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  1. Antisocial Media Manifesto
  2. Version 1
  3. 1. Large social media systems have too much power over what content we view and how we interact with others over the Internet.
  4. 2. They have this power because we users have freely given it to them in exchange for convenience.
  5. 3. By granting so much power to others, we risk losing our freedom of expression and freedom of choice.
  6. 4. We can reclaim our freedom by exercising it.
  7. 5. The process is never-ending. There is no permanent safe haven for us in this world.
  8. 2018/3/14 papa
  9. ***
  10. gopher://grex.org:70/0/~papa/pgphlog/2018/alm-Antisocial_Media_Manifesto