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    <title>desolation - Archive - MayVaneDay Studios</title>
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<b>MayVaneDay Studios (Gopher Edition)</b>
  <p>published: 7-31-2015</p>
<p>snow fall on a silent day<br />
covering the ground in a suburb<br />
and walking through the thin frost covering the dormant life below<br />
under a grey sky<br />
the same color as your heart in that moment</p>

<p>driving through the empty streets at midnight<br />
watching the sleeping world pass by you<br />
through your darkened window<br />
illuminated by stoplights as your father drives</p>

<p>taking your unknowingly last steps in the train yard by your house<br />
listening to the train horns in the distance<br />
and making empty statements about running away<br />
and your father says, “go ahead”<br />
but you don’t move<br />
because there’s no way that you can leave your whole life behind<br />
at a whim</p>