<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>famoso - Archive - MayVaneDay Studios</title> </head> <body> <p align=center> <b>MayVaneDay Studios (Gopher Edition)</b> </p> <p> </p> <p><b>famoso</b></p> <p>published: 7-16-2016</p> <p> </p> <p>My many talents include<br /> Telling a girl that I miss her<br /> Or sending a cheesy pickup line<br /> And then running the other direction<br /> Waiting until morning to see the aftermath of what I’ve done</p> <p>Dropping microphones seems like such an unpleasant way<br /> Of accentuating a usually unpleasant argument<br /> Surely you could be more poetic, more fluent, more precise, more forceful with your words<br /> But instead you choose to unleash a whining sound over your audience<br /> Alienating the ones who you wish to educate (and sometimes indoctrinate)</p> <p>I never want to be famous<br /> Just well-respected for the good work I’ve done<br /> A golden throne in Hollywood just isn’t for me<br /> But instead give me a pleasant apartment in a quiet city</p> <p>Red carpets and flashing lights hurt my eyes<br /> And screeching fangirls begging for autographs wrecks my ears<br /> Blue ribbons made of silk are soft to my skin<br /> And make better decorations on my wall<br /> Than boxes from rehab and the hearing aid store</p> <p>And all for what? Notoriety in the latest tabloid<br /> Oh no, here goes Vane with a girl hanging off their shoulder<br /> What a pity it’s not the other 20% of their romantic longings<br /> Because then we could harass their biological children as well</p> </body> </html>