<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>otra vez - Archive - MayVaneDay Studios</title> </head> <body class="mayvaneday"> <p align=center> <b>MayVaneDay Studios (Gopher Edition)</b> </p> <p><b>otra vez</b></p> <p>published: 10-27-2016</p> <p> </p> <p>your voice plays over and over<br /> you’re everywhere, you’re lurking beside me<br /> my mouth can’t translate how my heart feels</p> <p>but now you’re coming down<br /> I’m not sure why I felt the way I did<br /> or why you did what you did<br /> maybe the police will interrogate you well<br /> in your pillowcase prison</p> <p>do you have any more snow<br /> the thoughts won’t let me breathe<br /> smothering my nose like the light of the early morning<br /> my thoughts are a melted puddle</p> <p>with arms open wide and hearts on my sleeve<br /> stitched up with silver severed string<br /> I step out onto the driveway<br /> I’ve got a long drive ahead of me</p> </body> </html>