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<b>MayVaneDay Studios (Gopher Edition)</b>
  <p>published: 8-5-2016</p>
<p>waking up next to you in the morning<br />
dew on my lips and drops on my eyelashes<br />
bruises on my collarbone<br />
you’ve turned me into a sunset</p>

<p>there was a thunderstorm last night<br />
pounding down on the canvas of the tent<br />
nothing gets in, nothing gets out<br />
sealed shut like my lips</p>

<p>silly girls, silly boys<br />
when will we ever learn<br />
that the outdoors is not made for us<br />
but the other way around</p>

<p>so I’ll wait here on my folding chair<br />
waiting for you to return with firewood<br />
little sparks going up into the ebony sky<br />
burning up like my heart</p>