<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>kapkuseno-diskuto - Archive - MayVaneDay Studios</title> </head> <body class="mayvaneday"> <p align=center> <b>MayVaneDay Studios (Gopher Edition)</b> </p> <p><b>kapkuseno-diskuto</b></p> <p>published: 10-2-2016</p> <p> </p> <p>I shouldn’t need permission to exist</p> <p>I almost drowned in a pool of glow sticks<br /> pain coming from both leg and heart<br /> but the heart wants what it wants, the radio screams<br /> I want something I can’t have</p> <p>there’s a nice dark corner here<br /> there are dark corners all over the place<br /> do you want to slip away?<br /> slip under the waves</p> <p>“I should’ve kissed you,” the radio plays<br /> but I don’t play like that<br /> wait until she’s ready<br /> because she’s worth it</p> <p>falling hard, falling fast<br /> my leg’s already scabbing up<br /> tumbling over a concrete ledge<br /> I was already wet</p> </body> </html>