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    <title>bosque - Archive - MayVaneDay Studios</title>
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<b>MayVaneDay Studios (Gopher Edition)</b>
  <p>published: 1-28-2017</p>
<p>tell me, forest girl<br />
how does it feel to have to leave your home?<br />
saying goodbye forever to the trees and flowers<br />
you swore you’d never leave again</p>

<p>the open rolling hills aren’t much of a consolation<br />
fields open wide with sky and foreign plants<br />
too much sky- do you feel like you’re going to collapse?<br />
hold my hand tightly, then</p>

<p>forest boy, you look so pale<br />
barely surviving a thunderstorm’s hail<br />
the tree cover is too much for me<br />
I think I’ll move to the city</p>

<p>and now I’m floating disconnected from time<br />
represented by a long string of arbitrary digits<br />
what is it that makes some values more valuable?<br />
the stars may never know</p>