses too.
• Follow instructions on screen.
• Repeat for each resident in household.
• Go to third link and follow their process (only needs to be done once).
• Follow instructions on page, repeat for each individual in household.
• Go to third link and follow their process (only needs to be done once).
• Go to third link and follow their process (only need to be done once).
• Go to contact page @
• Provide listing links.
• Request removal.
• Repeat for all individuals in household.
• Online opt-out form, follow directions.
• Fill out with your information, repeat for each individual in your household. Make sure to check all boxes in the two opt-out links.
• Follow directions on second link.
• Enter up to three emails.
• Fill captcha.
• Clear cache and repeat as necessary.
• Look for: Opt Out PolicyUpon a visitors request, InfoUSA Inc.
• Read it carefully, scroll down and find the E-mail form.
• Fill it out, include your name, birth date, address and phone number. Request all information of yours to be removed, especially anything related to the info you just provided.
• Search for Choice/Opt-out.
• The link there is old, use this one:
• Select 'General inquiry'.
• Provide your name, birth date, address and phone number.
• Request all information of yours be removed, especially anything matching or related to information you just provided.
• Go to third link and follow their process (only needs to be done once).
• Follow on page instructions, repeat for each individual in household.
• Search for your name on the left side of the site.
• Youll find a page or pages containing Names, addresses and phone numbers.
• Find yours; take note of the number next to it.
• Go to the contact page.
• Scroll down for the opt-out\removal form.
• Follow the directions.
• Make sure to provide the information you want deleted in the Comments box.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Go to the opt-out link.
• Follow the directions.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Search for: How can you access or edit your information?
• Follow directions.
• Search for: How do I delete my entry?
• Follow directions.
• Businesses only.
• But, if you have your information up there, somehow.
• First find said info.
• Go to the contact page.
• Select, from the drop down, “Incorrect Business information”.
• Provide link, info, and ask for removal.
• Follow instructions on second link.
• Find listing.
• Click the suggestion link/light bulb icon.
• Request removal.
• Follow instructions on second link.
• Search for yourself.
• Locate your profile and right-click then select 'copy link'.
• Then open a new tab and go to their opt-out page and follow the instructions provided.
• Repeat with each individual in household.
• Enter full name + state.
• Look for city + state in results.
• Can confirm by partial phone number listed.
• Click your result.
• Scroll down.
• Click Remove This Listing.
• Follow directions.
• Takes 10 business days.
• One request + IP every 3 days.
• Repeat with each individual in household.
• Search for your people books results.
• Confirm its yours.
• Grab link.
• Go to the support link.
• Follow directions.
• Repeat for each individual in house.
• Go directly to the opt-out link.
• Fill in your information.
• Select from the drop down General privacy concerns.
• Enter the code word and click submit.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Search your first, middle and last name in search.
• State + city, too.
• Find your listing, click this is me.
• Skip the AD and\or sale section.
• Takes anywhere from an hour to a month.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Go directly to Opt-out.
• Enter your name + city and state.
• Find it, click it, and follow directions.
• You will have to make an account.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow the People Smart opt-out instruction.
• Youll be shown a page of results, locate yours.
• Click the This is me.
• Look at the Business listings, find anything of yours and click the “This is me” or skip the step if none exist.
• Uncheck all options, except the last two.
• Click Save Settings.
• Itll have you create an account, make sure to use a unique password only for this site and use nowhere else.
• Repeat for each individual in your household (sans the account).
• Repeat search, but this time with home address applied.
• Go straight to the opt-out link.
• Make sure JS and Cookies are enabled.
• Follow the steps; make sure to read the red text.
• When you find your list, click the Removal test under the blue button.
• When youre on your page, within the red text, is a blue link, click it.
• Enter your email address + security code.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Go to
• Create an account.
• Search for your information VIA address, name, phone number...etc
• Claim each and every piece of information that's confirmed as yours.
• Verify through e-mail and phone.
• Then go to your profile.
• Scroll down and request your information to be hidden\removed from the directory.
• Follow the on screen prompts.
• Logout, clean cache.
• Create an account for each individual in household, repeat until finished.
• Search your name + city and state.
• Find your listing in the results.
• Click on said listing.
• Locate Remove this person.
• Follow directions.
• Repeat for each and every individual in household.
• Go directly to opt-out page, follow directions.
• Repeat for each individual in house.
• Also repeat with each phone number you have or recall having.
• Create an account .
• Search for your information VIA address, name, phone number...etc
• Claim each and every piece of information that's confirmed as yours.
• Verify through e-mail and phone.
• Then go to your profile.
• Scroll down and request your information to be hidden/removed from the directory.
• Follow the on screen prompts.
• Logout, clean cache.
• Create an account for each individual in household, repeat until finished.
• Search for your page/information.
• Take link/URL.
• Copy it to the appropriate area listed in the second link.
• Submit.
• Find confirmation e-mail in inbox.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Go to the People Finders link.
• Enter your information.
• On the results page you can refine your searches with age + birth-date.
• Find your results and click This is me.
• Follow instructions.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Search for profile.
• Look for the claim profile option.
• If not present, try the claim profile link above.
• Follow instructions.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Search for your name.
• In results, look for the 'Information Removal' tab.
• Follow instructions provided.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Search for a name.
• On the search results page, select the name that is most appropriate.
• On the profile page, click the down-arrow to the right of the name and select Control Information.
• From the information control page, choose Remove information.
• Here you can choose to remove all information, or to delete specific records.
• Confirm your real name matches your account and profile name.
• Enter your cellular phone to receive a verification code.
• Once the code has been entered, the profile will be private.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Follow the instructions provided on the second link.
• Per known address.
• Go to second link.
• Follow instruction provided.
• Repeat for all known and owned phone numbers.
• Search for your name + city and state.
• If Free record is shown, you can click the garbage can\remove link to have it removed.
• Repeat for all individuals in house.
• Note: Premium records can't be removed through this process as they require manual removal and cost payment to do so.
• Go to Spokeo.
• Search your First, middle and last name.
• Find your profile/listing by go to the bottom of the page and select open advance filter.
• Fill out your information.
• Find your profile/listing, copy the link (note: Right click+ copy link to have a Clean link copied).
• Go to the Opt out link.
• Follow instructions to opt-out.
• Repeat for each individual in house.
• Hint: Youll need a different e-mail address after so many removals.
• Hint: You may have multiple profiles/links due to previous addresses.
• Hint: Make sure HTTPs is not at the start of the link, if it is just remove the 'S'.
• Follow the People Smart opt-out instruction.
• Youll be shown a page of results, locate yours.
• Click the This is me.
• Look at the “Business” listings, find anything of yours and click the “This is me” or skip the step if none exist.
• Uncheck all options, except the last two.
• Click Save Settings.
• Itll have you create an account, make sure to use a unique password only for this site and use nowhere else.
• Repeat for each individual in your household (sans the account).
• Repeat search, but this time with home address applied.
• Go to the Manage link.
• Enter your information.
• Find your listing.
• Enter Captcha and tick both boxes.
• Repeat for each individual in house.
• Find your listing with your information.
• Follow directions on the contact-us page.
• Repeat for all listings of yours you wish to remove.
• Go to, search for your info.
• Select link + note its order in the listing.
• Contact them at the 'Contact us' link.
• Request removal due to privacy concerns.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• Create an account.
• Search for your information VIA address, name, phone number...etc.
• Claim each and every piece of information that's confirmed as yours.
• Verify through e-mail and phone.
• Then go to your profile.
• Scroll down and request your information to be hidden\removed from the directory.
• Follow the on screen prompts.
• Logout, clean cache.
• Create an account for each individual in household, repeat until finished.
• Follow instructions on second link.
• Repeat for all known addresses.
• Wait till next envelope comes in the mail.
• Enter the info exactly as it is on the envelope.
• Repeat for all known addresses.
• Enter cell number (or phone number).
• Select 'Request'.
• Should be removed within 24hrs to a month.
• Repeat for all known numbers.
• (Canada opt-out).
• Follow directions on 'Yellowpagesoptout' link.
• Enter zip\area code.
• Create account.
• Select items to opt-out.
• Repeat for all known addresses.
• Fill out opt-out form.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• On the page with your information, look for Are you the business owner.
• Click it, select Delete\remove listing.
• Simply state your privacy concerns.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
• To update your listing, use the search box above to look for your business.
• When you locate your business, simply select the Update Business link and follow the instructions.
• You'll be asked to provide your e-mail address.
• They'll search your address against their database.
• You'll receive an e-mail concerning whether or not they've your e-mail address.
• If not, nothing to worry about, but if they do they provide a means to opt-out.
• Repeat for each individual in household.
Miscellaneous Opt-outs:
This list contains opt-outs that have no direct place but have proven useful. (review privacy policy for more info)
1. Another website that wants you to send an e-mail or send direct mail\snail mail opt-outs.
2. Also needs court order or proof of potential harm.
1. If you're allowed to modify your account or website's HTML, add this somewhere in between the <head> tags.
1. Disable personalized nonsense and ads.
Remove your property's street view on Bing Maps:
1. Go to:
2. Type home address.
3. Get to street view.
4. Center squarely on house.
5. Look for (?) question mark near bottom right. Be careful as it can be hidden sometimes.
6. Click it.
7. Select Report an image concern
8. You'll get a pop-up or new tab with a panoramic image.
9. Select your house, a little red square will appear then.
10. Voice your privacy concern, stating vandalism and potential break-ins by criminal elements who use online maps to scout\case potential targets.
11. Fill out the rest of the form + Capatcha, wait.
12. Save ticket (#) Number.
1. Join site with an e-mail and password used nowhere else.
2. Search for the catalogs youve received.
3. Follow instructions to opt-out.
4. This site just organizes websites; they arent associated with any of them.
1. Look for Opt Out Policy: Note that public records such as court records can be updated or corrected, but not removed unless expunged, sealed, court ordered or the like.
2. You'll need to have your records sealed first.
1. Search for Opt Out Policy.
2. Only under certain circumstances.
1. Edit button in your Ads settings page, selecting No one and saving your changes.
1. These links help make sure your Google data stays yours.
2. You can opt-out of having your likes and such shared.
3. Help limit ads and similar issues.
4. And even help prevent your history on your account from being given out.
Remove your property's street view on Google Maps:
1. Go to Google Maps and type in your address.
2. Bring up the street view of your property.
3. Look to the bottom right hand corner of the screen you should see an Icon Labeled report a problem.
4. Click on report a problem.
5. You will get a page labeled “report inappropriate street view.”
6. Look for the words “Privacy Concerns” and click on them.
7. If you want your house blurred, click on my house. Then choose the option I have a picture of my house and would like it blurred.
8. Adjust the image and show Google which part of the photo needs blurred.
9. Type the verification code at the bottom of the page into the box provided and click submit.
10. Check back in a few days to see if the image has been blurred.
1. requires you to have a court order or police report, but you can remove \some\ information through the Direct Marketing Opt-out, though.
1. Can Opt-out only by certain circumstances.
1. Follow instructions on page, only under certain circumstances.
1. An odd one, but has shown some use.
1. Search for Q: How can I remove my information from the Public Records Database?
2. Follow directions provided.
1. Through your profile, go to your security settings page and uncheck the box under the promoted content section.
1. Log into account.
2. Disable ads and personalized stuff.
1. Visit
2. Drag the gray icon that resembles a person (top-right) to your street (If it wont drag, then your street has not been photographed for Yahoo.).
3. Click on report image at the bottom-left of the screen, it will take you to a different website.
4. Click on request blurring, and follow the directions.
*Only under special circumstances*
1. Check your e-mail accounts against HIBP
2. Opt-out once you copy the information to a .txt
So ends the Paranoids Bible.
No matter what you do, as long as you read this and the other PDFs/guides in the Blue primer series you should be fine from citizens and most employers. You wont be able to outsmart the government and your more tech savvy corporations, just yet. This guide and the ones found in the blue primer are meant to help you prevent spying from the average internet user—to prevent dox, stalking and identify theft.
Well make more PDFs/guides thatll help you lessen even more of your data footprint and lower your chances of being spied on, however, for now… worry about the citizenry hunting you down like its the Salem Witch trials all over again.
We recommend you give the OPSEC guide a read and then checkout the Meta Data and You guide followed by Uncle Daddys Big Book of Deception guide. These three guides will further lessen your chances of being doxed and/or stalked besides providing a wealth of information on how to create some common canaries and red herrings.