About me / FAQ ============== (last updated 3-3-2019) // Who are you? You can call me Seliph, or Lucina, or Vane, or Solstice, or whatever other name best represents how you know me. I answer to all, although my reaction might be slightly different. Consider me the red-headed black sheep of the unixverse. Your quirky little brother who has no idea what he's doing, but tries his best all the same. I write books and complain about the modern internet. I'm nineteen years old. I'm nonbinary, if that kind of thing matters to you. Also, I really apologise if you don't like HTML. I find it works better in screenreaders- more varied voice inflection- and I don't know how long I'll be alive, let alone how long until my eyes give out. // What's a MayVaneDay? It's the name of my website, formerly just my blog, that I started mid-2015. It started off as a terrible WordPress roleplaying log, then slowly branched out into more and different things as my family ceased surveilling my internet usage. I converted it into a plaintext website early 2018, where it sat solely on Neocities for about seven months before a misunderstanding regarding a post I made about my poor experiences in the Tumblr fictionkin community got me harassed off the site. Now I have three HTTP mirrors and four Gopher mirrors of the site, so if one place goes sour, I can up and leave and resettle elsewhere without a replay of the devastation of October 2018. // Are you mentally okay? It's debatable. // How can I contact you? email: rennica@tutanota.com (checked once a week) xmpp: seliph@disroot.org (checked daily) fediverse: lucina@mastodon.sdf.org (checked rarely) My GPG public key is in the /mayvaneday folder. // Gopher mirrors tilde.team: gopher://tilde.team/1/%7esolstice circumlunar.space: gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/1/%7eseliph/ sdf.org: gopher://gopher.club/1/users/lucina/